[US] Sparky's Intel Ambassador Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
It has def been a few weeks now I think it's almost a month either way I've amassed 256 hrs of playtime so far


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Foundation: "Sparky" Rainsford
CI: "Sparkie"

Civilian name:
"The Associate"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
I enjoy the department and seeing as it currently lacks many (active) ambassadors I wish to fill in that position and bring new leadership to the department. I also wish to be able to assist all other agents inside intel and guide them to RP properly. I also wish to use this to open some new RP opportunities for myself as an ambassador of the Department Of Intelligence.
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
I have amassed many hours on the Intel Agent/Operative job(s) and I am completely familiar with all rules regarding operations. I have a complete understanding of the department and it's regulations and I feel that I am fit to guide newer agents to preform their duties with dignity and respect. I also read into SCP lore and the GOIs in spare time so I am able to RP as someone who has a vast set of knowledge on these GOIs properly. I have read the CoE and CoC and I am aware of them entirely and I make decisions based off them on a regular. I am also able to be active throughout most of if not all of the week. I know a good amount of other agents inside intel and I work good with all of them.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have not written many documents but out of the 13 (roughly) I have wrote the majority are completely in-depth and are easy to read. Whenever I write a document I will take it around and ask for advice and reviews on it before I will upload it or post it, A good document should be: Easy to read, contain background information for any unfamiliar readers, contain an Index, cover the topic entirely leaving little to no questions, and be organized using smalltext, lines, and all 3 types of headers.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
To deal with any misbehavior inside intel, to make important decisions that will dictate the scenario's outcome, to provide themselves as a role-model for other agents, and to act as a foundation CL: 4 personnel and act professionally at all times. They also represent the department and the ambassadors together fill in for the director in their absence and are expected to think of the department during their decision making. Ambassadors should also work alongside agents and operatives to a degree, agents should know their ambassadors well and feel comfortable to approach them and ask for approval for an op which is another responsibility of an ambassador to approve operations and scouting missions.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Rainsford lived in Irkutsk, Russian Federation during an incident relating to The Church Of The Broken God, during this incident Rainsford was exposed to information regarding the SCP Foundation, and The Church Of The Broken God but got away unnoticed, he would spend his days trying to uncover more and more information about the Foundation, and it's GOIs, even having a violent run-in with the Chaos Insurgency & the G.O.C both parties were battling over control of SCP-287 during this incident the CI used the SCP to disorient the G.O.C and Rainsford was exposed he experienced members of MTF Nu-7 as he saw them fight The Church Of The Broken God back in Irkutsk. One day Rainsford had discovered the location of one of the Foundation's sites through a contact in the CI the facility was Site: 65 outside a quaint town in Canada called Pinewood, and entered under the pretense of his knowledge. Rainsford asked for a position inside The Foundation, after weeks of debating inside the Foundation's departments he was ultimately accepted into the Foundation's Department Of Intelligence due to his knowledge of the Foundation's GOIs
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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
- Support
Short and lackluster application. Detail would be nice.​
Not to be rude mate but that is short and lackluster criticism if I am to get better at making applications I need something to work off of besides "Detail"


Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Personally I'm all for you being an Ambassador. I see you on fairly regularly and you do the job pretty well. Very well spoken in game and we need Ambassadors since the other two are very inactive.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier thank you for the kind words, I shall patiently await your verdict
From the Department of Intelligence (D.O.I) eye-xxl.png

Greetings Agent Sparky,

You have been selected for a position for as Ambassador,
and to move forwards with the process I will need to meet with you
first thing in my office. My door is open whenever I am on site.

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