[US] Swansons 05 application 05-3 "The Heretic"

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:163987897
Discord name: Epic#3691
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 8 months now
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Mr. Swanson
Civilian name: John Swanson, Joe Vinclebom
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-US
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Executive researcher, Nu-7 LcPL, E-11 SPC, Director of research, Site advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One for failrp as I jumped into the acid pools to get away from 008 (~5 months ago)

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

- 05-3, throughout my entire time playing on the server I have always wanted to be in administrative roles, to do the best I can to focus on anything that needs to be focused on and improve it to the best of my abilities. I've done this all the way from senior up until this point and it is still my biggest drive, so naturally I want to be in a position in where I can do this most effectively. On top of this I believe the 05 can be a amazing source of lore especially for newer players and due to my experiences and feeling I personally missed out on parts of that I want to ensure that it doesn't get missed for any other players.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

ActivityI am incredibly active on the server and always take an active role in the current situations on site ensuring everything runs smoothly even in the earliest hours of the morning.
DedicationIn everything I have been assigned to or put my mind to in general I have always put as much as I could into it and my assignments have always seen improvement due to this dedication and care for the projects, departments and people under my supervision no matter what it be. When I worked in research is still considered a sort of golden age for the department in some capacity and that was due to the work I put into it and the dedication I had to see it succeed. I can and will bring that exact same mindset to the council with me if I am accepted
MaturityAny and all situations or issues that come before me I have always been able to handle properly and maturely insuring they never escalated beyond what they needed to and making sure all issues that arrived were dealt with swiftly. On top of this I rarely ever break the rules and expectations of conduct and when I do it is always a mistake and one I quickly act upon to ensure I refrain from doing it again, making sure I am always acting as I would hope and expect the other members of the foundation to.
RPWhen it comes to the actual roleplay of the server I always put my best foot forward to ensure all parties have a satisfying experience with as much as I can personally put forth RP wise as well as encouraging RP amongst the other people around me.
Social skillsAmongst the foundation I have actively done my best to get acquainted with if not make friends with almost all active foundation personnel leading to far faster and efficient action when I order it, an easy of working around conflicts.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

To be the highest authority on site mainly which comes with several duties

- Oversee, advise and if needed order site administration to ensure the site is running smoothly at all times
- Manage specific departments or MTF to ensure they are working as efficiently as possible and working with site administration and the proper heads of said department or MTF to enact the change needed.
- Use A-1 to enforce the codes of conduct, prevent info breaches and generally enforce internal security while on site as well as using them to enforce any orders that need to be given
- Being an example of what is expected for all members of the foundation no matter rank and how they should be acting personally and towards other members of the foundation.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- Chief Of Security
- Director of Research
- Director of Medical
- Director of Intelligence
- Director of Internal Affairs
- Overseer Assistant
- Site Administration aka Site Advisor and Site Director

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Yes the milk story is cannon


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
-Active see you all the time
-Heard nothing but praises for you and your work

-Well-spoken and mature
-Great lore and RP


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the ███ position.

Your work in both the Research Department and Site Administration have not gone unappreciated. We have watched you for a long time, we have shared many a test, both easy to view and dangerous to us all. Yet you never strayed from the path of progress, the path of greatness for the glorious Foundation. Even with your time within Administration, we see your efforts in stringing us together for unity and warning us of the threats abroad.

You are the mind of the Foundation. The leader of the many synapses, the surges of lightning that course through the nervous system of the building and allow us to function. The conjurer of functions, the puppetmaster of great decisions for our Foundation to take.. however, your mind will ascend. You are destined for so much more than working under us, former Advisor.

Look forward, for the life you have led thus far is behind you. The boney digits of Death have consumed your old name and expelled your identity, your body nothing more than a host for the new, powerful being that you have become.

Cast away your former name... for you now stand at the pinnacle.

Welcome to the ██████, ██-6 "The Heretic".

You can re-apply after 2 weeks. For more information, please contact ██-1.​
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