[US] The Anguished Mask's Overseer Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Sep 14, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94348861
Discord name: The Adverse King#1347
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 days, 3 hours, 57 minutes, and 38 seconds
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): The Anguished Mask, SCP-035
Civilian name: The Mask
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Do not consider this a joke. I'm dead serious about getting 035 a job.
As a person, I have great leadership qualities and I am vary capable. When I put my mind to something, I will make it to the end of my plan no matter what. As SCP-035, not only have I gathered information and sent it towards Ethics and other bodies, but I have also shown that I can hold my own against these same groups, showing I am capable at least in information gathering and my bargaining. I understand that at times I may prove to be a pain in the ass towards those in charge, but if given the opportunity (everything is chalked up to opportunity after all), I can do good work for the server and the Foundation. As shown in these past few days, I will always uphold a deal until the opposite side breaks any form of promise or contract made with me, so if I am granted this position as SCP-035, know that I will uphold the rules that the Foundation puts in place for its employees as SCP-035. This would also be a great way to ensure I keep my mouth shut about certain bits of information, as I wouldn't want to loose my job.
EDIT: I am always open to discuss anything if anyone has a need to contact me. You know where to find me, in my Cell.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The job of an Overseer Assistant is to assist the Overseers with their duties so that they have an easier time with their day to day. They are trusted to make sure the rules implemented by the Overseers are being followed by personnel, and are there to follow any orders given by the Overseers, and ensure that whatever it may be happens. Basically, glorified Secretary with a shared slice of the power pie.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what story-lines they would be involved in!:
SCP-035, held up in his cell day to day, living life as a prisoner if you can even call it a life. One day, SCP-035 had a plan.
"Let me make myself more known to those in charge of this facility, and maybe they'll give me a job.", thought SCP-035.

SCP-035 went out of his way for the good part of a week to go through with this little plan of his, collecting info and documents to prepare. One day, SCP-035 called down the Ethics Director and someone in a suit and sunhat (a hat while underground, odd even for me). This was the first part of his plan for getting noticed, delivering information gathered in the base of the Chaos Insurgents. The next day, the plan would continue. SCP-035 met with researchers and Task Force Members, asking them all sorts of questions and talking with them to get to know them.
"You're pretty interesting for a mask." said one man in a hazmat suit from behind the gate. "If you don't mind, I'll be back later for more tests. I'll even let you ask me some questions since you seem like decent enough of a person, or mask." a researcher would say.

Deal were struck, and conflict was had the next day. SCP-035 was a mask of his word, and having someone violate a deal he had made with the promise of its upkeep would not sit well with him. SCP-035 would then proceed to overreact just a smidgen, with nothing to say in defense of his actions.
"You broke your deal, so I figured a hostage situation would help me make a new one." said SCP-035.

The Task Force Members were quick with their responses. "You're fucking retarded, just call us down or some shit. You kidnapped 4 people and one of them was a CI. How'd you even manage this?"
SCP-035 had no response, because he too had no idea how this was managed. In the end, all was resolved and SCP-035 figured he would use the body of a D-Class to write and submit an application for Overseer Assistant.
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Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████ Assistant. Unfortunately, the ███████ has not deemed you fit to hold the position. You hold no whitelisted Foundation experience, which is necessary for this position.​
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