(US) Vangray's Captain App

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Feb 1, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:634206053

Discord name:

MTF Nu-7 CPL Xavier Vangray or yt_captainvangray

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About a Year
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Dr. Yuri(event character), Xavia Vangray(Civ), Charlie Vangray(CI), Xavier Vangray(foundation)

Civilian name: Xavia Vangray

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Holding MTF CPL, Held CI Delta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I banned myself on accident and kept it as a trophy of my stupidity

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Well to list a Few, I want to make sure people can gain their HWL or Riot Control licenses. Do sweeps whenever Dclass are being Unruly. and job ban any minges on Gensec(as well as warn them if they break server rules). finally to call for more gensec to Dblock when it's empty(been seeing this too many times). plus the fact work permits don't happen too often i plan to do more permits.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
Well I can be very active besides on the weekends. Make sure Gensec aren't being very unruly through IC punishments and OOC punishments. Make sure Dblock is always manned whenever i see it unmanned while on other roles. And Host tryouts everyday (riot and HWL will alternate).

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
I listed it all above but I will relist them, Do tryouts for HWLs and Riot Control, Do sweeps whenever there is riots, Job ban any minges on Gensec or hand them over to IA if it's a minor thing, and always make sure Dblock is manned, and to give out work permits whenever a Dclass asks. even revoking licenses to people that seem to abuse it.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Vangray is the name they go off of, due to them being from a different world. 5 people touched the non-spherical object to SCP-579 which has changed them all forever. this resulted in their bodies becoming one and an anomalous form of DID as whenever they switch their body switches to look like that person.

Dr. Yuri, he is an insane researcher obsessed with the anomalous world so obsessed his brain can never be wiped as he used an anomaly to make that so. He works for the foundation as said to always have worked with the foundation even from the other world. Dr. Yuri should never be reasoned with as he will still do the crazy stuff he always does even if it means our destruction. He is one of the 2 versions that knows what he is.

Alexi(ooc: not in use yet), Tends to be the most reasonable of the Bunch and is the second version that knows what they are. She tends to put ethics before any decision she makes. She is the calmest version of all of them and never will use violence to solve any problems.

Xavier Vangray(OOC: the one being used for this app), Tends to be the helpful and orderly one. He will use violence to solve his problems, but tend to prefer to heal rather than destroy. He never backs down from allies in need and will even risk his life to save people.

Charlie Vangray, The most disorderly and chaotic one. This one believes in havoc and has a dying hatred for Dr. Yuri because he believe they killed his wife. But due to him not knowing what he is can never find Yuri only notes like "May your wife rest well...Under my tires", which further enrages him.

Xavia Vangray, Tends to be the rebellious one. whenever she finds something Unfair she tends to start riots and havoc about it. She will always start stuff with foundation if she ever finds out about it. she is often found in the mayor's officer or disguised as a ranger
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