[US] 'VIBERANTS' IA Ambassador Application.

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Jul 26, 2022
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
about 3 years now like late 2020
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
[AWCY-SM] Mohammed Faci
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
NU-7 CSG CI-A Both agents GSD CPT 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
First one so long ago cant even remember
Second one dont know it just says banned
Third one was where a d-class hit me i killed him than he NLR and it was confusing it was late and the mod was tired and just gave us both RDM wanrs to be (even)
Fourth one I accidently sat on a keypad and like when I got up I glitched into the courtyard on surface by accident.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador for the following reasons. Alongside all the roles I hold I've always played IA from there to than and enjoyed the concept and the ability to be the kind of "police" of the foundation recently some changes have been made new people more stuff to do and I really feel IA is becoming greater than it has ever been recently i have been taking IA more seriously and playing more than "here and there" and playing for around the same time I play as my other roles and even playing it for fun after I do quotas or other tasks on my other roles. It is quite a nice and calm group IA is and isn't too combative or neither noncombative it is a great mix between the 2 a fun role to take even as a operative to go around doing my duties and of course having great communications through the radio that we have to make cases. Recently I've had a few cases that I have enjoyed conquering it felt very much like a story or a movie didn't feel real to how crazy it planned out sometimes cases are just minges and sometimes they make it fun and realistic but of course are never happy with the promotion but besides that i feel i would like to continue to pursue my IA journey to become a Ambassador to further assist in more situations and strive more in the department.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
Some things that i feel that make me suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador is my skills, knowledge and understanding around all the documents the IA hold to further enforce the laws. For one example i have a great understanding on the Legal Codex have it open at all times just to double check and never make any false arrests and just in general knowing most of it off the top of my head with my experience as a Operative. I am also passionate writer I enjoy writing stuff like applications i really do wis there was more to make IA does lots of documentation in cases files and Justs storing everything needed to just write documents for fun and just not look at the screen and just "type away". While there is also many slots shown on the IA Ambassador roster which is of course very experienced and most needed to become one but there are many opportunities for future work. While i also have clearance 3 and 4 experience to then take on this role and not use it above others.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Do not have a count of how many documents i have written down since i have many that I have written over the years of me playing this server if i would estimate about 25+ i wrote documents not as frequent but i wrote documents for mainly good cases then since most were minges and not worth a document at the time the server was in. What makes a document good, What makes a document good is of course good grammar being able to play with words to put them in a better perspective for the reader to understand the situation good format of course, Writing names having everything labeled in the document while having the person the case is filed on the people involved and the location and if there was anything that gone wrong or right and what the punishment was for that person or what happened after.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

Some of the responsibilities for Ambassadors in RP are.
1. Checking in with agents/operatives to make sure there on the radio freq
2. Strolling around the facility out and in disguise to make sure everything is smooth.
3. Writing documents in free time
4. Responding to calls for a IA Ambassador for stuff like cl4 arrests.
5. Testing agents/operatives to hopefully join the Department
6. Closing bulkheads during breaches like most CL4 do
7. Making sure a agent/operative is manning Checkpoint Charlie or yourself manning it if no available
8. Signing paperwork documents and anything needed by CL4
9. Helping noncombative to surface/breach shelter if needed
10. Making sure IA is doing Humes checks if C1 if needed of them.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
'VIBERANT' was a young boy lived in a normal suburban home nothing to out of the blue as a boy his father worked as a cop and worked in New York his whole life he grew up with mainly his mother and rarely seeing his father since the distance between the 2 since his father worked in the City part where alot was going on not as safe for him to go out there and visit his dad as often since it was a bad time then 'VIBERANT' always admired his dad until sadly and fatality his father was shot and killed in the arm of duty in a bank robbery heist that he was called to his whole life was pretty hard after that from not seeing him as much broke him quite alot later into his life he wasted to be like his dad without the dying part of course and was interested in the field in school he always wanted to be a cop wore cop clothes he wasn't the brightest though as a kid he hit college studied for the education to be a cop couldn't keep up and sadly became a mall cop to try to be the closest he could after his attempt in the cop field later after working as a mall cop he soon got tired of it and quit his job he was at home alot studying to become a cop but he got to old o be a cop in the line of duty at the time but later he got a call from a old friend "hey man i know how you're not doing anything these days well ive been working for this foundation thing for a little its similar to a cop they need more members for our department" He took that offer he studied insanely hard and passed the test done by his ambassador later into his career after surviving multiple breaches and being "agent of the week" by doing great at Checkpoint Charlie and all the tasks he had he later finally got promoted into Internal Affairs Ambassador 'VIBERANT'.
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