[US] Yog's 096 Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41880608

Discord name: Democreep#4567

For how long have you played on CG SCP: At least more than a month now.

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Scott "Yog" Walker, Yog

Civilian name: Jimminy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu): SCP level: 30, Total level: 136

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
* None, this will be my first whitelisted role.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
* No kicks/bans, only warns I've gotten were verbal, and from when I was still new.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
* I am knowledgeable with both the SCP character and its ruleset, and I am a pretty good SCP roleplayer myself, having had plenty of experience with most other SCPs.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?: Depending on the situation:
* When contained, SCP-096 will either sit in a far corner of its cell or be pacing by the eastern wall (according to the original SCP entry).

* When breached (not face seen) or after killing all 096-1s, SCP-096 will sit down (crouch) for a minute, and then begin to wander around the facility.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
* SCP-096 hunts down and kills anyone that has seen its face, so it can go anywhere its target(s) is/are, but only that. SCP-096 can only go to places like D-Block IF one of its targets are inside D-Block.

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
* 1. Containment personnel (with Anomaly Containment Beam and SCP Restraints) must equip SCRAMBLE goggles and a Bucket.
* 2. Containment personnel must find SCP-096 and begin recontainment by placing a bucket over its head (ideally when pacified).
* 3. Once bucketed and docile, SCP-096 is to be beamed, cuffed, and then be brought back to his chamber as quickly as possible (before his bucket breaks).
* 4. Recontainment is successful when the announcement system (or corner message box) states SCP-096 is recontained.


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Jason Mcbrandtville

Well-known Member
Sep 7, 2022
Hello! @Yog
I thank you for taking the time to make an application to be whitelisted for 096.
Congratulations on having your application ACCEPTED

Please contact an Admin+ In game to receive your whitelist

As a reminder 096 must idle for 60 seconds after killing someone during his rage. He can only move before that timer

If someone else has seen his face.
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