[US] Zach's Site Advisor App

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Zach "BUB"

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:245275137
Discord name: Agent BUB#1121
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Week, 5 Day+
Age: 17, almost 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Zach "BUB" Smokes
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Currently MFT O-1 LT, and Security Captain, 096 Whitelist, CI-A | Previously MFT Nu-7 SGT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- N/A
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I have spent the majority of time on site within MTF or Gensec, so moving to a more oversight / non-combatant job would be nice. I also enjoy helping out the foundation's operations day-to-day, so becoming an advisor would give me a better ability to do so. Currently, when playing Gensec Captain or even MTF, I try to help out everyone I can, mainly lower-level personnel, so I see that becoming an advisor would lead to me being able to focus more on helping personnel either directly or through the implementation of policy, systems, documents, and etc. I can't lie, it will also be nice to have a change of pace as the constant combat I have to deal with as Captain or MTF is getting quite tiring, so I want to continue to play on the server as much as possible without totally burning out, so becoming an advisor will breathe fresh life into my RP.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I have worked in most of the foundation fields, and as I said, have spent ample time within the MTF and Gensec areas, so I feel that my knowledge of the foundations and their workings is greater than the average personnel. I also spend a decent amount of time on-site working along sides all types of foundation personnel. My leadership skills are always above average as I have worked in many leadership positions outside the foundation and have lead many scenes and operations. My ability to create well-written and informative documents and work with pre-existing documents is another perk to bringing me onto the site admin team. Overall I believe the biggest attribute is my time in and understanding of the foundation and its workings. I'm sure I have much to learn, but I am quite good at picking up new things.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site administration is the top of site staff when it comes to foundation operations and day-to-day operation. They oversee the majority of operations within all departments under them. They can only be overturned by the O5 Concile or Ethics Committee, and report to said bodies when it comes to high-level decisions and implementation of policy. Site admins also help deal with issues that occur within the facility that doesn't require level 5 personnel, or when asked to by said personnel. Site admins also help oversee the departments within the facility ensuring that operations are smooth, policies, systems, and such are working well and being followed.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- ██ "BUB" ██ was brought into the foundation after 5 years of excellent service in the US Army. The foundation saw the potential and skill ██ "BUB" ██ had, so they offered him a position within the higher ranks of Gensec. Quickly he became one of the best, after some bumps and learning. Soon MTF [REDACTED] put their eyes on ██ "BUB" ██. After [DATA EXPUNGED], MTF [REDACTED] formally invited ██ "BUB" ██ onto their team, which he happily accepted. He began working his way up the ranks as the leadership within [REDACTED] saw his skills. With the new position ██ "BUB" ██ was able to strengthen his already growing relationships with [DATA EXPUNGED] personnel in Site 56. After several years within Gensec and MTF [REDACTED], ██ "BUB" ██ was invited to have a meeting with Site Advisor [DATA EXPUNGED] within Site 56. The advisor explained the site admin's interest in bringing ██ "BUB" ██ over to the administrative side of the facility. So, ██ "BUB" ██ spent the next month considering the offer as he enjoys MTF [REDACTED], but felt he could help the facility better as a site admin. ██ "BUB" ██ then went on to attempt to move forward with the goal of getting Site Advisor.
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Active member
May 6, 2022
Great person to be around
Understands ethics as they work very close with them
Great app

I hope to see you as an SA I would be happy to work with you
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