Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This will change the maximum amount of assistants from 2 --> 4 on both sides of the isle (Ethics and O5).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I Guarantee it. It isn't different, it's a change that needs to happen but your rule regarding job slot changes is too strict.

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
People can actually play the Assistant role and get their required work done per week without fighting for a position

More people can assist EC and O5 by conducting interviews, dealing with more trivial matters, and sign documentation without having to wait for 1/2 possible assistants

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Too many Assistants on at once

Not enough ISD to protect all of them + increases kidnappings of assistants indirectly

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
ISD almost never guard Assistants anyway since they're disposable, and the kidnapping negative isn't that big of a negative, just had to put it there.

I am going to apply for assistant soon, and after hearing from others what it's like and seeing what it's like when I get on is insane, The slots are always full and people are fighting to get the slots, now imagine not playing the role you applied for because of the slots, and on top of that it is required for you to be on that role in order for you to do your requirements! It's insane.

I can understand not wanting to hear suggestions about increasing the total number of SCU or combat medic slots all the time, and I understand the balancing issues that come into play when considering those types of roles, but Assistants do not really impact gameplay from that perspective, this change is to allow Assistants to get their requirements done easier and allow them to enjoy the role they earned.
this is why i made the suggestion i did

let's do the dance one more time.

first off
why does this need to be just US? what problems do US have with assistant job slot sizes that UK doesn't and why should they get it and UK don't? we don't have different server sizes, so it's not about changing the spread of server population. there's no reason.

i agree that assistants on both sides of the aisle should have 3 job slots. however, going through this dance myself, i have a better understanding of the situation and know that there is no reasonable solution right now.

i want to raise the part of my suggestion's denial that's most relevant to your suggestion here:
SC are not meant to be the focus on the server. That is the reason their job slots were reduced in the first place.
there isn't really any way to reconcile this with the community's need for more slots. again, there is a limited amount of people that can be on the server at any one time - all of those people spread throughout whatever jobs at a healthy balance. this is an unfortunate clash between two directly conflicting things.

the first being that for assistants, there's no limit on the amount of people whitelistable - yet regular activity is needed to maintain it; which is not a reasonable ask on such a limited job that is often occupied when most people are free to put time into playing.

the second being that you can't allow for more site command roles to be on than is strictly necessary -not to mention disrupting the balance between CL4 and non-CL4 roles. i tried very hard to get what was effectively an extra one-life, long cooldown slot for both assistant roles among others and it was shut down not only by CT, but also by the community as according to the latter it was "bad" and "not needed", despite that probably having been the only reasonable way that these jobs would get more slots. if CT weren't going to accept that, they sure as hell are not going to accept something they explicitly say not to suggest in the FAQ.

the only way that there are going to be more slots for jobs that need them, is for there to be a fundamental change to how job slots and flagging onto a job works. it needs to make sense, it needs to get reasonable to implement without taking up too much dev time for what it is and it just needs to solve the issue effectively without throwing everything out of wack. i put forward the solution i thought at the time most to be tenable, with the way things currently are. but i understand my suggestion's denial and realise that it's too much for staff and players to work with.

that being said,
the issue is still there and it's not going to go away simply because CT said no. you've proved it simply by making this suggestion and joining the long line of other people who have asked for more slots for whatever jobs.

the problem is, that resolving this in a way that everyone will be happy with - is for devs to look into and revise an already working system, to potentially upend it and replace with an entirely new one, potentially just for these two jobs. which they're not going to do, i'm afraid. unless the decision is made that it could apply to more jobs? or maybe with whatever's happening with engineering. sure. i don't mind sitting through the wait and dealing with all of the quirks of a new, massive implementation that serves to allow for more RP, etc. whatever it takes to make it happen.
Heres the thing, you dont need more slots, all assistants are supposed to do is do the orders given to them by their respective site command, 2 people is enough, if you cant play because slots are always full thats just a issue of SC recruiting too many assistants. The issue isnt not enough assistants, its assistants not doing enough, if both assistants are doing what they should be and not just standing around doing nothing it isnt an issue.

this is why i made the suggestion i did

let's do the dance one more time.

first off
why does this need to be just US? what problems do US have with assistant job slot sizes that UK doesn't and why should they get it and UK don't? we don't have different server sizes, so it's not about changing the spread of server population. there's no reason.

i agree that assistants on both sides of the aisle should have 3 job slots. however, going through this dance myself, i have a better understanding of the situation and know that there is no reasonable solution right now.

i want to raise the part of my suggestion's denial that's most relevant to your suggestion here:

there isn't really any way to reconcile this with the community's need for more slots. again, there is a limited amount of people that can be on the server at any one time - all of those people spread throughout whatever jobs at a healthy balance. this is an unfortunate clash between two directly conflicting things.

the first being that for assistants, there's no limit on the amount of people whitelistable - yet regular activity is needed to maintain it; which is not a reasonable ask on such a limited job that is often occupied when most people are free to put time into playing.

the second being that you can't allow for more site command roles to be on than is strictly necessary -not to mention disrupting the balance between CL4 and non-CL4 roles. i tried very hard to get what was effectively an extra one-life, long cooldown slot for both assistant roles among others and it was shut down not only by CT, but also by the community as according to the latter it was "bad" and "not needed", despite that probably having been the only reasonable way that these jobs would get more slots. if CT weren't going to accept that, they sure as hell are not going to accept something they explicitly say not to suggest in the FAQ.

the only way that there are going to be more slots for jobs that need them, is for there to be a fundamental change to how job slots and flagging onto a job works. it needs to make sense, it needs to get reasonable to implement without taking up too much dev time for what it is and it just needs to solve the issue effectively without throwing everything out of wack. i put forward the solution i thought at the time most to be tenable, with the way things currently are. but i understand my suggestion's denial and realise that it's too much for staff and players to work with.

that being said,
the issue is still there and it's not going to go away simply because CT said no. you've proved it simply by making this suggestion and joining the long line of other people who have asked for more slots for whatever jobs.

the problem is, that resolving this in a way that everyone will be happy with - is for devs to look into and revise an already working system, to potentially upend it and replace with an entirely new one, potentially just for these two jobs. which they're not going to do, i'm afraid. unless the decision is made that it could apply to more jobs? or maybe with whatever's happening with engineering. sure. i don't mind sitting through the wait and dealing with all of the quirks of a new, massive implementation that serves to allow for more RP, etc. whatever it takes to make it happen.
Fair enough, but the FAQ saying most job slot related suggestions are going to be denied is not stopping me from saying what I believe needs to happen.

To be honest, idek why I put 4, an extra slot each is good enough.
Sep 22, 2023
this is why i made the suggestion i did

let's do the dance one more time.

first off
why does this need to be just US? what problems do US have with assistant job slot sizes that UK doesn't and why should they get it and UK don't? we don't have different server sizes, so it's not about changing the spread of server population. there's no reason.

i agree that assistants on both sides of the aisle should have 3 job slots. however, going through this dance myself, i have a better understanding of the situation and know that there is no reasonable solution right now.

i want to raise the part of my suggestion's denial that's most relevant to your suggestion here:

there isn't really any way to reconcile this with the community's need for more slots. again, there is a limited amount of people that can be on the server at any one time - all of those people spread throughout whatever jobs at a healthy balance. this is an unfortunate clash between two directly conflicting things.

the first being that for assistants, there's no limit on the amount of people whitelistable - yet regular activity is needed to maintain it; which is not a reasonable ask on such a limited job that is often occupied when most people are free to put time into playing.

the second being that you can't allow for more site command roles to be on than is strictly necessary -not to mention disrupting the balance between CL4 and non-CL4 roles. i tried very hard to get what was effectively an extra one-life, long cooldown slot for both assistant roles among others and it was shut down not only by CT, but also by the community as according to the latter it was "bad" and "not needed", despite that probably having been the only reasonable way that these jobs would get more slots. if CT weren't going to accept that, they sure as hell are not going to accept something they explicitly say not to suggest in the FAQ.

the only way that there are going to be more slots for jobs that need them, is for there to be a fundamental change to how job slots and flagging onto a job works. it needs to make sense, it needs to get reasonable to implement without taking up too much dev time for what it is and it just needs to solve the issue effectively without throwing everything out of wack. i put forward the solution i thought at the time most to be tenable, with the way things currently are. but i understand my suggestion's denial and realise that it's too much for staff and players to work with.

that being said,
the issue is still there and it's not going to go away simply because CT said no. you've proved it simply by making this suggestion and joining the long line of other people who have asked for more slots for whatever jobs.

the problem is, that resolving this in a way that everyone will be happy with - is for devs to look into and revise an already working system, to potentially upend it and replace with an entirely new one, potentially just for these two jobs. which they're not going to do, i'm afraid. unless the decision is made that it could apply to more jobs? or maybe with whatever's happening with engineering. sure. i don't mind sitting through the wait and dealing with all of the quirks of a new, massive implementation that serves to allow for more RP, etc. whatever it takes to make it happen.
SC aren't meant to be the focus of the server? Then something has gone deeply wrong or been lost in translation, as *everything* inevitably ends up going through SC.
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