[USA] Alan 'Apollo' Frouds Ambassador App

Apr 8, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:758908755

Discord name: Blazzingauto

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years with some small breaks/+1095.7275 days

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: Scotland

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Alan 'Apollo' Froud

Civilian name:NIL

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)
-DEA Agent (Holding)
-SCP-096 (Holding)
-Combat Medic (Holding)
-Nu-7 LCPL (Held)
-Nu-7 PFC (Held)
-E-11 SPC (Held)
-DEA Senior Agent (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received two warnings, Fail-RP, RDM, i received the RDM Warning because i was new and had no idea what to do or how things worked at the time, Also main reason for the RDM was mainly because of lag, i had meant to shoot a hostile D-class but because of that lag i had instead shot a CL2 Guard.
The Fail-RP i do not recall how i got that but it was most likely because this server was one of my first RP servers, And Toxicity.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for ambassador to gain further experience and trust within the Department of IA, i believe i could increase IA activity and that would mean i would have to spend several hours on the server assisting new agents learn the codex and as-well as i believe that another active Ambassador would be great for IA's appearance to others that rather show an interest in joining IA or working closely with/for IA.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

-I believe i am fit for this position because of my experience as an agent, and that i have been an agent for at least 2 of my 3 years learning from the code of ethics, Ensuring the safety of others, Even though i believe i am completely mature enough for this opportunity to try to become an ambassador i believe some improvements are needed not for me but IA, For Example: We need to encourage our agents to be more active so that we may have more ethics enforcement, since as an agent i have seen way too many people get arrested, Take 09/26/24 for example on that day around 5 people were arrested at the same time, which is a really bad thing to see.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have written 46 arrest documents for the Department of internal affairs, if asked i may show one or two of my documents to show what an arrest report should look like, What makes a good doc is the following:
- Good grammar
- Correct spelling of wording's
- Use a good enough format so people may be able to read the document
- include name of arrestee
- include agents name and IA department logo to signify the doc belongs to the department of internal affairs
- Where it happened
- when it happened
- how it happened
- No unnecessary words
- Witnesses Body-cam
- Signature from arresting agent

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

The responsibilities are shown below:
1. Train new agents
2. Ensuring agents are abiding to the legal codex
3. If required to act as a judge during tribunals
4. Perform
5. !Credit the good work of Agents that rather make a good document or if they are shown to be doing well and putting in the effort.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what story lines they would be involved in:

** 'Alan' Frouds CL4 Personnel File **

Alan Froud a simple Military officer guiding his soldiers during a training, a PVT approaches with some object **Looks flashy** The PVT tells the officer about his discovery and hands it over.

When the officer returned to his base with the soldiers he puts the **flashy** object on his desk, but the second he put it down it felt like something was pulling him closer to the object **the object begins to glow and shine more**
Next thing the officer knows is that Crystal had pulled him inside.

Alan finds himself outside in the freezing cold just outside of a gas station, ** Soldiers are standing there**

Alan: Where am i?

Soldier: *speaks to his colleagues**

Alan: Well, are you just going to ignore me!?

Soldier: No, but what's that in your hand there?

Alan: Huh?, OH this well i don’t know **holding the shiny/bright crystal** well, one second i put it down and next thing you know i am here.

Soldier: Alright, you are going to need to come with us **Takes the shiny crystal and places it into a black bag**

2nd Soldier: Come with me please

**The soldier places a bag over Alan's head**

**A few minutes pass, then all of a sudden Alans eyes go from dark to bright light**

Alan: AAHH, what the hell!

Soldier: Who are you, Rank and regiment.

Alan: Major of the Military police Regiment…

**Soldier leaves the room, but returns with someone, talking about Amnestication**

**The soldier is about to inject Alan but before he can a man in a Blue suit stops him, asks the soldier to leave**

*He calls himself the assistant, and remembers Alan, because he worked with him once or twice**

Assistant: Alright, i am just gonna remove these **Removes cuffs** ok, so i already know i can trust you so i will give you two options

  1. Leave and forget about this place and the crystal
  2. Stay here and take a job as an Internal affairs ambassador

Alan: I will take the job.

Assistant: Good, we are low on ambassadors at the moment so this will be great for you, we will still keep an eye on you for a few months to fully determine if you are fit for this position.
**Signs documents handed to him**


- Date of Birth: 14 of august 1999
- Place of birth: Montreal, Canada
- Sex: Male
- Ethnicity: Canadian
- Race: White, Canadian
- Height: 6 foot 1
- Weight: 90.3 kg

Been really busy this month, i am normally on the server for around 4-8 hours depending on IRL stuff, also if you wish to know my steam time on GMOD is 2, 102.9 hours total.
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