[USA] Alan 'Apollo' Frouds Consultant App

Apr 8, 2023
From: Alan 'Apollo' Froud
To: Director of Medicine

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:758908755

Discord name: Blazzingauto

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years with some small breaks/+1095.7275 days

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: Scotland

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Alan 'Apollo' Froud

Civilian name:NIL

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7LCPLHeldHeld 1 year Ago
Nu-7PFCHeldHeld 1 year Ago
E-11SPCHeldHeld 2 Years Ago
Chaos Insurgency​
CI-BSSGTHeldHeld 1 Year Ago
DEASenior AgentHeld1 Year Ago
MedicalCombat MedicHoldingAugust 2024-Present
SCP096HoldingSep 11 2024 - Present
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received two warnings, Fail-RP, RDM, i received the RDM Warning because i was new and had no idea what to do or how things worked at the time, Also main reason for the RDM was mainly because of lag, i had meant to shoot a hostile D-class but because of that lag i had instead shot a CL2 Guard.
The Fail-RP i do not recall how i got that but it was most likely because this server was one of my first RP servers, And Toxicity.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

The main reason i am applying for medical consultant is because i believe i could do well within the medical department as a CL4 Personnel, as well as i already know most procedures, for example (if someone requires a psych evaluation you follow these instructions)
1. Request to know the reason for the psych eval
2. escort the patient to the evaluation room
3. Ask the patient the questions on the Psych eval doc
4. ensure the patient is calm while being examined so not to enrage the Site staff member/D-class
Another reason i am applying is because the Consultant team is currently low on staff, the Medical consultants have advised for others to apply and help out, so that is what i shall do (Assist Medical and do what is required of me as a Consultant)

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

My current medical experience, very ethical person, willing to work 4-8 hours each day on CL4, another thing is that i want to be able to improve the medical departments reputation with any and all other Departments to show we are not just useful for healing people in battle.

Another thing that makes me suitable for this position is that i put more effort into RP and documents, i am fully willing to make several documents each day, example like i do on IA create around 10 docs a day (not accurate number) e.g.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

ECT is done by doing the following: Ensure this, (MTF suspect a disguised person or 914 use, or if they have the Stone-man disease) e.g.

1. Ensure that the patient actually needs it by checking to see the following (if you have blindness it can be cured after a few minutes)
2. The medic/Doctor will bring the patient into the ECT room
3. ask the patient for their consent
4. ask the patient not to go to the light
5. tell the D-class to hop on the ECT Machine
6. Turn the machine on

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

1. they oversee medical make sure doctors are doing what there supposed to be doing.

2. conduct medical license training and Combat Medic Tryouts

3. they also Grade documents to determine the wellness of a Document (Good, Great, Bad, Poor and Excellent e.g.)
4. close PW Bulk if required to during C5.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what story lines they would be involved in:

A local townsman had been working at his father's shop for two years. He imagines leaving and seeing the world, but his father shuts it down, but one day gives the townsman two choices. 1. to enlist as a Marine. 2. to pursue medicine since doctors are paid well. He might be able to own his own home and finally have control over his own life and make his own decisions, so the townsman sets off to UBC Faculty of medicine, to pursue his new dream of becoming a surgeon..

{4 years pass}

**Console Update**

** in-Put Login**

System: How may i assist you today

Alan: Hello, i wish to login for my orientation for some job interview

System: First present some ID as confirmation of your identity

**Flashes ID card at the computer screen**

Granted, Welcome Senior doctor Alan Froud, Code name Apollo

**Computer screen states <
Hello, and my name is well you can call me the Director and i am contacting you here today to invite into a medical position that you were highly recommended for, i see you already have 4 years of experience as a doctor so, that is good news, i wont say much more but please take the time to fill out the Form i have just sent you, Thanks>

**Form Filled, Thank you**

-System: Welcome Senior Doctor Alan, please take the time to think about this, Do you believe you are truly ready?, if so in-put Confirm

- Alan: Confirm

**Computer begins to upload new files, Asks you if you wish to open it, <Y/N>.

Alan: Y, Confirm, i am ready to take up this position.

System: Good Luck, God Save The Foundation.

**System logout**

**System locked until further notice**

There is a Reason for a Second CL4 Application so soon, Medical needs some help within the Consultant team so i am simply trying to help out.