[USA] Alexander M Resignation appeal

Name: Alexander Montgomery
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525691612
Previous Rank: MOD
Date of resignation?: around 8 months ago
Why did you resign? Couldnt balance Staff, IC Responsibilities, School, and Work
Prior to this resignation, have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I resigned from both TGM and MOD
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 1x MRDM ban, 1x FailRP warn
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:

I should return to staff as I believe I will now be able to balance my real life with my server duties. In the past I struggled with this as I was working a job, going to school, as an ethics member, and a MOD. However, I am no longer in school and have time to dedicate to the server. I currently have around a 7-day 12-hour time, and I believe I would benefit the server with my activity.
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