USA ban appeal

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Jul 14, 2022
i was banned on august 6th for 6 months for stacked bans, what actually happened is i did a fail rp i would understand if i got warned or banned for that however i got banned for 6 months and i couldnt get banned for stacked bans because my old bans have long expiered i still had some warns but not over fail rp i got about 3-4 warns and they were not the same warns the last time i got banned was about 6 months agoand even than i never had a class x ban i think it was a 1 week ban so now i dont understand why i was banned also now i got a class x whitch i know that cant expire so im mad about that too the person who banned me was "The perfect" and i have been told he is a super admin (my in game name is "Juan guappo higuan Jr." my steam profile is my id is STEAM_0:0:526949245 )
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