[USA] Barry Uriah's 2nd Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Apr 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:531454693
Discord name: ratgod101
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about three months, with just above four in-game days this past month
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Barry Uriah [BOE-M]
Civilian name: Barry Lewis Uriah
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Previously passed the CI tryout | SCP-096 whitelist
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received one FailRP warning (long time ago, as a chef I put a firearm in the food chute), and one LTAP (That I still need to appeal as I have no idea why Its there)
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: I am applying for Executive Researcher once again because I want to be more involved in the Research Department, and to be a figure that can assist others in bettering their documentation and overall research by being a role model. I really have a passion for Research, as it is the heart of the Foundation's operations and overall is just an extremely enjoyable roleplay experience. As for in character reasons, Barry has worked very hard to provide some of the most important information to be gathered that is still out there to learn. An example of the information that Barry has worked hard to achieve are survival methods in SCP-106's pocket dimension, and cooperative treatment by SCP-2295 and SCP-22415-1 to cure advanced diseases such as forms of cancer. Overall, Research has a huge place in the server and in my heart, even when my first application was denied I was just happy to continue on doing my part to learn more about SCPs and create interesting lore.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I believe that I am suitable for the position of Executive Researcher as I have a large passion for Research as a whole, but also because I am capable of assisting in the education of others in this field. I am quite decent as an author and that also is a large help, as my love for writing will come into play with documentation. If I am accepted into the position of Executive Researcher, I will do my best to raise the bar of testing, while ensuring that those who are fresh into the department can receive the assistance so that they can reach that bar and go beyond. Overall, I have a genuine love and care for Research, its one of the best parts of the server in my opinion and it feels like I'm fulfilling a purpose I can truly get behind.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?: So far I have recorded three examples of Excellent rated documents (Project "Melted Map" test 2, Project "Med Students" test 1, and my information gathering trials for Project "Bandwidth.") I describe and excellent document as a document with a genuine scientific reason for the study, creativity, proper grammar and spelling, and overall execution of the study.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: Executive Researchers are there to review Research documentation for grading, provide advice and assistance for those who wish to learn more and improve their understanding and skill in the field of Research, review documentation for authorization, act as a mentor and a leadership figure for the Research Department, and overall uphold the standards/codes/laws of the Foundation within testing and the behavior of Research personnel.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Barry Uriah was hired into the Foundation after it was found that he had been posting studies that breached the veil, having discovering a mold-like blue material that seemed to revert and damage or changes to its structure through anomalous means. Once all of the documentation had been collected for Foundation records and scrubbed from the internet, Barry was brought to Site-81 to be trained. Halfway through his triaining as a Junior Researcher, he was transferred to Site-65 due to a recent breach causing a severe lack of personnel. Once there, he worked for around a month just doing studies on utilization of the various safe-class SCPs in inanimate storage. His enjoyment of the anomalous was cut short when during a breach of SCP-106, he was cornered within the Research wing just outside of the Executive Research office. He was against the wall and not knowing the nature of SCP-106, he panicked and kicked his food into SCP-106's chest with all his might in a fight or flight response. It burned him, and the caustic oily substance seeped into his leg, causing it to be severely burned. He was only saved when SCP-106 was distracted by a move by MTF unit Epsilon-11 bursting in throug the double doors of the Research wing with a bright spotlight to stun the old man. Just as Barry was about to be taken into SCP-106's pocket dimension, the horrible pained screams of a D-Class personnel burst over the intercom, attracting SCP-106 back to its chamber to prey on the poor soul within. Barry would be able to keep his leg thankfully due to his proximity to the medical bay, and the work of three Senior Doctors. It took him a month to get back into walking, and even then he needed crutches for another three months.

It was later discovered through interviews that Barry was exhibiting strange behavior whenever SCP-106's containment chamber was lowered from its magnets for testing and samplings, and when a group of Foundation personnel too curious for their own good attempted to rejoin the two to see if this reaction could lead to more information on SCP-106, it almost caused a disastrous breach. Barry gets extremely uncomfortable around SCP-106, and his work with Project "Melted Map" after his promotion to Resaercher, was to fire a shot back at his attacker by invading their pocket dimension and finding ways to make the boogeyman less scary, to take that fear that they fed on. As Barry continued to work at Site-65, he's developed prototypes for many different containment assistance devices, although most of them are very rudimentary and not as effective as current methods for recontainment. It wasn't until he developed an interest in utilizing SCPs again for the benefit of Foundation personnel that he was promoted once again a year later to Senior Researcher. Currently, he does his best to provide insight into the bits and bobs of how the anomalous works, ways to provide help to Foundation personnel, and carrying on the love for Research he gained by observing his peers.

As for storylines, Barry is currently following a story where he is attempting to figure out why he continues to feel these strange anxiety surges in his mind, and why the wound inflicted by SCP-106 is acting in such a strange way, a never before documented reaction to SCP-106's presence. He typically tries to just assist others in their efforts to learn more about Research as a member of the Board of Education. As of right now, Barry is working on Project "Bandwidth" which is an (approved) series of studies to rationalize the strange "Stutters in perception" designated AP-11011-BU (Anomalous Phenomenon - 11011 - Barry Uriah) or referred to as "Lag" to avoid infobreaching the designation. The project is currently only known to Executive Researcher Dr. Swanson, Department Director Halo, and Sergeant Mitchell "Morse" Anderson.


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Progression to Interview Phase - Executive Researcher Application

Dear Applicant,

Following a comprehensive review of your application for the Executive Researcher position alongside the consultative input of our Executive Research team, I am pleased to inform you that your application has been elevated to the interview phase of our selection process.

To proceed, kindly reach out to me via email (g4rp1ays) or Halo (lafemmerose) at your earliest convenience to arrange a suitable time for your interview.

We look forward to discussing your potential contributions to our team in greater detail.

Thank you for your continued interest in joining our ranks.

Warm regards,

Dpt. Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department

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