[USA] Barry Uriah's Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Apr 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:531454693
Discord name: ratgod101
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started playing around three moths ago as of writing (5/11/2024). As for how many hours I have on this server, I have just above 8 days of in-game time (733,860 seconds).
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: The United States
Time zone: Central Standard Time
Character name(s): Sr. Researcher Barry Uriah
Civilian name: Barry Lewis Uriah
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA server
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Previously passed the CI audition.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have recieve a warning in the past for assisting the D-Class as a chef, however this was resolved as it was a misunderstanding of the rules.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying for Executive Researcher to further my position in the Research Department. I really enjoy the writing aspect, and the roleplay that comes from unique tests is something that I enjoy greatly. Besides wanting to do more for the department, I see the research department as the heart of the Foundation and see it as one of the most essential parts in roleplay. Without Research there would not be any information about the SCPs that are contained and thus the mission to Secure, Contain, and Protect, would be impossible.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I believe that I am suitable for Executive Researcher because I have a large passion for writing documents, roleplaying my duties as a member of the department, and have done quite a few decent scale projects in the past. My character too has a decent reputation, being known for their advancements in the usage of anomalies for the Foundation (SCP-330 being used to get miniature healing candies to put in first aid kits, having mapped out sections of SCP-106's pocket dimension to assist those who enter the realm, and recently beginning work with the medical department to make a new anesthetic with diluted SCP-173 samples.) And finally, my character is a member of the Board of Education as a mentor who has recently begun their bi-weekly research introduction presentations.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-One excellent-graded document that was test 2 for Project "Melted Map." I believe that an excellent document should be written with detail, good grammar/spelling, and professionalism in mind. There are a few other traits of excellent documents, such as the creativity of the test and the passion put into it, but even simple documents can be excellent when made with the detail and care in mind.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The duties of an Executive Researcher are to review and provide feedback on documents, approve documents that require CL4 research authorization (such as SCP-106 sampling), meet with the other Executive Researchers and Department Directors to discuss and review about current events and news regarding the department. Another duty is to encourage and assist Research personnel in their work, and to act as a role model for those both new and experienced in the Research department as well as others.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sr. Researcher Barry Uriah was first brought to the Foundation after his work with an anomalous material was discovered, in which he had aquired a petri dish of an unknown mold that seemed to constantly revert back to its previous "default" state when something changed it (being cut, burnt, crushed, etc). This was discovered when he published a research paper called "The immortal material." Foundation web-scrubbers found the article published online, and traced the author back to Barry. After the traces of the paper were scrubbed from the internet and all those who witnessed it were dealt with. Barry's work was considered of good quality and thus a position was open to him if he accepted the offer. Upon being moved to Site-65, he began his Jr. Research career by testing on SCP-330 as it was advised to him that something inanimate and safe class would be a good place to start. Thus began his time on-site. For months, Barry worked on simple tests learning more about the on-site SCPs until a month after his promotion to Researcher, when a breach occured. SCP-106, the old man, something that Barry had overheard in whispers and feared had escaped its box. They ran and hid, and eventually they came face to face with the old man. SCP-106 and Barry stood on opposite ends of the research hall, and they locked eyes. As the old man stepped forward in their decayed march to catch their prey, Barry stuck to the wall like a cornered animal. As SCP-106 got closer, he instinctually stuck his leg up and kicked them in the chest. While this did manage to stun SCP-106, Barry's foot up to his ankle did recieve a nasty chemical burn. Just as the situation seemed like the last moments for Barry, MTF unit E-11 members stormed in and Barry had a change to quickly get out of the way before a wave of bullets and containment beams surged through the hall. Barry remembers that day always, and with a burning passion he wishes to assist in the containment of these caged monsters as much as he can. As he progressed in his career as a Sr. Researcher, he has undergone several projects with that goal in mind. Project "Melted Map" being his pride and joy, invading SCP-106's pocket dimension and in a way, giving SCP-106 some payback for the scar and the scare. Now, Barry mostly focuses on teaching new members of the Research Department, in hopes that he can prevent more lives from being so severly altered like his. From a nervous and flighty Jr. Researcher to the confident and passionate Sr. Researcher, Barry has had quite a journey. As for story lines, Barry typically strays from the more combat heavy things of the Foundation and enjoys the more story/lore based events.
Jul 26, 2022
I read his prior roles and thought that this would be a chat gpt application as the way he said CI audition but ran it through and it wasnt chat gpt impressive application would be a great ability to have for exec researcher


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Executive Researcher Application Outcome

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your application for the Executive Researcher position. After a thorough review and discussions with the Executive Research team, we have made our decision. Unfortunately, we are not moving forward with your application for this role.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Please feel free to reach out after a period of further experience and development within the department, as we welcome your future applications. If any questions, please email me (g4rp1ays).

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to the SCP Foundation.

Best regards,

Dpt. Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department
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