[USA] Big Randy Executive Application

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Big Randy

Feb 14, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:608326733

Discord name: Big Randy

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3d 16h

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Big Randy

Civilian name: Bigger Randy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I am applying for Executive Researcher because I believe I can be a great addition to the U.S team. I love helping people and guiding them with their research questions and tests. There is a gap in when I'm mostly active (Late EST) when very few if any Executives are active or on site and I'd love to fill that gap. I focus on research when on site as it is the only job I play. I enjoy writing documents and learning new things as a researcher.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I believe I would be a great fit for the role because of my overall activity and the time I am active which would fill the void of an Executive being on site. I know a lot of the Executive Researchers and am on good terms with them. I am well aware of the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics. I understand how to create RP in the roles I am in and can continue to do so in this one. I'm a very good document writer in my opinion and that plays a large role for this job. I understand all server rules and what's expected of me in this position and can meet all given quotas. I understand I have not held a prior CL4 position, but I can guarantee performance.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written close to 10 excellent graded documents and several sampling documents.
  1. Index - This is where you put all the information that you will find on the document. Usually followed by the page numbers of each category. This also includes the clearance level of the document as well as the title page.
  2. SCP Information - This page includes information that your clearance level will know about the SCP. This includes a description of the SCP that you are studying whether that be what it looks like or how it acts based on certain behaviors. As well as any known anomalous factors that the instance does.
  3. Goal of Study - This is where you put the main goal of the study or sampling. This will include on why you are conducting the test/gathering the samples of the SCP. As well as what you hope to achieve during the test.
  4. Hypothesis - This is where you state what you think will happen during the test, basically what you think the outcome of the test will be. This helps give more reason on why you are conducting the test, instead of just doing a test just to do it.
  5. Methodology - This is the step-by-step process that you will take to conduct the test. This part will also mention any escorts that you require whether that be e-11 or Gensec. This will show that you know what exactly you are doing and will show that no SCP policies are broken.
  6. Findings - This page follows the test and will be where you write any findings that you find during a test. Such as the results of the test wither they be successful or a failure. This is often quite detailed in the results of the test.
  7. Conclusions- This is where you take everything into account. After conducting the test was your hypothesis correct or were you wrong? This is where the results of the tests should be mentioned as well as if you have any theories on why the results happened. If you will need to do more tests to find out more details on the results. This being the most important part this is often the most detailed part of the document.
  8. Authorization - This is where you put the authorization of the test. If you require higher clearance, you will put a part for them to sign and follow through the chain of command. Even if you have the clearance, you still require your signature on the paper.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
  1. To guide the research department and to make sure they are following the code of conduct and code of ethics and all research procedures.
  2. To teach new researchers how to test and how to create excellent documents.
  3. Being able to answer questions that the research team has and make sure they are set up for success.
  4. Authorize testing and approve tests to be brought up to the correct foundation members in the chain of command.
  5. Making sure that documents are up to standards and have a legitimate purpose and give feedback on the document.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I Executive Researcher Big Randy was following alongside a Sr. Researcher and 2 D-Class as well as 1 Gensec guard to go test on SCP-106 in lower HCZ. Upon our arrival the E-11 checked all ID's and made sure that all documents were signed and authorized by the correct members of the foundation. On our way down I noticed that the Sr. Researcher had not gotten the correct equipment for the testing (2 syringes, 3 conical flasks), upon our arrival the Sr. Researcher briefed the D-Class on what they were expected to do and how to interact with SCP-106 to insure their safety. After briefing them the Sr. Researcher also noticed that he had not gathered the correct equipment for the testing, I assured him that it was ok to back track and receive the equipment he needed for the testing and that I would stay with the D-Class and Gensec while he retrieved the equipment he needed. Upon his return with the equipment, he commenced testing on SCP-106. After his testing had concluded I followed the Sr. Researcher and D-Class as well as Gensec back to D-Block. Once we returned the D-Class back to D-Block I asked that the Sr. Researcher follow me back to our conference room so that we may have a discussion about the testing. Once we reached the conference room, we discussed how the testing and I explained to the Sr. Researcher how important it is to make sure he has the right equipment on hand and ready to start testing so that it shows he was prepared, and that D-Class could trust his instructions without any second thoughts, also so that it does not cause chaos and make Gensec and the D-Class have to wonder back and forth. The Sr. Researcher was grateful for my knowledge and that I was trying to make sure he was the best and most prepared researcher he could be and assured me that it would not happen again.
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Reactions: JIMMY DaGOAT


Active member
Feb 17, 2024
1. Super Nice and Friendly
2. He is always invested in the actual research hypotheses and learning many new things!
3. Dedicated and active!

Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023

Hello, Mr. Randy,

Thank you for your interest in the position of Executive Researcher.

Unfortunately, we have decided as a team to
deny your application.

You may reapply in two weeks.

Any questions revolving around your application may be sent to my email.
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