[USA] Blu's Security Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Nov 8, 2022
Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
150 Hours


In what country are you located?

States of America

Time zone
Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s)
Foundation - "Blu"
Chaos Insurgency - John "Jam"
Civilian - Jack B. Brian

Civilian name
Jack B. Brian

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)

Do you have a mic?

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
- Internal Affairs Agent
- Intelligence Agent
- Rapid Response Team License
- Heavy Weapons License

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
- RDM (Warn expires in 1 month)
- RDM and Failrp (Banned for one day)

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
When I joined the GENSEC department as a Cadet I walked myself through the experience and was able to grasp the mechanics and knowledge to become a Security Sergeant. However when I walk around D-Block or Security Sector I often see many confused Cadets in need of assistance. New Cadets will walk out the door and leave just after passing the GENSEC test. I want to see these Cadets thrive and I believe I can help them reach beyond their potential. As a Security Captain I would hold lectures and spread information regarding sweeps, escorts, and general info. It is not only new GENSEC personnel I see making mistakes. Rapid Response Team and Heavy Weapons license holders slip up as well. Security Captains have the authority to hold RRT and HW tryouts. As a Captain I would hold these tryouts and ensure a personnel learns their full responsibility, acts professional, and does not abuse their power whilst holding these licenses. Another thing I note is while participating in a sweep is the amount of time it takes, the number of GENSEC casualties, and the number of D-Class casualties. While I would give information about strategies for clearing bathrooms or vents and other nifty tips in a lecture I would also give on demand callouts and plays. This should help GENSEC negate those casualties, improve efficiency, and time of sweeps. These are the reasons I am applying for Security Captain and I hope that I will be able to complete these goals of mine by helping the foundation and more specifically the GENSEC department.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
I have much experience throughout the facility but mostly as a clearance level 3 personnel. While I have not held a position with clearance level 4 I feel as if I have become very comfortable with the level 3 card. It is time that I take on a new set of duties and responsibilities. Most of my time spent exploring the foundation has been as a GENSEC. I have participated in numerous sweeps and code 2's. I have lots of previous knowledge that can be applied as a Security Captain. I also soak in information and learn new things fast. If I was given the opportunity to be a Security Captain I would educate myself even more and do it efficiently while helping others.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
The Security Captain takes on a whole new world of duties and responsibilities that must be learned and eventually mastered so that they can perform at the maximum, correct others, and prevent accidents. A Security Captain has necessary tasks that must be carried out to ensure longevity of their role. These would include being active, issuing orders at D-Block, Performing sweeps, hosting lectures, and carrying out RRT and HW tryouts. A Security Captain must perform these tasks correctly to benefit everyone and act professional as they are now a clearance level 4 member. It is important the note that a Security Captains responsibilities may change depending on if they are in a security sub-division such as A-6.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in
Jack B. Brian was born in 1998 into a poor family in Cincinnati, Ohio as a single child. When he was young he was happy and unknown about his family's trouble. He used to run around the woods and would love to get himself in dangerous situations. But when he turned 13 his father was killed by a gang member he owed money to. Jack started to gain awareness of his family's financial situation and the reality of the world. At least his mother used her pretty appearance to marry a rich man. While his family's financial problems were solved he was devastated by the death of his father and could not focus on school. By the time he was a senior in high school he had no chance of getting into a college even his new father wouldn't pay for it. Then he saw the military recruiter during lunch. He thought "Fuck it" and signed up as a way to leave his family behind and to get in those dangerous situations he loved to be in as a kid. The fact is though Jack stopped playing in the woods at 13. He never did any physical activities after that. His strength was below average, he had poor stamina, and had much trouble getting through military training. Jack however was different; he had a better mentality, his aim was better, and although he failed school he was very intelligent. He pushed through every boundary training threw at him and he graduated, becoming a private. However this didn't satisfy Jack enough he wanted more. He wanted to be in the special forces, he wanted to be a green beret. Jack completed the necessary requirements to start training and it was hell. Jack would have never passed special forces training if it wasn't for his team. They motivated and helped each other unlike anything the drill instructors have seen before. Jack would then graduate but seeing as he exceeded all other trainees he was placed in a more experienced special forces group. The members were "Top", "Rubba", and "Poli". None of them seemed to like him because they missed their old leader who died, "Grand". They would never talk about what happened but with him gone "Top" was now the team leader. Jack's first mission in special forces was located in the village of pinewood in Canada. It was not clear why they were entering friendly foreign boundaries but Jack ignored it because he was too worried about how his first mission would plan out. They landed via helicopter and immediately bullets firing over their heads. Just like that all 3 members of his team were dead. He was in shock but snapped himself out of it. He had to be quick and he was. Jack dashed for cover and returned fire to the enemy. When Jack turned to peak he realized he was immensely out numbered. He thought fast and realized the ground must of had 7 and a half inches of snow. So he did what he must and covered himself with snow and he was disguised in the ground. Suddenly the shooters came round the corner. They had green outfits with gas masks on. Jack assumed it must have been a terrorist organization. When they pass he attempted to use his radio but it was just out of reach. It must have dropped when they were getting shot at. He tried not to make sound while reaching for but then as soon as he touched it someone stepped on it. Jack looked up to see a man dressed in black military clothing with a detailed hammer on it. The man said "You must be the reinforcements the military sent for us. We didn't have enough time to secure the landing pad sorry about your buddies." Jack seemed to still be in shock so he didn't say a word. Another man approached and said "We need to get this man to medical he is in shock and has major frostbites from the snow." Jack was carried into a facility with an elevator and was taken to a futuristic med bay where he was properly treated. When he was out of shock a man in a suit quickly explained everything that was happening. Long story short his team was supposed to be greeted by a military regiment known as Nu-7 "Hammer Down" who were in need of assistance of fighting a terrorist organization known as the Chaos Insurgency. Once the mission was complete they would have the option of joining the facility or go back to their special forces life. The mission was over already and the Chaos Insurgency were suppressed for now but he was still granted the opportunity to join. Jack almost declined the offer but something about it felt right so he accepted it. Jack was assigned to be a GENSEC personnel and was going to be trained. When he left the room he saw the two guys who took him to the medical facility, One of them said "You had frostbites bad man you were all blue." the other one said "Yeah, blue, we'll call you Blu.".

Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I regret to inform you after your application has been Denied. As we do not feel that you are not currently ready for the position, you may re-apply in two weeks.

From the desk of Dpt. Mijur Decmuski and Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket
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