[USA] bob"comrade"smit 2end COS application

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:92669859
Discord name: .some.guy.here
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10 month to 1 year
>Age: 13
>In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: GMT+10
Character name(s): bob smit
(GSD) bob “comrade” smit [AXO-GMP] / “woof” [AXO-GMP]
(CI) “comrade”
>Civilian name: hanz smit
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-B [Enlisted] [holding] CI-D [NCO] [holding] GSD CAPTAIN (SR.CAPTAIN) [holding]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I did have one RDM warning I had it applied and removed

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
I’m applying for Chief of Security because? How do I put this? Mace was fixing this department, but he has gone and I’m going to continue do what he was doing because it was working, and I we clad bring this god dam department into a golden age. I will drag this department out of the trash fix, sharpen teach, show that the GSD (GENSEC) is still a god dam good department for the Site/Sever and show that it’s not a “no brain RDMing Department”.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?
I’m suitable for COS (Chief of Security). I’m competent GSD captain, one of the longus serving GSD member (CL4) experience I know how to mange documents but that what we all say.
I have served this god dam department over 2-3 month and in that time, I have shown that I’m fit CL4 command position. I hell can lead this department; I have shown new and older captains how to work this department because I know what to do in this department. I could keep ranting on. How suitable I am but no my time as a captain and AXO has been long, and they have taught me a lot and show what I can do.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

-COS (Chief of Security) is the head of the GSD (GENSEC) department and their operations on site.
-oversees the GSD captains (tryouts, behaviour, strikes, doing their duty).
-managing tryout documents (RRT HWL docs) making them up to data for captains to use for tryouts and not tryout documents, documents the have the department policies, protocols, regulations.
-hiring new captains for department and training them for the department to continue.
-making GENSEC stay in line and ethical the includes captains (when it comes to captains they will be strikes or removed if need)
-keeping good relations with other departments.
-holding meeting with captains to decide the future of the GSD (GENSEC) department

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[searching for incident file]
[file found]
[file access accepted]
[many personnel have been [REDACTED] by order of the
Ethics committee]
[do you wish to proceed]
[proceeding with incident file]
[date 5/18/[REDACTED]
[location SITE-65]
[using back up audio of incident]
[playing audio]

*At the captain office*
Captain Comrade “damm I’m bord”.
“Killing a lot of D-class day by day really gets boring”.

Have you had your meds?”

Captain comrade “yes?”
“Why are you asking?”

Captain [REDACTED] “You know”.
“You act insane half of time.”
“We got you those meds for a reason”.

Captain comrade “I’m not insane”.
Captain [REDACTED] “all the other captains say you are”.
Captain comrade “Bruh”
“Well, it’s time to get my shift”.

[skipping forward to 32.13 mins]
[play audio]

*At D-block*
captain comrade “how the F*** did D-class get that document”.
“My past job was better dealing with karens”.

“D-class pushing through airlock need help asap!”

Captain comrade “HOW WHAT?”
*Loud running getting closer to comrade*
*Comrade turns round*
*a D-class with a knife, lunge at comrade*
Captain comrade “WHAT THE!”
*Comrade moves back firing 3 rounds into the D-class*
*The D-class falls to the ground close to comrade before stabbing comrade in the stomach*
Captain comrade “S*** THAT HURTS”
*Comrade leans to a nearby wall *
*Comrades activate his radio*

Captain comrade “Hay captain comrade here I need medical personnel here”.
“I’m bleeding a lot of blood here.”

*Sound of someone walking closer to comrade*
*Comrade ready’s his firearm (GSH18) *

Comrade “oh s***”
*Comrade fires miss captain [REDACTED] barely*
Captain comrade “sorry”
Captain [REDACTED] “why are you so trigger happy!”
Captain comrade “can I have some meds please”.
“And we need to fix D-block”.
“So can someone please hand me A GOD DAM F90 LIKE NOW!”

[unknown virus detected]
[attempting to save file]
[reattempting to save file]
[try to use back up file]

[new Chief of Security has been found]
[sending email]
[hello “comrade”]
[or by your full name bob smit]
[you have been found worthy]
[for chief of security]
[do you accept]
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J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022
- support

After reading through your app I am a bit conflicted. While you certainly have the time, the way you uphold yourself in your writing just scream immature. The cursing throughout the application is not a good look. I also have a problem with how you want to run it. "Just run it like Mace did, he was doing good." Good leaders set their own example, and go beyond what their leaders left them. Simply wanting to just keep things the same just doesn't sound like you really care about GSD like I feel a Chief should.
- support

After reading through your app I am a bit conflicted. While you certainly have the time, the way you uphold yourself in your writing just scream immature. The cursing throughout the application is not a good look. I also have a problem with how you want to run it. "Just run it like Mace did, he was doing good." Good leaders set their own example, and go beyond what their leaders left them. Simply wanting to just keep things the same just doesn't sound like you really care about GSD like I feel a Chief should.
Hello J P thank for letting me know about my mature/conduct its been hard not to act rude, immature, unprofessionalism Affect my day to day time on site and this application. After a lose of a close family friend I tried my best to not let affect my status on the application and on site. I well improve my professionalism/conduct .

When it comes to being conflicted I have Always been like that it I'm sorry if I do. I have tried not to be like that when on the sever and on applications. It has been a Issue I face in IRL I will attempt to inmove my self with this issue.

en it comes to "just run it like Mace he was doing good" part I have always looked up to mace may be I'm following to closes to his foot steps I will forge my own path. And set my own example I will do better then Mace.
Come to me sounding like I do not love GENSEC I have been sounding like I don't care do to Captain needing to be more strict with GENSEC. If I did not care about GENSEC I would of left GENSEC a long time ago. GENSEC will always have a place in my heart the friends have made in the department and out of the department I will continue striving for the heath for GENSEC heath, duty, changes and overall good well-being of the GSD department .

thank you for hearing me out have a nice day



Active member
Jan 17, 2023
Your my favorite unethical captain second only to Speff. Also please stop being unethical ?
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Active member
Apr 27, 2023
Great Captain, I've never had any bad experience with him. He is overall an amazing person and I would love to see him on the role!


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: bob "comrade" smit
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings bob,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Chief of Security. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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