[USA] Budder's Site Advisor Application

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Active member
Jun 19, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119810688

Discord name: buddergamer

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 362 Hours (I mistyped 300 as 200 on my last app)

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Don 'Budder' Gambino

Civilian name: Toni Pastiloni

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Combat Medic
Overseer Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I am applying for Site Advisor because I want to continue my rise in the ranks of the Foundation for many of the same reasons I have stated previously. However, with this gap in current Site Administration, I want to earn my place as to best assist not just the people of the Foundation, but the RP of everyone in the best capacity that I know I am capable of. I may not be the most experienced, but with this I know I can earn as much experience as possible and with my constant want to learn more and use that knowledge to best assist others. I can safely say that I will work my hardest to ensure all expectations are met and succeeded.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

What makes me best suitable is my experience in CL4/administrative positions, my very good activity, my ability to create, polish, and best utilize new ideas, my desire to best assist others in any endeavor they may have, and my ability to work with other to ensure that all voices are heard to get the most amount feedback possible on any ideas that are up for discussion. I have spent a lot of time on Site creating friendships and acquaintances with multiple departments and regiments and have heard countless ideas or complaints that have died because they believe they have no voice or purpose. I believe I am best suitable because I am experienced and capable enough to get through any situation and learn from it to perform better at every turn.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Work with higher-ups in SA and SC to best enforce their will.
Disseminate and carry out all current and new Foundation policies.
Assist and work with their assigned department/regiment in any way possible.
Create and review departmental/regimental reports
Help decide new departmental/regimental leads.
Authorize and sometimes oversee tests or cross-tests.
Establish and maintain good communication with GOIs.
Assist in the enforcement of the CoC, CoE, and FLC.
Authorize AA when necessary.
Authorize KOS of D-Class past airlock when necessary.
Manage each department/regiment during a code black and be bale to make decisions on the fly.
Make hostage negotiations when necessary.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

*Begin Log*

"Alright, it's about time I make that report. Just gotta pull up the old SCIPNet file and we can get writing."


"What the, who locked this? What's the reason for denial?"



"Fine. Override Code ████-██"

*WELCOME ██-█*

"This is ██-█'s override?? Shit, I better be more careful with that in the future. Let's see, pull up Don Gambino's file."


Name: Don Gambino
Position: Site Advisor
Clearance Level: 4
Age: ██
Don Gambino was born in ████ in Las Vegas, Nevada. At around 12 he joined an organized criminal gang known as the ███████ Family. Accounts claim that Mr. Gambino was responsible for an estimated $5 million in stolen goods through intimidation tactics, ransom, extorsion, violent actions, robbery, scamming, identity theft, grand theft, and forgery. Towards the end of his criminal career, Don Gambino was a Consigliere to the ███████ Family. After a particularly violent family shoot out with the ████ Crew by an enforcer, the ███████ Family found itself under close inspection from local law enforcement. Mr. Gambino managed to pay off countless politicians and police to ensure his personal safety. Despite this when the ███████ Family was busted by local law enforcement, Mr. Gambino found himself facing a life sentence. Soon after however, all records of Mr. Gambino were stricken from the record and he was placed under new employment with the SCP Foundation. While most criminals find themselves under D-Class designation. Mr. Gambino was assigned as a medical trainee and informed that any mistakes would see his demotion to D-Class. The coordinator who performed this transfer soon retired and has since fallen off of all SCP Foundation radars. Mr. Gambino worked his way to Consultant within the Medical Department and some claim, work closely with the ██ ███████. Recently, Mr. Gambino was promoted to Site Advisor where he continues to this day.


"What's wrong with this thing? Action recorded? What was recorded?"

*loud banging on the door*

"Who's there? I'm bus-"

*gunshot can be heard*

*End Log*
Jul 1, 2023
From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Don 'Budder' Gambino
Subject: Site Advisor Application Update

[ Application Status: Elevated ]

Overseer Assistant/Consultant Don 'Budder' Gambino

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a Site Advisor.

This message is to inform you that your application has been elevated to the next stage.
We will be in contact regarding the next steps in this process. After deliberations have finished, your application will be updated with a final decision.

Site Director Marvin Garden

Jul 1, 2023
From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Don 'Budder' Gambino
Subject: Site Advisor Application Decision

[ Application Status: Accepted ]

Consultant Don 'Budder' Gambino

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a member of Site Administration. This message is to inform you that your application has been accepted.

We will be in contact regarding the next steps in this process.
Welcome to your new role.

Site Director Marvin Garden

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