[USA] Caboose's Site Advisor Request


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:650652206

Discord name: krat0_s.

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2022

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Lee "Caboose" Contreras

Civilian name: Lee Contreras

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

External Affairs Manager
External Affairs Field Agent

MTF E-11 SPC x2
Medical Consultant
Ethics Committee Assistant
CI-B x3
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

VTime Screenshot:


Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:

I’m applying for the position because I’m wanting to continue climbing the ranks of the foundation. I believe that if I were to get the position of Site Advisor, I’d be able to greatly improve the facility by working with others. I have already been doing so with the external affairs department. Another reason is that I really enjoy working with others in a close and well known environment. With site administration being not of a large scale.

Additionally, I want to help improve the current medical department. Though it isn’t doing terribly, some new things could be discussed with its leadership team in order to revive it. My experience as a medical consultant might help. I won't say any department/regiment on the server is struggling but could always use improvement to better itself.

Furthermore, I’m also wanting to get a position that has even more opportunities to create roleplay. I enjoy creating roleplay and being involved with it while on the server and I believe Site Advisor has a lot of potential for that. I’m wanting to try and get those who normally don’t get much roleplay, much more.

In addition, I’ve always liked being the front hand of communications and practically doing human resource work. I enjoy working with others, no matter who it is. I find it interesting to see those with different experiences on the server and help them with any inquiries they may have.

Lastly, I’m looking forward to hopefully working with new individuals than I have been, to gain a refresher on the server and in roleplay. I want to try new experiences and learn in a new environment and hopefully not only better myself but others at the same time. I also believe that I would be the most effective as site advisor and could use my abilities to my full capacity.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I believe there are many things that make me the most suitable for site administration. Firstly, I want to mention my experience on the server like most. I've gotten to experience many different positions within the foundation, some being; Medical Consultant, Ethics Assistant, External Affairs Manager, etc. All of which have provided me with enough experience to run excellently as a member of site administration. They have taught me the proper skills to work along others effectively.

Secondly, I would like to mention the roleplay I have gotten to be apart of. There has been many cases of roleplay I've been involved in and all of which have prepared me to create it on the spot while involving others and myself. I can at anytime create unique roleplay whenever needed or it seems necessary.

Furthermore, with my experience as an ethics committee assistant (and other CL4s) I have learned and read the CoC and CoE. Allowing me to properly enforce it whenever I require. I'm confident that I remember both and can implement them into roleplay and situations when needed.

Additionally, I have quite a fair judgement when it comes to situations. Although some might call it biased due to the current situation going on, I myself will not be in anyway. I will be completely fair no matter who I'm dealing with or whos involved. I find one learns best by receiving punishment rather than always being pushed to the side and favorited.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Authorizing Advanced Armory - In some cases it might be needed that you authorize KOS past airlock or advanced armory during a breach or riot.

Authorizing GOI inside base - Sometimes it may be required to authorizing UN into the base to help in the containment of a breach.

Signing & Creating Documents - Some research study's or other documents may be required that you sign them. This includes d-class permits in the case of an assistant not being on site. You also might need to create documents in some cases.

Overseeing Departments/Regiments (E-11/NU-7) - As a site administration member you must oversee departments.

Voting & Sharing Opinions - There may be times were you must vote and share your opinion on certain things (e. g Site Advisor Applications)

Creating unique roleplay - As a site administration member you must create unique roleplay for those on the server to keep it enjoyable.

Enforcing the CoC & CoE - As a member of Site Administration you must enforce the CoC & CoE at all times.

Communication between departments & site administration - Site Administration is one of the main faces of communication within the site and they must properly communicate with other departments weather it be adding new systems or programs.

Keeping Personnel Busy - As a site administration member you should be creating new projects and/or assignments to keep personnel busy whilst on site.

Code Blacks - In some cases it might be required for you to call a code black and evacuate all non-combative personnel to the surface garage due to safety precautions.

Closing bulk heads - It might be needed that the bulk heads are closed during containment breaches.

GOI Relations - One major factor of being site administration is making sure you are effectively communicating with other GOI and attempting to improve relations.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Active member
Aug 8, 2024

Has tons of experience on the server and shows that he can work efficiently and effectively.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Caboose's Site Advisor Application


Hello Caboose, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to get in touch with any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.
In the relatively short amount of time that I have been working with Caboose it has been nothing but enjoyable. This individual has done a ton of work for the DEA as a manager and even reworked the entire DEA roster. Additionally, Caboose has always been easily reachable and always goes out of his way to help people.

Caboose's application for SA is also well-written and he actively plays the server. I couldn't see a reason he would not be accepted.