[USA] CoM Calliope application

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Well-known Member
Oct 12, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198240042374
Discord name: Calliope#0030
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central
Character name(s): F- calliope CI- Mikhail Katyusha
Civilian name: Red Harlow
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None
Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine? I wish to continue my career in the foundation particularly in the medical field
What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?: I find that I am well experienced in the medical field and have helped CoM in many different situations and have slowly picked up some the talents and knowledge need from them and I am willing to learn even more of the tricks need in this role
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: EST commonly known as electro shock therapy is the process applied commonly to those under anomalous effect. Start by asking the patient if they consent to EST if they do you may continue to ask if they have been revived in this life time if no you may then throw you harpoon which is the stander device for EST you may then revive them with the defibrillators telling them to not go into the light.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?: To guide and train medical trainees into doctor and to give assistance to the medical if needed as well to step in and help if need and to fallow the orders of DoM
Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in: Working as medical student before being contacted By the S.C.P foundation to join there medical staff as a trainee and working his way up the ranks gaining the name calliope. Now working as a combat medic and current captain for HH-3 he wishes to move on to something bigger and better in his career


Active member
Aug 5, 2022

-Extremely active
-Has proved himself capable multiple times
-Has proven a good help to the medical staff
-The guy is a really nice guy while also being serious enough to handle his responsibilities when he needs it


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Application accepted
Hey calliope
Please meet me in game

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