[USA] Crabber's ECA App.

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528649530
Discord name: CrabberGames
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Almost a year
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Alaska Daylight Zone
Character name(s): Crabber, Hammond Fammon, Bobby McJewel, Frost
Civilian name: Bobby McJewel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Currently holding a MTF E11 Lieutenant role
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One warning when I first joined. I ended up crashing after being kidnapped by CI and after I joined back and then asked if they wanted to send me back I received a LTARP.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: It is my belief that my professional behaver on the server shows my dedication to roleplay on the server. I also have experience in a CL4 position and have past experience as a server moderator. Additionally I am well versed in many of the departments as I have worked in every single one which allows me to understand how each department runs. Furthermore I have shown dedication to roleplaying with others and ensuring everyone around me enjoys their experiences. Finally I am well versed in the Code Of Conduct and Code Of Ethics which shows how much experience I have.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: The main responsibility of a Ethics Committee Assistant is to ensure that you are assisting the Ethics Members with whatever they may need. Additionally it is your job to uphold the code of ethics and ensure that those that do not follow it are punished accordingly. Furthermore you also may find yourself looking over research documents and making sure they are properly formatted and ethical before signing off on them to allow researchers to properly conduct their testing. Also, you may find during breaches that you may need to guide those on site to secure areas and also may need to call AA authorization depending on the severity. Furthermore you may find yourself also at server time needing to give work permits to trusted D Class to allow them to benefit the site by assisting in certain duties. Lastly a major duty you also have is keeping track of what's going on around the site including D Block, this also means if necessary and to many D Class get out you may need to authorize KOS on D Class past airlock.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Born in Alaska codename "Cakes" came from a very rural area. Due to the nature around him during his childhood this sparked an interest in him for science, nature, and animals. Even though "Cakes" had in a interest in the nature of the area he came from his family were very angry people causing him a disdain for his hometown. Even though he had family troubles he continued to push for his interests and achieved many academic achievements during his life of schooling and excelling in grades. Eventually, after graduating he was offered a scholarship to college where he then went to get a degree in chemistry. After graduating from college he yearned for knowledge and thus applied to another college this time getting a degree for Zoology. This cycle repeated several times for "Cakes" until he was 30 where he then began his life in wildlife research. Eventually "Cakes" achievements caught the eyes of the SCP Foundation where they then approached him and offered a position to him at the position of a JR Researcher. Yearning for knowledge "Cakes" took this position and begin researching on SCPs within the foundation. After achieving some prominent results on the Cl.1 SCPs he was then promoted to a normal researcher. With his new clearance "Cakes" conducted several termination tests with approval and several crosstest's with approval eventually earning enough achievements to become a Senior Researcher. After becoming a Senior Researcher "Cakes" yearned for more but also saw colleagues around himself who would break the Code of Ethics and either get themselves hurt or someone else hurt. After thinking it over "Cakes" decided he wanted to leave the line of research and do something important, and that important thing was ensuring the safety of those in site was ensured by upholding the code of ethics. Thus deciding on the best course of action he decided to aim for a Ethics Assistant position. "Cakes" then pushed and pushed working overtime and putting many hours into making it happen until eventually earning of credibility to approach someone for the position.

A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Crabber's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Ethics Committee Assistant, please get in contact with me or any Ethics Committee Member for your orientation
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