[USA] Crabber's Gamemaster App

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Aug 27, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Crabbergames
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Approximately 9 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Alaskan Daylight Zone
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF E11 CPT Crabber, ECA "Cakes"
Chaos name (include your rank): Hammond Fammon, No Rank
Civilian name: Bobby McJewel
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528649530
Discord ID (name#0000): Crabbergames
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP RP [USA]
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes it is.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One for ltarp because I crashed while I was kidnapped and due to my internet took to long to load back in.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I do not.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, I have been roleplaying for about 5 years now, whether it was in a game, DND, or over the phone I have always been really big into roleplay and take it seriously.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: Approximately 6 hours a day.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I wish to become a gamemaster on the server to involve more players in roleplay aspects, while also allowing players to come up with their own solutions to problems. A major thing I feel is lacking with events is that sometimes when players try to resolve the problem for a event a Gamemaster doesn't roleplay solutions out with the player resulting in a lack of roleplay experience on both ends.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I think I could help come up with more creative events and assist in inducing higher quality roleplay aspects with the players by allowing not just my creative mind to come up with ideas but also allowing the players minds to involve their own creativity in events, as events are for the players and not myself. I think I have a individuality to myself that allows me to keep a open mind and adapt to the unexpected while also keeping creative and roleplay aspects in mind. I also feel that my experience in the server and experience with roleplay as a whole could allow for some interesting events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

The Lost Child

This event will primarily focus on 053, due to a unexpected security breach due to CI breaching vents 053 finds themselves wandering into the vents and down into the base of the foundation. Upon finding SCP - 053 foundation members unaware of the SCP's properties and depending on how actions are taken may result in several possible situations. If attempt to harm SCP - 053 is made the personal attempting to harm the SCP will suffer from a heart attack. If personal attempt to restrain SCP - 053 and make direct skin to skin contact or eye contact they will then become to exhibit hostile tendencies directed towards SCP - 053 where they will then kill or drive off anyone nearby then attempt to kill SCP - 053. If a gentle approach is taken SCP - 053 will show a sort of scared yet cooperative attitude towards the personal. After a certain period of time passes the Foundation will receive communications from a transport team, Site - 65 will then learn that SCP - 053 was in transport to another site when one of the escorts mistakenly made eye contact with SCP - 053 which resulted in a crash nearby which is how SCP - 053 escaped. Once Site - 65 responds there will be a transport team that enter the Foundation to retrieve SCP - 053 who will also inform those assisting to wear hazmat's and scrambles before coming into contact with SCP - 053. Once contained SCP - 053 will then be transported out of the Site - 65 by the transport team

The House of God

This event will start with a transmission from another site stating they saw strange figures with robotic features heading towards pinewood. Once the figures arrive in pinewood humming of fans can be heard. The figures look like normal humans but have various parts of their body replaced by machinery. The figures will begin questioning pinewood on if they have seen any old houses with broken campfires inside of them. If the figures receive information relating to what they are looking for they will pursue it investigating further. If any attempts are made to harm the figures they will use various anomalous abilities that originate from the portions of body that are machinery. Once they find what they are looking for they will gather inside the house and fiddle with a campfire. If asked who they are they will state they are the Church of the Broken god and encourage those that wish to join their ranks. If any agree on joining them they will begin making the humming noises of fans replace that individuals body parts with machinery making them now one of them. After a portion of time a hole in the campfire will open and the figurines will enter vanishing as if they were never there.

The Teddy Bear's

Site 65 will receive a message from Site 24 that a escaped anomaly has escaped containment and was located on surface, but then before they can find out more the transmission is cut off by CI. Both the Foundation will attempt to locate this anomaly that will move around between the Foundation and surface. This anomaly is SCP - 1048 who will also be making instances of SCP - 1048 - A, -B, -C the longer it is not contained. If SCP - 1048 is found and has made a instance - A, -B, -C, the instances will resort to violence to prevent any harm or containment of SCP - 1048. In the event that SCP - 1048 uses human ears to make a 1048 - A the person who had their ear cut off will not remember what happened (This will be rolled). The majority of the SCP's time will be spent on surface but if enough instances are made it will move into the foundation. If successfully contained Site 24 will then restore it's transmission and explain what the SCP is, if CI captured the SCP Site 24 will respond with a unhappy response, if the Foundation captures SCP - 1048 Site 24 will then state they are sending a team to Site 65 to retrieve the anomaly and a transport team will enter the foundation then escort the SCP out (which will also give another GOI a chance to interfere). If SCP - 1048 is not contained by anyone it will run away and transmissions will be restored to state that they thank you for your effort and they will continue their attempt to recontain the SCP.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Part 1.

There's a abundance of missing people reports lately in pinewood lately, a pinewood parawatch posts on twitter, I wonder if has anything to do about those hooded figures seen lately. The foundation and GOI's intercept this twitter message, there has been a abundance of missing people that have been disappearing including operatives from the from the Foundation and GOI's on surface. Including this there has been reports of hooded figures and aggressive wildlife. Upon investigation it is found that these hooded figures are kidnapping those that are alone on surface and taking them elsewhere. If any of these hooded figures die they end up turning into a flesh monster. If captured it is revealed that they are a Hostile GOI called Sarkites. This hostile GOI if interrogated will reveal that they believe an individual to ascend to godhood they must make a flesh sacrifice, and this will be the location they use for that sacrifice. If pressed more the Sarkite will laugh and state that you can't stop what's already inside of you. Shortly a transmission will be found stating that they were successful and they were leaving the area. Whether the captured Sarkite is told about this transmission or not he will reveal that he is secretly strapped with a bomb, which will either end up with him escaping or dying.

Part 2.

Animals on the surface start attacking citizens and operatives on surface, upon investigation red growths are bursting out of the animals. Once these animals are killed those that were injured or killed by the animals begin coming back alive as red masses. Alongside the rising masses of Flesh inside the town more Flesh monstrosities come from the forest spreading masses as they move. Meanwhile, in site while the fighting ensues on the surface a message is received. Site 65 if you are listening to this message attempt quarantine of the area immediately we are picking up on signatures of SCP 610 rushing your way, any contact with the SCP will result in the spreading of the SCP so do what you must, quarantine yourself and the area until backup arrives, transmission cuts off. Once SCP 610 spreads on surface it will attack through vents for the foundation and also attack all GOI bases on surface. This will result in the SCP reaching D-Block and LCZ spreading through the Site and also spreading through the GOI bases. If attempt to nuke is made the Nuke will malfunction causing the person who attempted to press the button to become infected due to a red growth. Possible outcomes of this scenario would be the whole site being overwhelmed, several small groups getting to safe area's to wait for backup, a quarantine area is able to be set up in a small portion of the site.

Part 3.

After, the aftermath a helicopter lands with multiple MTF's including Beta-7, GOC, and other operatives in hazmat's. After a failed attempt to nuke the Site remotely a nearby site deployed all of their available forces clearing a landing area prior to the helicopter. Once landing, the team will be briefed that their goal is to restore power to the nuke control's at all cost's and if any survivors are found to be treated as possible risk but also escorted out if possible. The team will then enter the site and find that the site has no power except for keycard controls. It is also found that inside the site several doors are broken. If the team restores power to site it will reenable communication with any survivors inside the site. While navigating the site they will find that their is red growths along the walls and various 610 instances. The Beta - 7 team accompanying are equipped with various explosive and fire weapons to help deal with clearing the rooms. Once restoring the power the team will be able to head up to floor 3 where if someone attempted to set off the nuke they will find a large 610 instance. Once defeated they will find that the button is sealed shut by a red mass, various methods may be used to remove the mass but once removed the team has various options. If the team presses the button it alerts every 610 instance in site. If the button is not pushed and they attempt to activate the nuke remotely they will then learn that they need to fix a remote box inside the site. This remote box will be located in HCZ in a maintenance closet, once fixed the team can exfil where they will find a small team fighting off 610 keeping the landing pad clear, the nuke will be activated once they get in sight and they have until the nuke activates to get inside the helicopter and escape.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: A anonymous tip was given to Ethics that someone inside the site is doing Unethical tests on themselves and D Class, this person must be found before unnecessary lose of life occurs. Investigations will result in finding documents regarding Reality Benders and description of testing in a attempt to make themselves stronger and attempt to become a reality bender themselves. Listed in the documents will also state that the research is being conducted in deep research. Once found, the researcher will be injecting the D-Class with various chems. Once the researcher realizes he has been caught he will drink a bottle of chems resulting himself in more health and a reality bender ability , but they take damage over time. Once, killed or captured they will either share with you or you find a note stating what they learned and what caused them to start this research.
A-1: Three A1 have committed treason and went over to CI's side. Intel is discovered that they will attempt to take various SCP's with them before they leave. It is your goal to prevent them from escaping with those SCP's. The A1 will not be able to be Code Word checked as they are from A1 so they will need to be caught in the act anyone could be a traitor. The A1 that are traitors will be instructed to go after SCP - 500, SCP - 427, and 2295. When the traitors reach EZ, CI will attempt to assist by raiding floor 2, the CI on floor 2 are aware of who the traitors are. If the A1 successfully escape the Foundation will receive a significant loss while CI will obtain valuable SCP's.
Nu-7: Nu-7 finds a note that states thank you for keeping 914 safe for the garden of the serpents, signed by L.S.. Unknown to them hooded figures walk straight past them but Nu-7 are unable to see them almost as if they were invisible. These figures attempt to take various items and SCP items from Site - 65 while a smaller group of figurines use 914 to produce a stronger version of some of these items. Once finished, upon attempting to leave the what seemed like invisibility wears off revealing themselves to anyone that would see them. Nu-7 must now prevent these figures from leaving site and figure out what their goal is. If the figurines are not captured or killed within a set time a portal will open somewhere in site and they will attempt to escape through it. If captured Nu-7 will learn that they are a member of Serpent's Hand and their mission is to produce new anomalies using 914 and escape with them. Once, the portal opens or all figures are killed Nu-7 will find a letter saying, Thank you for contributing to the garden you may have thought you foiled us but you missed one. Signed, L.S.
E-11: A portal opens up inside HCZ, a member of the Foundation finds it and comms it out. This portal swirls with a blue texture almost looking as if it was made out of water. If E11 attempts to close the portal with a reality anchor small spider like creatures will spill out and start attacking anyone nearby. After a period of time where the portal is open three Knights will emerge from the portal and if the Spiders are present will assist with fighting the Spider. Once, all the Lizards are killed the Knights will reveal they are from another world and they are here chasing after a Dark wicked mage. E-11 can either assist the Knights or attempt to contain them, if attempts are made to contain them they will fight back claiming that E-11 are a member of the Dark Mage's army. If E-11 assists the knights they will search the site and eventually come across a member of the Foundation that they claim is the Dark Mage. If any attempt physical attempt is made to stop the Knights from attacking the foundation member, they will become hostile. If the Foundation assists the Knights the foundation member will turn into a dark robed figure and will summon Spiders from small portals and use fire magic to attack. If the Dark Mage is killed the Knights will thank the Foundation for their help then head towards the portal entering it and leaving. If the Dark Mage is cuffed and restrained the Knights will ask to have the Mage handed to them and if done will head to the portal entering it and having the portal close behind them.
CI: The Chaos Insurgency receives intel that The Foundation is receiving a transport of SCP's. The Chaos Insurgency realizes that this may be a huge chance to deal a huge blow to The Foundation if they intercept the transportation and steal The SCP's that were being transported. While listening they will also learn that the transport's ETA is 45 minutes and that they have a radio operator on hand to call for backup if needed. This being said CI will have the 45 minutes to find a way to prevent backup from arriving and make a plan to steal the SCP's. A radio tower will be placed nearby that can also be disrupted. Depending on the action's made by CI once the transport team arrives there will be five cars three escorts and two transport vehicle. If radio communications were successfully cut off the convoy will be unable to call for backup. If communications were not cut off the convoy will request help from Site 65. If successful in destroying the the convoy and retrieving the items CI would deal a major blow to the Foundation. After safely securing the items inside base a small group of CI from a different base will enter base with a High command of CI with them asking to retrieve the items to bring to safer location. After receiving the items they will then leave with briefcases in hand.
UNGOC: Bzzt... Incoming transmission the state fair is happening in pinewood.....Bzzt.....A van was spotted with Dr. Wondertainement's logo heading to this fair.... Bzzzt. The state fair is being hosted in Pinewood and many major seller's and there van's have set up at this fair. Knowing the danger's of Dr. Wondertainment and the SCP's they produce it is our goal to prevent them from selling any of these SCP's to unknowing civilians as they may break the veil to them or cause the death of human life due to the unpredictable nature of these SCP's. The nearby Site 65 has not found out about this intel so it our responsibility to find the location of Dr. Wondertainement's van and destroy it and the SCP's inside. Due to the Van being in a public area this mission must be dealt with discreetly. After locating the Van any civilians nearby should be escorted away without breaking the veil. We have been given order's by High Command to prevent the death of any human lives at any cost if anyone interferes do not turn away from killing them if necessary.
Foundation Staff: A disease has been released through the ventilation system by CI. The symptoms are severe and cause those that contract the disease to die if untreated. Foundation staff must quarantine those infected and find a cure to treat them. The engineer department must find a way to to clear the vents and fix the ventilation system. Meanwhile, the Research Department must figure out a cure for the disease and send it to the Medical Department as soon as possible. The Medical Department is requested to test everyone on site and quarantine any infected. We must bring this disease under control before the site falls apart. Once a cure is found, a Hazmat team will be sent into the quarantined infected area to administer the cure and test the treated infected.
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