[USA] Cyrustsou's captain app

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Active member
Sep 14, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:707778649
Discord name:Cyrustsou
For how long have you played on CG SCP:4 days and 11hours
In what country are you located?:Canada
Time zone:GMT-7
Character name(s):Cyrustsou
Civilian name:Cyrustsou
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):Scp-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:Received one warning for nlr
Why are you applying for Security Captain?I am applying for captain because i have been a sergeant for a long period of time and would like to achieve a higher place in the security department. In the period of time of being a security sergeant, i have seen a lot of cadets not knowing the code of ethics and the code of conduct, and the reason for it in my opinion is because of the lack of supervision from the leaders. As an active player on the server, i have seen less than 10 times a captain is online except when there is a training or tryout. I want to be a security captain that is active on the server and leading all the new gensec to success like how i was taught at the beginning of my journey as a cadet.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?I am very mature as a 15 year old, I understand a captain's work very well as i have seen it a lot of times. As a security captain, i would be much more active compare to other security captain and lead the new gensec through the code of ethics and code of conduct so we can improve the reputation for gensec from rdm-ing every d class to actually following the code of ethics. I would also hold tryouts more frequently as it is always requested by a lot of players.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: A captain's responsibilities in RP is to lead members of the security department(cadets,officers,sergeants)through the code of ethics and code of conduct and make sure they know when to terminate personnal instead of just killing whoever is disrespecting them or not doing things the way they want it to be, authorize sweeps when it is requested by a sergeant, hold tryouts and trainings, oversee the d-block making sure no d-class is holding contrabands, it is alos a captain's responsibility to be polite and respectful to everyone even when it's stressful.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Once upon a time, officer Cyrus was searching around the forest looking for a missing man named Mike, after searching for 3 hours, he finally found him unconscious near a bush. Officer Cyrus then felt a little sting on the neck and lose consciousness. When Cyrus finally woke up, he found himself in a small room with a mysterious guy sitting infront of him. 'Hello Cyrus, welcome to the SCP foundation,' said the men' We are a foundation who contains anaomalies and do research on them.' 'As we are currently short on staff in the security team, we would like to recurit you as we have watched you for a while and decided that you are the best fit for this job.' Officer Cyrus soon accepted this job offer and started his life working as a foundation security cadet. 3 years pass, cadet cyrus has been promoted for a few times and have became a sergeant in the security team. But he think that being a sergeant is not what he is aiming for, he wants to get to a higher place; a place that gives him power, he then applied to be a captain in the security team. Will he success in his application?
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Well-known Member
Jul 7, 2022
General Security Department


Hello there,

This is Dpt. Chief Camden and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

Your application leaves much to be desired. You need to improve this application as it is way to short. If you would like examples of what your application should look like, here are some examples to help you improve it. (1)(2)

You have 48 hours to improve this application before it is auto denied.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Camden and Dpt. Chief Larry Hummer


Well-known Member
Jul 7, 2022
General Security Department


Hello there,

This is Dpt. Chief Camden and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I am glad to inform you after your application has been Accepted. Please get into contact with me for more information on what to do next.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Camden and Dpt. Chief Larry Hummer
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