[USA] Daniel bob Executive Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023

Out Of Character Information

Steam ID

Discord name
For how long have you played on CG SCP
I have 1677 hours on SCPRP US
I am 15 years old
In what country are you located?
Time zone
Australian Western Standard Time
Foundation name
Daniel bob / "Neptune"

Chaos name
Daniel bobs
Civilian name
Daniel rob

GOC name
Daniel "Phantom" bob

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I am applying for Executive Researcher on SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
I have held a MTF-E-11 CSG, CI gamma and GSD Captain and I hold a UNGOC SPC, SCP-096 and MTF-O-1 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
No I have not as I am a staff member

In Character Information

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive researcher because I love research and I love writing documents I love the idea of writing documents and doing cross-test with SCPs as it makes more RP and is fun as hell I also love making sample documents. I would also like to help people with research by sighing there documents or showing them how to write a good Document. I also enjoy my time researching on SCPs and trying to find new things out on SCPS.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
I have good document writing skills and also a lot of research ideas and have also held some CL4 roles in the past as well as I think I am suitable as I am AU time
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written six excellent graded research documents. what make a Document excellent is it having good presentation as well as it having an index in it also documents should detail the SCPs they are testing as well as detail all safety steps
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?
Making sure research's are doing the right thing grading and approving documents as well as making sure research staff know the code of ethics and conduct. giving out job bans is also part of it this can be done for abuse of an SCP or even just minging on research.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in
After being injuird in d-block after a mass riot and losing his right eye Daniel bob set out on a mission to research and study the SCPs as he had started to gain an interest in SCPS and what they are. Daniel bobs first test was a sample test of SCP-035 and SCP-106 which went well then Daniel bob did a TG test and that went well. after a couple of months of sampling SCPs Daniel bob did his first crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 see crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 for more then Daniel Bob did SCP-7722 and SCP-049 see research study SCP-049 and SCP-7722 crosstest and did another crosstest with SCP-999 and SCP-330 see SCP-999 and SCP-330 and SCP-330 research study-A for more. Daniel bob is hoping he will be able to do more research if he gets the chance to be executive.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
+/- 1, I will tell you this. You WONT have time to do more than 2 tests a day if you are doing your Exec duties. Its a lot of management works, supervisisng, mentoring, lectures, dealing with IA. Its a lot of management oyu have to do as Exec. Its not going to be document creation and research like Senior Researcher.


Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Daniel Bob!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been elevated to an interview!

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) to receive your interview!​


Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Daniel Bob!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated!

Upon review, your application has been accepted!

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) to receive your training/onboarding.

You may contact your local RAISA Officer (server staff) for your credentials. (whitelist)​
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