[USA] Daniel R. Kight's Consultant Application (Part 2)

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Nov 17, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
23 months since November of 2022


In what country are you located?:
I am currently living in the United States.

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Senior Agent H. Kight 'Ninthgate'
Sr. Doctor Daniel R. Kight

CI-C MCOM J██ M. W██ 'Silence'

Civilian name:

Elias 'Roshambo' Schmidt

What server are you applying for?:

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Consultant Held
Director of Medicine Held
E-11 SGT Held
Nu-7 SGT Held
Ethics Assistant Held
Special Agent Held
096 Holding
22415 Holding
Senior Agent Holding
IA Agent Holding


CI-C MCOM Holding
CI Medical Division Overseer Holding
CI R&D Division Senior Director Held
CI-C Delcom Held


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, a couple for rdm, fearrp, failrp, etc, the only serious one I have is a [sev tox | ban evasion] from around 5 months ago
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I am applying for the position of Medical Consultant because I'd like to get behind the scenes with medical again. I'd like to join medical because it's one of my favorite aspects of the server. I love being able to do psych evaluations and make medical chemicals and do all sorts of medical roleplay on the server. It's really fun to do and if I am a consultant again I can pursue that again. I am also applying because it's been a while since I was here and I'd like to see what's changed with the team. Also a non combative job would be a great change of pace for me as I've been playing a lot of combative recently. Another reason i would like to join the team again is because I had a lot of fun last time I was on the team and I’d like to experience that fun again and make friends with the new Consultant team, as many of the people I used to know on the team are now gone and I see this as an opportunity to explore new roleplay situations with the new team.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

I believe I am suitable for Medical Consultant because I've got a lot CL4 experience including Director of Medicine and I believe I could be helpful to the medical team in anything I'm assigned to if I rejoin. I also believe I am great at talking with others and rooting out trouble makers on the medical team when needed. I also believe personally I am a great role player when needed and can be helpful when asked. I am great at organizing and writing documents as well and I believe I would be perfect for the team, I also believe I have changed since the incident 5 months ago and am fully ready to rejoin the Foundation CL4 team.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

The curing of Acute Sinusitis also known as a Sinus Infection via Chlorphenamine
Step 1. Assess that the patient is actually sick with a Sinus Infection via the Medbay infection scanners or your own person infection scanner that you spawn with.
Step 2. Buy Ethanol, Anhydride, Methyltestosterone, and Deionized water from the Medical Chemist (NPC) inside of Medbay.
Step 3. Place equal parts Ethanol and Anhydride into a beaker and let it simmer until it's become Ethanoic Anhydride.
Step 4. Place Methyltestosterone and Deionized water into a beaker, place it into the vacuum chamber, and turn on the vacuum chamber.
Step 5. Once you have your Nurofen from the Methyltestosterone and Deionized Water, place both the Nurofen and Ethanoic Anhydride into a beaker and place over fire until it is done cooking.
Step 6. allocate 50ml of the cure Chlorphenamine you have just created into an injection vial and have the patient drink said chemical to be cured of their disease.
Step 7. Congratulations you have just cured a Sinus Infection on Site-65.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

The responsibilities of a Medical Consultant in RP are as follows
- Helping the new medical trainee's on passing their medical license test.
- Hosting Combat Medic tryouts
- Performing Field Duties (Depending on the field it could be managing combatants to managing chemical production/prescriptions within the department)
- Monitoring the medical department as a whole.
- Be a general form of consulting on any medical related issue.
- Help treat the injuries of foundation personnel that may have hurt themselves while performing their duties or tests.
- Help the medical team on the decisions of what goes on and rules of Medbay and the medical procedures.
- Root out troublemakers in the department.
- Make medical chemicals to help treat illness.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
  • BirthPlace - Tucson, Arizona
  • Birthname - Daniel R. Kight
  • Gender - Male
  • Nationality - Caucasian
  • Height - 201 cm
  • Weight - 94 kg
  • Age - 39
  • DoB - April 4th, 1984
  • Eye Color - Green
  • Hair Color - Brown
    Likes - Biochemistry, ███, SCP-██, Former Director of Medicine M█ G█, Former Director of Research F
    Dislikes - SCP-███, Overseer-6 "█ ██", J█ H. K
Phobias - N/A
Blood Type - AB-

History - Daniel Kight, born to the parents A and J Kight, both former members of P█ L█, brother to J Kight, a current member of the C I D C, was a former member of both The Foundation and The UNGOC. Daniel joined The Foundation in ████ before leaving The Foundation in ████ after his involvement in incident ████████-███████-████████ Involving SCP-███-██, SCP-███, and SCP-███, Daniel did extensive research on SCP-███-█ and SCP-███-█ after which he was amnesticized because of his extremely dangerous discovery about SCP-█-. Daniel joined The UNGOC the same year of his leaving from the foundation in order to liquidate an unknown SCP he came into contact with that scarred his eyes orange leaving him unable to see any other color. Daniel stayed with The UNGOC until ████ at which time he left because he had achieved his previously stated goal of liquidating that SCP and had no use to be with The UNGOC anymore. Daniel rejoined The Foundation in ████ after deciding he wanted to help with research on SCPs again. Daniel joined the Medical Team when he rejoined The Foundation due to his extensive background in █████████ which he learned when he was with The UNGOC. Daniel was with the medical team for about 3 years before deciding to apply for the position of Medical Consultant where he was accepted as a member of their team, Daniel quickly rose through the ranks of the medical team and eventually became the Director after the previous Director █ died tragically. Daniel stayed as the Director for months and months helping with many Medical and Research tests with Director F█ of the Research department and Director A█ of the Medical department. One very tragic day during one of the tests around Site-█ he was conducting the C█ I█ broke into the testing containment area and kidnapped him on the spot. The I█ wiped all the camera footage of the incident so it had appeared Daniel vanished into thin air during the test. For months Daniel was thought dead until Senior Agent Z█ A█ came into contact with Daniel's brother J█ K█ of the C█ I█ where he found out that Daniel was alive but being kept and tortured on an IBlacksite located 40km north of P█. Z fought to the death with J█ to find the location of Daniel and eventually extracted the information from J█'s robotic arm. Once Z█ found the Blacksite in question he stormed the base searching everywhere until he found Daniel in a torture chamber looking emaciated and wounded beyond belief. Daniel was taken back to Site-█ where he underwent treatment for his injuries and was nursed back to health, after coming to he had found out his position was taken over after months of no contact between Daniel and The Foundation. Daniel after finding this out asked us if he could rejoin the Medical Team as a consulate rather than the Director again, currently he awaits a response from us on whether he may join the team again or not...

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
I like sitting at the receptionist desk next to them and I've seen good things from them


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support
Considering your previous position as Director of Medicine and your conduct as a Senior Doctor, you are more than suited for a position like this. I hope to see you in it—best of luck!


Active member
Aug 5, 2024
To: Daniel Knight
From: Director of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the leadership time, we have decided to have to ACCEPT your application. Please reach out to a director via email (gak, antibambi) when possible to start on boarding.

Director Kowaru Nagisa
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