[USA] Daniel's Security Captain Application

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May 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:198436010

Discord name: zeeagle

For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~738 Hours

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s):

Daniel "Kaghrik" Faux - Foundation

Kaghrik "Yellowfoot" - CI

Civilian name: "Kaghrik"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


(Note: Not Whitelisted but felt the need to include it)

Security RRT (Officer & Sergeant) + All other security roles that are level based.

--- Held ----

MTF E11 LCPL (Held)
Nu7 LCPL (Held)
IA Ambassador (Held, CL4)
CI-G (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Wed, Jun 29, 2022: FailRP - Over a year ago can't remember why but around when I first joined the server
Sat, Dec 31, 2022: RDM - I killed a dclass as a dclass, I can't remember the reason. this was after taking a break from the server for a lil and coming back after christmas.
Sun Jan 1, 2023: FailRP
Sun Jan 1, 2023: FailRP
Im very confused because these happened consecutively within minutes of each other so either this was a glitch or i got pulled in an admin sit twice i honestly have no idea as my memory is horrible

Mon, Jul 24, Severe Toxicity **Banned** for 3 days. This is my first and hopefully last ban and happened a couple months ago.

I got on the server for like 30 minutes to an hour and was just talking to my friends on discord of which I slipped up and tried to jokingly tell somebody to KYS as that's something i had as a bad habit to say a lot a couple months ago. This came from meeting some new friends who said that a lot and it kinda rubbed off on me and in that hour of playing on the server I clearly didn't read the room and told it to someone who I was not friends with nor knew and it was very bad taste. I have since made some effort to stop using that language not around my friends as i do realize what other people are going through and how it is easy for me to not see the bad my joking words can feel to someone unintentionally.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

The main reason I'm applying for Security Captain is I want to be able to have more of a role in the experience's of new players and help out to make Gensec feel more like an actual regiment because with the amount of importance D-BLOCK control has over the site, it is important Gensec has multiple people who can keep that control steady and balanced. I also notice a lot of confusion between the captain's with not a lot of them being on the same page and I would hope to solve or help diminish that issue as a Captain should be someone to trust their word especially when regarding super important issues such as ethics, how many warnings, job roles, etc. This will be extremely important with the upcoming GENSEC rework. Another reason I'm applying is because I just really genuinely enjoy being security and the balance of gameplay that it offers such as intense sweeps, coordination, & combat, along with the stress of attempting to control a understaffed, overwhelmed D-BLOCK.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

CL4 Experience: First of all, I have previous CL4 experience as an IA Ambassador working under Dalton as the director. So I am able to bring both sides of what is needed from a captain, administrative, and combative + disciplinary. I am used to being screamed or yelled or generally talked loudly too constantly while attempting too arrest somebody and then put them in jail which is good preparation for the ability to work under pressure needed as Captain when giving orders, managing d-block generally, and just general good for when you need to complete something urgently and quickly.

Balance: It's important to balance as a Security Captain as you need to be able to lead but not have your force hate you. When doing urgent things such as a sweep it's important to speak Loudly, but Clearly, and with Mutual Respect. You need to be able to freely handle problem and troublemakers such as newly trained cadets who you might run into but also be polite and kind to those who you interact with while still doing your job.

Expertise/Knowledge: Knowledge of the situation. I am a suitable candidate in this matter because I have over 700 hours a lot being played in combat, fast adapting situations and have done more than my fair share of riot control and security sergeant putting hours and hours of gameplay in. Over time, you start to see what a GOOD captain and a BAD captain look like and begin to become a better player and leader because of it.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

Security Captain's have several different responsibilities so I will put them in varying groups.


Answering Questions & Teaching Tips & Tricks
Hosting Tryouts (RRT & HWL)
Handling Mingy Personnel In A Professional Manner (IA Or Job Ban If Need Be)

Doing sweeps, fast & proper.
Managing D-BLOCK (positions, staffing,)
Extra: (Reminding people of radio freq. , Catwalk sweeps, etc.)

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

#CL5 Access Detected
Welcome Chairman Dalton,
[FILENAME: Background File: Jimmy CODENAME: "Kaghrik"]
On Jul 25, Circa. @#!%

IA Ambassador Jimmy Johnson CODENAME: "Kaghrik" underwent a nearly fatal blow to the back of the head from an [unknown IA Agent] in the bathrooms while Jimmy was on lunch break. Surrounding forces heard this and attempted to arrest and interrogate said [unknown IA Agent] however, the [unknown IA Agent] had already escaped back through an previously unrecognized vent by the engineering team. "Kaghrik" suffered full "dissociative" amnesia causing lack of memory loss up until right before coming IA ambassador as he used to be a Security Officer. This type of amnesia is purely linked to specific trauma and stress leading up to the events of the blunt-force trauma to the head. It is UNKNOWN what events lead up to this and what was ailing "Kaghrik" before the events occured.

Afterwards, an order from [REDACTED]

to keep people from asking questions, confusing staff, or causing mass hysteria/public distress among the employees and more dramatic side of the foundation. It was ordered by [REDACTED] to give "Kaghrik" a full and complete RE-ASSIGNMENT to Security Captain and he would be RE-EDUCATED so that his skills from the job of IA Ambassador and muscle memory may help in his new career as Captain.
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