[USA] Deluxe Ethics Committee Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: ebola5535
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I think 2 years now I forgot
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Deluxe
Civilian name: Dremon Deluxe green
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- ECA holding MTF E-11 LT Held SCP-096 holding MTF Nu-7 SGT CI-A Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- yes I have 6 warnings or 5 but they were a long time ago and one ban that was a long time ago to
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- The role I'm applying for is the Ethics committee member because I want to take my RP skills and my other skills to the next level and take a step forward to a bigger role in the foundation changing things that I think need to be changed helping people out that needs it and just put a bigger impact on people and work hard and helping out the ECA's.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I think what makes a best candidate is to be professional and friendly and show good manners to people and the people you work with. Some other good things are knowing how to write documents knowing what is right or wrong helping out people that need it and knowing how to read documents. But my time in ECA and learning the Ethics Committee I now have great knowledge of how it works and what they do and more I also know the SCP lore in the server and not in the server, but I want to change things in the foundation that people want to change and what others think about it and very much know the policies of every department and know how every MTF works. (but not A-1)
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee are to auth AA when there's a code 5 if they need it, change the code of ethics when needed, help the chairman to pick the O-1 commander, Help manage IA with anything, and pick the DPT of IA, give ECAs new orders and O-1, manage the assistant and O-1, Sign documents that are for the Ethics Committee to sign, Approve D-Class permits that are for SC or SA to sign Hold Tribunals that people for real needs, press the nuke button when there's a code black but when it is the right time to do and we can't stop of what is happing.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The responsibilities of RP are working with the chairman picking out new ECAs, ECM, and the DPT of IA

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in [Chapter 2 All of the Hard Work Pays off] We left off when Deluxe was an Ethics assistant working very hard today was March 19th it was a new day for Deluxe doing his normal ECA things until he got called to the Ethics member office [Ethics member present< Assistant Deluxe come to my office ] [Assistant Deluxe< on my way sir] Deluxe was on his to the office when he got there Ethics Assistant Puggo was there too [Ethics Member peasant< I have both of you here today because I have a new order for all of you Assistant and you two are the leads so some research Department researcher may have some classified information on their hands ok so I want you two with the other Ethics Assistant to go out and ask them some questions and I'm telling you what I'm looking for ok so ask them these 3 questions Question 1: Is there any information above your clearance level that you know about? Question 2: Is there anyone you know who is info breaching classified information? Question 3: How can I help prevent info breaching in the research department? got it?] [Assistant Deluxe and Puggo yes sir] [Ethics Member peasant< OK so there's a few things they might know some are that you don't know too but if they say it, I want all of all to have bodycam on and give it to me and Class A yourself ok so here what they might know -Serpent's Hand-Wanderers' Library-The Scarlet King-The Administrator-Resh-1-SCP-001-Church of the Broken God now most of them you don't know so that's why I need both of you to class A yourself and other Assistants you know the orders now] [Assistant Deluxe and Puggo Yes sir] [Ethics member peasant< ok go tell the other Assistants about and what they need to do. After Deluxe and Puggo told the other Assistants about the new order all of them went to work fast some Assistants found researchers who knew about The Administrator some knew about Resh-1 and SCP-001 but after that, they couldn't find anything. [Evil Researchers< they know about what we know yes, we should tell the Tech experts Vold YES THAT'S AND GOOD idea before they do something to us] so the Evil researchers know about what the assistants are doing so they went to a club called VOLD and they told them everything so know they know after that they all got classed A so all the vold member did a mass info breach Deluxe saw this and it started all in comms saying what is this what is that so Deluxe was going to ask some questions of how they found this they said they got from Tech experts it was a group of them having there hands up walking in a line now Deluxe got all the info he needs but he was the only Ethics Assistant on site but there are some O-1 on site so he comms then in about everything and got to work they kidnap 3 tech experts Deluxe and the O-1 ask some questions but they would not tell anything but one did they said they got it from a few researchers this is great info they have now but it was getting bad everyone starting to know so Deluxe called IA and DEA help for this [COMMS< Hello IA DEA hello yes sir? need your help with something yes we have heard you need help with this yes I do you will have O-1 help I will help to ok everyone that know needs to be classed A fast and now yes sir will do] So now Deluxe was getting all these people cuffed and classed A they were doing good Deluxe to tricking the Tech experts and other people Deluxe was stopping this info breach and he was doing that good. Deluxe and Ambassador Sledge were chasing the last 2 tech experts Deluxe got one of them and cuffed and gave him to Sledge when Deluxe was chasing the last Tech expert he pulled out a gun and shot Deluxe in the arm [Assistant Deluxe< AHHHHH FUCKING SHIT] [Evil Tech expert HA fuck you bi- GUNSHOT] [Ambassador Sledge< SIR are you ok ] Deluxe passes out. The next day Deluxe woke up in medbay in a bed and saw Ethics chairman Mr. Dalton [Ethics chairman Dalton< Hello Assistant Deluxe I heard what you did yesterday so I'm here today to say good job on getting ethics member] Deluxe was happy but could not because of his arm he have to stay in bed for a few days [Ethics chairman Mr. Dalton < but your arm looks like hell so you need to stay in bed ok I will tell everything once your out] the chairman left the room and Deluxe said I guess hard work do pays off. [END OF CHAPTER 2]
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Deluxe's Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the Committee agrees that you're not yet suited to become an Ethics Committee Member, please get in contact with me for further information.

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