[USA] Doctor Ricardo Julius's Chief of Medicine Application

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May 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67919358
Discord name: Hiroshima#4617
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 weeks
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Ricardo Julius
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No
Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
- There are a couple of reasons that I am applying for Chief of Medicine. The first reason is to help get the branch organized. Throughout my time as Doctor and Combat Medic, I see Medical Trainees who are struggling with their role on the server. Most of the trainees I saw either don't know how to do their jobs or need to be taught the rules and regulations of Medical Branch. In fact, when I was a Medical Trainee, I had no clue on what rules I had to follow or where I was supposed to be since there was nobody to guide me at the beginning. I always wanted to fix this issue by hosting trainings to help them be accustomed in the medical branch. Medical personnel at the moment need to be taught on how to properly perform their role in the foundation, so I will be the person to do so. The second reason I want to become Chief of Medicine is to implement my ideals within the medical branch. To be honest, when you are at the bottom of the chain of command, it is difficult for your ideas to be heard because people don't take you seriously. It is like a D Class telling you how to do your job; you take it with a grain of salt and ignore it. I have many ideas suggestions to could potentially benefit the Medical branch as a whole, so I wish to become Chief of Medicine to have my voice actually acknowledge by people. As a person who plays on combat medic, although I'm in the middle of the food chain, I can't impose my thoughts for this branch, but if I become a LVL 4 personnel as Chief of Medicine, people are forced to hear my suggestions. The third and final reason I am applying for Chief of Medicine is to train Medical Trainees for their license. Every time I hop on Combat Medic, I always get at least 1 Medical Trainee that asks for their Medical Licenses. Sometimes, the Director of Medicine or Chief of Medicine is not on the server, so I tell those Medical Trainees that they have to wait. Waiting to receive your medical license is annoying as I personally experience this event occurring in which I had to wait for 48 hours to get someone to do my medical license training. When it comes to any organization with a chain of command system, everyone wants to climb up the chain of command. No one wants to be stuck at the first because if they get promoted, they get access to new perks, more authority, and they get recognition. For medical trainees, they don't want to stay in D Block forever, but they want to perform other duties like Electro Shock Therapy or healing fractures. In short, people are asking for their medical licenses and their requests are being unheard. and I want to become Chief of Medicine so I can help out any trainee I encounter to get them bumped out in the Chain of Command and to have them stay in the Medical Branch.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
- I believe I have a couple of strengths that make me suitable for this position. The first strength I display is dedication. When it comes to me, if I want to achieve a goal or complete a challenge, I will be hellbent on that thing until I finally complete. When it comes to my mission on Civil Gamers, I am obsessed on getting 05 council. I have ambitions that are very high and might be consider ludicrous, but I am determined to get what I want and will do the steps to make it happen. I have fully aware that a Combat Medic can't just a position of an 05 member, so that is why I am very very active on Combat Medic and performing my duties as a combat medic. I have done multiple Electro Shock Therapy, healed many different fractures of MTF and Gensec personnel, and assisted different MTF units in their duties as a Combat Medic. I have shown to my fellow peers in Medical and to other personnel in other branches that I am not a casual player, but I am completely serious at my job and I displayed it on multiple occasions. My second strength that shows that I am suitable is my experience on gmod servers. I have a total of 8,055 hours playing gmod and most of those hours are on serious rp servers. I know the overall structure of how serious rp works, so I will be able to perform my duties as an rper while playing on this server. My third strength is leadership. As previous stated, I have played multiple different gmod servers and I was in a command position a couple of times. When it comes to leadership, it is the MOST difficult thing you can do while on a rp server. You cannot afford to make any mistakes in your position, you have to lead your subordinates while in crisis situations, and the most important thing of all, you must be able to gain the respect of your subordinates. If people do not respect you, they will not listen to your orders no matter what you say to them. Everyone who has obtained a leadership position before knows fully well that failure always happens at some point. People make mistakes and from personal experience, I have plenty of mistakes while being in a leadership role. However, people learn from these mistakes in order to become a better leader for their personnel. When it comes to Chief of Medicine, I might make some mistakes, but I will learn from those mistakes in order to perform all of my medical responsibilities and duties successfully. That is a promise.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- One of the in-game medical procedure that I will be explaining is healing. To be frank, I was the one who designed the document on how to heal fractures in medical center (see Department Chief of Medic Rizzo for confirmation). When it comes to healing fractures, the old standard was to perform Electro Shock Therapy or to use SCP-500 to heal the fracture. However, there is an easier and cheaper way for medical personnel to heal fractures which is using drugs. Before you heal a fracture, you must first identify what bone is fractured for the patient. On the server, there are only 4 things you can fracture: left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg. In order to identity this, the patient must be scanned with the radio bed. The radio beds are located in the Chemistry/Medical Center and the patient must be laid out on one of those bed. After a couple of seconds, fractured bones will become red on the white screen above the radio bed. After the medical personnel successfully determines the bone that is fracture, the medic will make the drugs in accordance to the fractured bone. In order to do this, you must type the command !medic in chat. !medic will pop up a menu of different medical supplies you can spawn in. The first thing that you want to spawn is a Test tube: Empty Beaker. In the !medic menu, there is a tab called "Entities". You will click on that tab and you will spawn in the empty beaker that costs $2. The next thing you want to spawn in is the drug associated to the drug. In the !medic menu, there is a tab called "Test tube" Click on that type and there will be a bunch of chemicals that pop up, but only 4 of those chemicals will be useful to healing fractures. In the "Test tube" tab, there is a drug titled "Test Tube: Calcium". There are 4 different types of this chemical that is associated to each bone you can heal. For example, "Test Tube: Calcium (right arm) will heal a fracture in the right arm and so on. You will spawn in the drug that is associated to the patient's fracture. For example, if the patient has a fracture in his left leg, you will spawn in "Test Tube: Calcium (left leg)". The third and final thing you need is an Empty Drug Jar. In the "Entities" tab in !medic menu, you will spawn in the item "Empty Drug Jar" item as well. Once you spawned in all 3 of the items, it is time to make the drug. First , you will use the gravity gun to pick up the "Test Tube: Calcium" and force it into the empty beaker. The beaker should say what drugs are in the beaker if done properly. Next, you will use your gravity gun on the beaker containing the drug and force it in the Drug Jar. The Drug Jar should state what drug is inside the jar. After that, you will use your gravity gun to pick up the drug jar containing said drug and give it to the patient. The patient will press "E" on the drug jar to consume it and it will get rid of the fracture if done properly.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
- The main responsibility for all medical personnel is to give aid to all essential foundation personnel and staff (MTF, GENSEC, Researchers, etc) and our second priority is to give aid to all non essential personnel (Class D, civilians, etc). As Chief of Medicine, the specific responsibilities are to oversee the medical branch as a whole. The Chief must delegate rules and regulations of the Medical SOP to all Medical Personnel. The Chief must hold medical personnel accountable if they break such rules (ex. misuse of medical equipment) and delegating orders from Director of Medicine to other Medical Personnel. Other responsibilities including training medical trainees for their medical licenses, teaching medical trainees on how to perform their doings, performing psych evaluations, and administrating amnestics when needed.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Ricardo Julius was enlisted in the United States Navy as a Navy coreman. His main priority is to provide aid to his fellow soldiers in the battlefield. He was assign to 21st Yankee Platoon that consisted of 6 United States Marines. His mission was to keep these men alive and healthy. After his 3rd deployment tour in Afghanistan, he received a call from his former Commanding officer at the time, 2LT Richard McKinley. We talked on the phone for hours but the synopsis of the conversation was he wanted to give me a job offer to work for an organization called the Foundation. I've never heard this group before because I was interested because I was thinking a change in careers after I got back from my last tour. I accepted the job offer and decided to work for his organization. At first, I started out as a LVL 1 personnel of Site-65 which only allowed me to assist the doctors in the medical center while they perform operations and procedures. Eventually, after a couple of years, I became a combat medic working for the Foundation. Because of my previous experience with combat, I had the qualifications to become a combat medic for this organization. After i got my LVL 3 clearance, things started to make a lot of sense for me. As a Medical trainee, there were so many restricted sections that I wasn't supposed to go into, but now I know why. Site-65 had contained multiple anomalous entities that were inhuman and dangerous. I assist multiple different MTF teams in their operations and duties as a combat medic in case I need to provide medical aid on their missions. However, Ricardo Julius was always more interested in medicine than combat. He didn't want to relive the experiences of Afghanistan all over again with this Foundation as well, so he applied for Chief of Medicine. He wanted a more administration responsibility rather than being in a field. He also wanted to be in a leadership position like he always dreamed of becoming a LT in the Navy.


Well-known Member
Apr 30, 2022
i am to lazy to read all of this shite and ive seen good work from you so yeah your alright for the position


Apr 10, 2022
This man works his ass off in medical shows Great RP and alot of experience within the Medical department

Hollow Larry

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 19, 2022
Hello Ricardo, i will be giving +Support
+Good work in medical
+Good application
+good lore

- not seen much of him in RP
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