[USA] Dr. Doofster Runner's Intelligence Ambassador

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:149791925

Discord name: Suit#4640

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 days in game, 2 weeks IRL

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: Australia

Time zone: AEST (10+)

Character name(s):
Doofster "Doc" Runner (Foundation)
Muhammad Runner (CI)

Civilian name:
Alexander Runner (Civilian)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes I do have a Mic

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Alpha

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
- I see a lack of personal in an area, and I want to be the one to fill that hole. While I am relatively new to the server, I believe I have strongly made an impact in areas of Researcher, Intelligence, and Medical. These three areas I have shown strengths in Roleplay, Professionalism, Knowledge of SCP Lore, Strong Writing Abilities for documentation of situations, and the ability to improvise situations as they change. These skills I believe will allow for myself and the other Intelligence Agent/Operatives to constantly have things to do, whether they be lessons on Interrogation techniques in Lecture Halls, Operational Planning with Nu7 on surface activity, or missions for Agent/Operatives to do on the surface. These previously stated reasons are why I am applying, to fill a hole that is obviously present, and to allow for Intelligence to be known as an RP Juggernaut with lots to do.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
- My maturity and strong ability to RP, allow me to be an excellent Intelligence Agent, and I believe would also work as an Intelligence Ambassador. I would aim for more surface missions for Intelligence to take place along side Nu7, giving them more to do, as well as making time for lectures on Interrogation techniques and practices for Intelligence Agents/Operatives to learn more about how to effectively get a civilian or CI to tell you the information you are after. Long story short, I want to give Intelligence more to do, and make it so they have more RP opportunities, whether Interrogations, Missions or working with Nu7 on Operation Planning.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have 1 incident document for Intelligence and 4 for Researcher
- I believe my documents all provide examples of my excellence and professionalism in writing, with all of my documents being awarded Good by CL4 or higher players, as well as them being given high praise by players who proof read them for me. Although I will admit sometimes the length of my documents often does go into excessive details, with most documents of mine spanning 4+ pages.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
- Organize/Perform Misinformation Campaigns to hide the presence of the Foundation
- Organize/Perform Covert Surface Missions with/for Nu7 on Groups of Interest
- Assist the Director of Intelligence in the running of the Department of Intelligence
- Organize/Plan missions for Agents/Operatives
- Maintain Professionalism
- Uphold the Code of Ethics for the Department
- Maintain communication between Foundation Departments and the Department of Intelligence
- Uphold the goals of the Department of Intelligence and the Foundation

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Dr. Doofster Runner was originally an Arms Runner who after researching into anomalous weapons and their manufacturing, secured employment as initially a researcher for the SCP-Foundation. After working his way to Clearance Level 2, he was invited into the Intelligence Agency after successfully talking down SCP-049 from breaching, as they believed a silver tongue like that could work wonders in Misinformation Campaigns. Eventually he was given the nickname of Doc by his fellow agents due to his PhD in Musical Psychology and background in the research and medical departments.

During his service as an Intelligence Agent, Agent "Doc" has participated in numerous interrogations, successful misinformation campaigns, and intel gathering missions on the surface.

Agent Runner also organized a successful Misinformation Campaign, convincing CGITV using faked and real intel/documentation, to run a hit piece on the local Civilians "militia" (The Chaos Insurgency). This campaign (Operation Revolt), succeeded in bringing tension among the civilians and their "militia", causing civilians to be less helpful to the CI and their surface missions, and even flat out aggressive to them at time, diverting the resources of the CI in dealing with locals, while allowing The Foundation to save resources on further Misinformation campaigns as the publics attention was drawn away from us, and instead focused on the other men in the mountains.

His crowning achievement was Operation Trainee, which provided numerous opportunity for DoI to scout the surface, gained a Cease Fire with the CI, successfully infiltrated the town, allowing for the DoI and Nu7 to be seen as National Guard, and protecting Foundation interests and secrets in the area (Report available for CL3 to read on ScripNet).
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From the Department of Intelligence (D.O.I) eye-xxl.png

Greetings Agent Doc,

You have been selected for a position for as Ambassador,

and to move forwards with the process I will need to meet with you
first thing in my office. My door is open whenever I am on site.

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