[USA] Dr. Oliver Andersons OSA Application

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Apr 10, 2022
I feel as I can really do this job and I will NEVER let the Overseers down,
I will be at my upmost self and I really wish to take on this opportunity.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83396470

Discord name: desiredtoresign (im not actually desired to resign some people ask)

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 17 Days

14 (Mature though)

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: MST

Character name(s): Dr. Oliver Anderson Ph.D

Civilian name: Greg Penderson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher (Junior CL4 Experience)
DEA Whitelist

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Toxicity
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in
I am super hard working, mature and I wish to take on the role and pursue it almost every week, I wish to take on many opportunities, this being my top priority, I want to dedicate myself to one thing and this is what I want to do, I really want to assist the overseers however way I can causing no error. I have Junior CL4 Experience from my days as an Executive researcher as I have retired from that role to pursue other options like DEA and Nu-7. But I really do want to help the Overseer council and I feel as this is the best role for me. I will show my dedication fully and will be on at least almost everyday once I have completed my Nu-7 shift.
Orders: An OSA should ALWAYS follow orders and tasks from the Overseers.
Documentation: OSAs should always take notes when asked or if anything seems note worthy for the Overseers.
Coordination: OSAs are to either do the following, review departments, Communicate with A-1 or to Communicate with Site Administration.
Eyes: OSAs act as eyes and ears for Overseers so that they won't have to put themselves into a dangerous or sticky situation as they are the highest ranking members of the Site. OSAs also make sure everything is going accordingly, that being personnel following the CoE, CoC and Legal Codex.
Authorization: In the event that there are no SA nor SC in a Containment Breach or Raid OSAs are to give out AA permissions to MTF NCO+ to either do the following, Combat 2 or more breached Euclid or Keter SCPs, or to Combat Heavily Armored Vehicles in the event of any raids.
Personnel File

Dr. Oliver Anderson Ph.D started off as a University Graduate graduating from the University of Alberta with a Masters in Mathematics and Philosophy and a PhD in Biological Science, He received a letter in the Mail about the SCP Foundation, He applied and received the Research role, he bounced around a lot of jobs, First he made it to Executive Researcher, then he applied for DoR but someone was always better, So he then went to DEA but not too much interest, now he currently passed the Nu-7 Tryout first try and is serving as a Private in the MTF Nu-7 regiment, but now he wants to procure a new role within the foundation, the Overseers Assistant, he's perfect for the job, Very friendly, Junior CL4 experience, has been through a variety of jobs. Will you let him take the job?
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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
+Support been playing for a very long time very trustable and active. held a LVL4 role before very mature seen on sight multiple times on Uk and Usa. I think he is fit for Overseer Assistant
Mar 4, 2023
A message from the office of: O5-2 "████████"


Greetings, Peebus.

In regards to your application for OVERSEER ASSISTANT, after Council Vote; your application has been Unfortunately Denied.

Please contact O5-2 at his email address for any questions you may have. (thorn#6299)

You may re-apply in two weeks time.​
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