[USA] Dr. Swanson's Executive Researcher Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:163987897
Discord name: Epic#3691
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly a year, 1,200 hours in total playtime
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Dr. Swanson
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-US
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 Lcpl, E-11 SPC, Executive Researcher, Director of Research, Site Advisor, Overseer
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Failrp warning for jumping into the acid pools to get away from 008

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

- Throughout my time on the server and during my break from it I realised that out of all of the time I played on the server my time in research was always my most enjoyable. I've decided that I want to truly commit to the research department and as always aid in fixing its current issues and helping the department progress forward. On top of all of this the members of research have always been a joy for me to interact with especially when training and advising the more junior members.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

- Firstly and most prominently, I have spent a vast majority of my time on the server either directly or indirectly overseeing the research department both with my 4 months as director and the rest of my time as O5 ensuring the department ran properly.

Aside from that

1. I work very well with everyone on site regardless of who they are, I train any researcher I see and give them a full run down of what we want and expect of them out of the foundation as well as befriending them and making sure they know they can always come to me in the future, any good researcher is going to have a lot of questions and I do my best to make sure they feel comfortable coming to me about any of them anytime they feel like. Due to this much of the new and experienced research staff know and respect me. I work just as well with higher ups as well, I have became at least acquainted with a good portion of site command and leadership and even those who don't know me that well trust me and my abilities as a researcher, something very important if I am going to begin working with them more.

2. I have and always will ensure RP and especially quality RP thrives within the research department, advising those below me on proper procedures with new test, how to ensure quality in the documents they produce, working with players and GM's alike to spice up the test that our research staff will be involved in. All of this on top of working with my directors on ideas on how to better the department as a whole and fixing the major issues within it

How many excellent-graded documents have you written?

- Can't remember exactly but around 15-17

What makes a document excellent?
Formatting organizes the document properly and makes it much easier to both read and understand what is trying to be stated in the document, without it any document is essentially just a stack of papers with no clear order.Quality is dependent on 2 mains things, grammar and looks. Grammar is mostly self explanatory, as long as the words in a document are spelled correctly and proper punctuation is used there is no issue. Looks is more subjective but can really add to a document, things like adding pictures or separating giant blocks of text or using lines to give the document a more professional look really help getting a good grade.In short no boring test, we want test that push our understanding and knowledge of whatever SCP is being tested on and thus the test needs to be an original thought of something we don't yet know or haven't tested on. If we can already guess the answer with relative certainty its not worth testing on.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

Training newer researchers and advising senior ones.

Making sure test are reasonable and grading the ones that get uploaded on their quality.

Continue conducting test, while executives do have extra priorities they are still researchers.

And of course be the figure heads of the research department, they are the people researchers look to first for advice and how they should act whether the executive is aware of it or not.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

When Swanson was 25 he worked for the ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ institute based in Quebec, an international science organization created by the member nations of the UN to aid in scientific cooperation around the world. As director of the unknown entities division Swanson often had things brought to him most didn't quite understand but all around were not that hard to explain their function, anything that he couldn't explain quickly enough the higher ups just told him to throw it in the equivalent of a paper shredder or hand it off to the guards for destruction. For his duties Swanson often had to move around the world a lot to save the cost of transportation for these objects as the higher ups determined it would be more efficient if he just built field offices around where he was studying, it's not like his work mattered enough to get a true office anyway so who cared. On ▇▇/▇▇/▇▇▇▇ Swanson was deployed to the small town of Pinewood where a mysterious orange residue was found along the road after a recent attack on the nearby military base. When driving into town Swanson noticed the civilian population was seemingly in open rebellion against the base and their “tyrancial treatment towards the pinewood population”. When Swanson pulled up to the gate to investigate this he was quickly grabbed and dragged into the base for interrogation, after answering their basic questions and mentioning he was sent by the UN he was quickly let go and driven back to where his office was being set up, large amounts of gunfire were heard on his departure and the riots seemed to calm down soon after. Swanson then debated bringing up what was almost certainly a war crime whenever he got back to his higher ups though unbeknownst to him they would not be meeting for a while.

At 00:23 hours, after Swanson had set up a small containment chamber for the residue and went to bed. He heard a knock on his door, when he went to go answer it his door was blown down by two men in black one of whom shot him in the leg before realizing he was unarmed and had a small debate with each other over just killing him and taking the sample back to base before a beep could be heard on their radios and they decided to bring him in. From there he was briefed on the SCP Foundation, what it did, and his new position as a member of the research staff.

As his time as a researcher he was always fascinated with the cognitohazards stationed on site, how they worked, their effects on people, and most importantly how he could revert or cancel their effects. Thus he usually carried a stack of papers on his clipboard at all times to review his notes whenever he was going on test, this turned out to have some unfortunate consequences. One day as he was doing a test with 914, a group of armed Dclass came in and after properly robbing him of his keycard and disguising themselves forced him in on very fine along with his papers just to see what would happen to this poor researcher they had taken prisoner. With no other option Swanson obliged, and as he entered the machine he felt something grab ahold of him like it was wrapping around his head, soon enough his papers disappeared - he heard gunshots and yelling outside the machine so he hid in it until he was taken into custody by the E-11 who had arrived. When he was being interrogated they repeatedly asked about his eyes and what had changed with them, Swanson, of course had no clue what they were talking, about and eventually convinced them it was a medical condition he had always had and was eventually let go. While Swanson was walking to the washroom to freshen up he noticed a lot of people staring, he couldn't quite pin why, was his shirt on backwards? Was his fly down? Was his hair messed up? Swanson could only guess, though he finally realized what they were staring at when he got to the washroom. His eyes , his eyes looked like they had been shattered, he saw cracks through sclera all circling around his pupil which had seemingly vanished. He could tell why people were staring, he had to have been studying it for what felt like hours before he finally snapped out of it with the sound of a breach alarm. He heard loud over comms the barking of the E-11 "035 BREACH, IT'S TAKEN OVER THE BODY OF ONE OF OUR MEN, WE'RE TAKING HEAVY FI-" Before gunfire filled the radio and the transition stopped. He ran back to his bunks as quickly as he could but he was cornered by two guards who had seemingly defected to SCP-035's side as it arrived and offered him a weapon and told him to join them. Swanson had no urge to join them though he did act as if he did, grabbing the ARX 035 handed to him and took formation behind it. As he raised his weapon to the back of its head he wondered, why had this thing trusted him so quickly that he was telling the truth, why did it seemingly have no care that it had only taken seconds for him to decide and yet it allowed him behind it? This was an issue for another day as he fired 10 shots into the back of its head at point blank range. The body collapse onto the ground immediately and the mask fell off. Swanson expected the two guards to turn around and shoot him as he had just killed the one thing they seemed to have held any loyalty to, but was shocked when they instead just arrested him. Not for shooting 035 but for having a weapon in the first place; for not being in the breach shelter. When Swanson was interrogated the guards were greatly offended when he claimed that they defected over to SCP-035's side, apparently having no recollection of what had happened and denying any such event. Were they lying to save their own skin? No that couldn't be, they would've just shot Swanson if they truly did care about this thing, they had the justification to, some researcher with a gun to the back of their heads, no one would've questioned why they killed him. No there was something very different about them but he couldn't quite pin what. Nevertheless they let Swanson go with just a warning, while he wasn't supposed to have a weapon the guards did confirm that he was the one to kill SCP-035 and stop the breach which was justification enough for his superiors. This day scared Swanson and he would get to the bottom of everything that had happened. Until then he put on a pair of completely blacked out glasses and scheduled a test for SCP-035.


Active member
Apr 5, 2024
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Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: DrSwanson@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear Dr. Swanson,
thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to me (ratgod101 on the discord) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
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