[USA] Franklin Ali's Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP.

around 300-400 hours I played a lot on my second account.

Turning 15 on jan-1.

In what country are you located?


Time zone
Character name

Franklin Ali

Civilian name
Ballet "right hand mayor"

What server are you applying for?


Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(NU7 CPL) holding. (CI alpha) holding.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

1warn for Failrp for going inside GOC base as a Parawatch

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
The reason I'm applying for Captain is because I'm feeling more engaged in Gensec, and I promise I can be an amazing Captain. Although I have never held a LVL 4 card before, I think this is a great start for me for my first LVL 4 role. I have been an active member of Gensec for a long time now, and I have been able to develop strong relationships with the members. Therefore, I'm confident I can do a great job as captain, and I look forward to being a part of Gensec for a long time to come. I am also passionate about the role of Gensec, and I believe I can bring my enthusiasm for the security department to the role of Captain. Additionally, I have gained a lot of experience in leadership roles, and I believe I have the skills necessary to be a successful captain. When I watched captains do sweeps and HWL and RRT tryouts, It inspired me to apply for the position of captain. I want to do sweeps and host tryouts. Because I enjoy role models and the roleplay captains give out to Gensec, it teaches Gensec to obey ethics, the code of conduct, and on-site duties in the Gensec department. When I joined the server, I became a cadet, had a lot of fun, and did a lot of roleplay. When I ranked up, I started studying the Gensec handbook and started to be more engaged in the security department. It was not as frequent that I played as Gensec as often after I became a NU7, but I was still involved with it. In my free time, I enjoy playing the role of a "riot sergeant" and helping with sweeps as well as escorting clearance 4 researchers. I find it really rewarding to help others on the server and feel like I'm making a difference. I'm looking forward to becoming a captain and taking on more advanced roles and responsibilities in the security department. I'm also excited to continue exploring the possibilities of Gensec and the server. For instance, I recently helped a new recruit learn the basics of riot control duties, such as crowd control techniques and how to respond to emergency situations. I think I'm the perfect fit for captain.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I'm a wonderful choice since I prevent others from breaking ethics, exhibit excellent leadership, and have extensive training in the security field. I'm also very ethical and I never break ethics. I can stay on site for hours at a time because I have nothing else to do than work. Because I'm vigilant and handle emergencies well. I am skilled in battle and have excellent control over D-block. I've always demonstrated effective leadership, and I almost never broke the rules expect my warn or violated the server's rules or the code of conduct. I have practically all of my licenses, with the exception of my sniper and armored vehicle licenses. I'm patient and can maintain my composure in chaotic and stressful conditions. As an RRT SGT I have
organized D-block when its understaffed or a mess. My capacity to organize, strategize, and lead has proven invaluable in restoring functionality, my commitment to maintaining a high standard of performance even under challenging circumstances.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:







Patrolling d-block and making sure its up to standard and Organizing d-block. D-block is a crucial aspect that plays a significant role in maintaining and ensuring that it consistently operates up to the highest standards.
Making sure to do sweeps when there is a a code-2. a code 2 should only be active 5+ Armed D-class with 2-3 keycards. confirmed to be in D-block. A hostile GoI (aka CI or GOC) Is handing out weapons to D-class. A few D-class have heavy weapons such as LMG's, Snipers, and Rifles.Commanding RRT to patrol LCZ or HCZ when understaffed or asked by E-11. SCP-914 should be watched at all times its a crucial part of LCZ and D-class love going to SCP-914 when escaped. CI also main goals when raiding is usually going to HCZ, HCZ should be watched at all times by E-11 or when understaffed RRT.D-class should be treated with respect as well as Gensec. it is, for they are not mere subjects, but beings deserving of dignity and respect. Captains should obey ethics and code of conduct to the max.As a captain you should be hosting RRT and HWL test . and helping people who fail the test and telling them on how they can improve.Making sure gensec is on the right radio frequency. Asking gensec to get on the Teamspeak although its not required. Radio important stuff like code-1 or SCP breach, also status of LCZ as well as D-Block. Speaking to other gensec making sure their doing there job correct.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I am a 32-year-old male born and raised in Canada who had pretty good grades but grew up around the wrong people. Later, I moved to the US and I joined the FBI and took down high-ranking terrorists around the world. I was mostly stationed in Afghanistan, but I later had to go back to the USA after a life-threatening injury. After I recovered I went to Canada where I took down wanted criminals I discovered the SCP foundation and they recruited me to work for them I didn't know what I was about to get involved in but it was good money so I accepted then when I signed many documents and oaths I was allowed to work there so I quit my FBI job and left my family of 4 with a lot of money and starting working and I didn't mind the prisoners that were being kept it was the SCPs, it scared me how so nonhuman thing could tear me to pieces but I couldn't stop working because the money was feeding my family and me so after working a lot I got promoted to captain then I dissolved a lot more dangers scps which scared me but i ignored it then i started to get reputation and respected amount the foundation. being more adaptable After accepting that he would probably never see his family again, he started to become well-known and loved by the foundation.
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