[USA] Gordon Gudgeon's Director of Research Application

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Sep 20, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
About 630 hours. I've played since September. Had to take a few months break and came back around a month ago. Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 11.33.53 AM.png
23 years
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Gordon Gudgeon
Gilbert Gudgeon
Garold Gudgeon

Civilian name:
Garold Gudgeon
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI Alpha [Held]
Executive Researcher [Currently Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I received a warning for RDM back when I started on the server. I stabbed another D-class as a D-class. I've since more than understood my mistake. I would not want to do anything like that again, or break any server rules for that matter, and moreover try my best to educate newcomers on the matter.
Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 11.33.01 AM.png
Why are you applying for Director of Research?
If I had to put it in one sentence, the following would be my reason: "I love the research department and would love to help it thrive". However, the following are a few more reasons that go into a bit more detail:
  1. I enjoy doing research immensely. Even in the context of a game, there are lots of things to be tested and found out. Add roleplay and a bit of imagination into the mix, and you can test for anything and have as much fun with it as you want. As a director of research, I will have a lot more reach to spark others' interest and help them have as much fun with research as I do.
  2. I love helping others with tasks that they want help with. As director of research, I will have the ability to facilitate education a lot more effectively. As deputy head of the BOE, I understand the importance and the responsibility that educating others carries with it and I do not take it lightly.
  3. Last but not least, there are a few policy changes that I have in mind that would benefit the department and I would be eager to try to implement them.
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
  1. I am very active. I am usually online for at least 3-4 hours every day, the overwhelming majority of which is on Executive.
  2. I am very good at communication. I believe communication to be the most important part of any relationship and a director of research participates in a plethora of relationships. Including ones with subordinates, peers, and superiors. Effectiveness in these categories is a mark of how effective a Director of Research is, and I deem myself to be an effective communicator.
  3. I know a lot of people in the Department of Research as a part of my outreach efforts for the BOE and through executive duties and I am able to gauge the needs of the departments just by the everyday conversations I have with them.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
The roles of a director of research are twofold and can be split into two categories: research and administration. below I will list a few highlights of each category.

  1. In their research capacity, the director ensures the department's adherence to the Foundation's strict protocols, research guidelines, and the code of ethics, particularly when dealing with high-risk or high-profile projects.
  2. They authorize and oversee significant experiments, sample collections, and cross-tests. This all must be done according to the research guidelines and the sampling policies.
  3. The director must encourage participation of all members of the research department, while promoting a less intimidating but strictly monitored environment. Researchers must not be afraid to do research but at the same time, they must know that all rules must be strictly followed.
  4. The Director of research must also perform research to show an example to the whole department. While they can delegate their studies to others, it is crucial to show a spirit of curiosity to ensure other researchers have an example to follow.
  1. The Director of Research plays a critical role in overseeing and managing the operational aspects of the research department. This includes seeking and guiding potential Executive Researchers, as well as processing applications from prospective candidates
  2. They are responsible for preparing essential documentation in collaboration with other key members of the Foundation, which influences the overall functionality of the Research Department. This includes handbooks, SOPs, and project proposals.
  3. Conducting weekly meetings with executive researchers to ensure full productivity and share updates that occurred during the week.
  4. Keep constant communication with Site Administration and Command to ensure they are aware of what is going on in the research department.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Gordon Gudgeon’s backstory is available here.

Gordon Gudgeon has also been involved with several RP-heavy stories. I will summarize two of my favorites. I changed how some events played out exactly for better flow and simplicity but the story is effectively unchanged. Please ask me for details if interested.

Story 1:
In a bold experiment within site 65, Dr. Gordon Gudgeon sought to test the limits of SCP-096's resilience by exposing it to SCP-409's crystalline infection. With strict protocols, a D-class was infected with SCP-409 moments before being introduced to SCP-096’s containment chamber, everyone involved wearing scramble goggles to avoid triggering SCP-096’s lethal rage.

As the crystalline infection began to manifest on the D-class, he was placed near SCP-096, initiating a tense wait to see if SCP-409 could compromise SCP-096's notorious regenerative abilities. Initially, SCP-409 seemed to affect SCP-096, which surprisingly showed no aggression, even in its increasingly crystalline state—a momentary lapse that hinted at vulnerability.

However, SCP-096's remarkable recovery abilities soon prevailed, shaking off the crystalline growths with unforeseen rapidity. In a sudden burst of violence, SCP-096 terminated the D-class, his brief immunity to SCP-096's rage state overridden by its innate survival mechanisms.

This experiment, concise yet fraught with peril, revealed both the potential and the limits of using SCP entities against each other. Dr. Gudgeon's attempt provided valuable insights but also underscored the unpredictability and danger inherent in tampering with SCPs.

Story 2: (I am pretty sure this was an April Fools joke but I still like it)

In a peculiar twist within the SCP Foundation, Dr. Gordon Gudgeon and several colleagues reported sightings of an inexplicable entity, unique in that each observed it independently, yet no surveillance could capture its presence. This anomaly, unseen by others and elusive to technology, suggested a potent psychological or perceptual influence, targeting individuals rather than masses.

Recognizing the gravity of their experiences, the Foundation swiftly quarantined the witnesses in Med Bay, a collective measure despite the individual nature of their encounters. The isolation aimed to contain any potential spread of what appeared to be a highly selective cognitohazard.

Within the confines of the Med Bay, despite their shared ordeal, each member grappled with their own version of the entity, a testament to its bewilderingly personal impact. The Foundation, confronted with the challenge of treating a seemingly untreatable psychological affliction, opted for a radical yet necessary intervention: the administration of amnestics.


SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024
Gordon is an excellent Exec. I believe he is more then capable of taking on the lead of Director and will excel on what is needed.
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Active member
Aug 20, 2023
++ Massive Support
The immense amount of care and respect that Gordon has for this department shines through every time I witness him working. He is always active, and he is always willing to interact with those under him. He doesn't appear to have a bad temperament and as someone who enjoys the Research Department, I would be more than happy to work under him without fear of being unfairly treated or pushed around by someone who uses the job to gain more power. Genuinely one of the best Execs out there right now (There are quite a few great ones.)
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Feb 10, 2024
- Exceptionally helpful and approachable regarding questions and gives great input on your research documents
- Mature and professional, but he knows how to have fun too in the right situations
- Extremely dedicated to research (Legit haven't seen him on anything else lol)
- Always seems happy, probably because they actually enjoy their job
- Very respectful and friendly towards other players, no matter what rank/job they are
- Decent application

From the current applicants I have interacted the most with Gordon and be it because of my preferred jobs or timezone I feel like Gordon is the best guy for this job (Obviously biased since I didn't interact much with the others). Since he returned he has shown extreme dedication and activity towards the Research Department. He's honestly a pleasure to interact with and I hope that he keeps this up even if he gets this position.

Good luck on your app and journey on this server.
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Reactions: Gordon Gudgeon
Apr 20, 2023
From: vanburen@scpf.int
To: ggudgeon@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Denied |

Greetings Gordon,

This is a message composed by the Site Inspectorate to inform you that your application for the position of Director of Research has not been chosen to continue at this time. You are encouraged to submit future applications given the proclivity.

You may contact myself (thegypysbard) should you require further details.
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