[USA] Gordon's 2nd Site Advisor App.

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:245725058
Discord name: Qwerty or iseethat1236625._
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about 1840~ or so hrs
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Gardan "Combine" Freeman
Nick "Nickolas" Anne
Greg "Athene" Stephens

Civilian name:
Collins Smith
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
B-1 CPT [Held]
A-1 PVT [Held 2x]
Overseer Assistant [Held 2x]
Ethics Assistant [Holding]
Nu-7 CSG [Holding]
Nu-7 SGT [Held]
E-11 LCPL [Held]
CI-G [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received a few warnings in the past, although all of them are currently expired

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I am applying for Site Administration because I wish to gain a more in-depth knowledge of Site Affairs. Although, in general, I am trying to help the foundation succeed and better it for newcomers. I wish by not only helping the foundation and gaining more knowledge of Site Affairs, but I will also be able to improve my roleplay capabilities and overall standing in the foundation. In all, I want to help the foundation with all things related to it and improve myself and leadership skills by becoming a Site Advisor.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?

I have held many Junior CL4 as well as a Senior CL4 Positions, I am knowledgeable when it comes to leading and documentation, as can be shown with my work as an Overseer Assistant and as an Ethics Committee Assistant. With this previous knowledge, I have fully understood how to carry myself in leadership positions, and how to better myself going forward as a new Site Advisor. I have been able to lead and have some leadership experience as can be shown via my time as a B-1 CPT. In all, many of these CL4 positions have given me a ton of experience in many CL4 Areas and given me much needed interactions and experience with Site Administration.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?

The Responsibilities of Site Administration is as follows,

  • Department Reviews and Reports (All of which to ensure the Site is running smoothly)
  • Authorization of AA weapons in mass breaches
  • Authorization of Tests and Cross Tests (To a limit)
  • Appointing New MTF Commanders and Department Heads
  • Creating and Pushing Policies
  • The Management of Departments
  • Enforcing Rules and Standards

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The Site Director searched through some foundation files for a good candidate for Site Advisor, finally finding someone who meet the criteria for Site Advisor and requested them via email to come to meet him in the guise of an important meeting.

Freeman sat inside the office room outside of the Site Administration building, awaiting the arrival of the Site Director, he was told there was a crucial meeting that he needed to attend. After a few hours of waiting, Freeman was starting to doze off but before he could go to sleep, he was suddenly woken up to reality by one of the guards alerting him that the Site Director is available for him now.

Freeman stood up his back aching from the excessive amount of time he was sitting, stretching his back and yawning before walking behind the guard who led him to the Site Director's office.

"Welcome Freeman, make yourself comfortable, I hope I didn't hold you too long."

"No, I am fine, so what did you need me for Site Director?"

"Let me get to the point then, I have gone through your personnel dossier and have found you to meet the criteria to become a Site Advisor, but before we can make you an actual Site Advisor, I'm going to have to interview you first."


"Are you ok with going ahead with the interview?"

After a few seconds of thinking, Freeman finally responded back to the Site Director,

Apr 12, 2022
-support At least they don’t identify as… Freddy Fazbear. Because… this one kid… became Freddy fi-Freddy five bear- after- this guy William Afton MURDER him. RAAGH! And like… five other kids. He murdered-he murdered freddy fivebears, bonnie the bonniebun, chika the kitchen, foxy the- fox pirate, ROAR. And… yellow freddy fivebears because-cause W-william afton was PURPLE, but he was also YELLOW, so he-he MURDERED the y-yellow bear but also brown freddy fivebear. And that’s why if you identify with-with Freddy Fazbear is bad cause you in the suit cause the bodies are stuffed in the suits that’s what William Afton did, cause he was weird. He also built the animinimitro-


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Greetings Gordon,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied due to not being seen fit for Site Admin.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: chad1).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director "Plug"​
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