[USA] Grizzly's Application for IA Ambassador

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Well-known Member
Sep 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:547264805
Discord name: GRIZZLY#0217
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 131 hours but I've been on the server for a month and a half
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Grizzly
Civilian name: Grizzly252
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: none
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
one before for false arrest he died I didn't know he died.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for IA ambassador because I enjoy dealing with rule breakers. I also enjoy the job, in general, I would like to do more for the apartment and help train new IA agents give them information and show them the basics. I value this apartment a lot and I want to do more for them and the foundation.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I am always on when I can I do my best to help other IA. I always do my best to follow the code of ethics and code of conduct. I try to help out other IA when I can if they have questions.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-I've written 5-6 documents one being an investigation report and the others being arrest report I do my best to follow the ways to show us how to write it I use Grammarly when I can to make sure there are no mistakes. try my best to make sure it's not too long,
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
the responsibilities of IA ambassador are to assist the director in running the apartment. this includes training agents showing them how to do their job and making sure they read the board with the coc and coE, and giving IA agents assignments beefing them on what they're expected to do.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Grizzly was born in Russia where he learned as a kid to wrestle bears and survive in the wild. when he was 14, he went into town with his parents he then saw a criminal try and rob the store. then heroically Grizzly tackled the robber and beat him up when the police got there, they thanked him. that then inspired Grizzly to stop all criminals, so he went to the police academy where he passed with perfect scores. while on a walk these guys came up and offered him a job somewhere in Canada, he didn't want to at first then they told him the pay he accepted. in the next few days, he
packed and said his goodbyes to his parents. he got on a plane and flew to Canada where they picked him up in an SUV. where they took him to the facility where he spent his time arresting criminals.
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Sep 24, 2022

+ support

+ multiple rp interactions
+ mature
+ decent play time

BioHazard Researcher Mike Wahod


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
Neutral, leaning to -support

-Lacking much detail in application
-Haven't seen much them on IA

+When I've seen them on done a good job

Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022


Good Day, Mr. Grizzly. After a review of your application and input from the Ambassador team, your application for Internal Affairs Ambassador has been accepted. We'll expect great things from you in your new role. Please see me in-game for your whitelist as soon as possible.

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