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Well-known Member
Sep 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:547264805
Discord name: GRIZZLY#0217
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 277 hours
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): GRIZZLY
Civilian name: GRIZZLY252
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA ambassador held
A-1 held
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warn for false arrest
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-one of the main reasons is cause the lack of site advisors I feel like they could use some more help and I want to help other people with this position.

-the second reason is I want to do more for the site when it comes to handling issues between departments, I want to be able to help more departments, in general, I want to be able to help calm down the issues and try to solve them. I have experience dealing with issues as I am an IA ambassador, I've to feel like I can take what I learned from being an ambassador and help other departments.

- the third reason, this would be a big step for me I'm trying to learn more about handling site-wide problems I want to eventually become someone of a higher authority, but I need experience, and this would be great for me.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration
-there are a few reasons why I believe I am suitable for this position I will list them below.

FUN/MATURE - I am always trying to enjoy the server whether it be roleplay or talking to people I always want other people to enjoy the server as much as I do. But I am serious when I need to be I try to make sure people follow the CoC/CoE I always try to handle the situations the best I can.

-ALWAYS TRYING TO LEARN MORE - I always trying to learn more I want to make sure I'm always ready when there is a problem if someone needs information or just help, I want to help them with my knowledge/experience.

- EXPERIENCE - I have a decent amount of experience I have learned a lot from being an IA ambassador handing out punishments helping people and just talking to people. I've also learned a lot from ethics as we work closely with them. Second, I've also learned a little from A-1 dealing with info leaks. as A-1 we also work closely with 05 as we guard them, and I think I have learned a little from them.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site administration oversees the entire site and advises departments on how to improve, they make sure that all the departments are running functionally and that there are no issues, they act as site messengers between departments and site command relaying important information to the higher-ups, they also handle disputes between departments and try to resolve them peacefully, they also deal with breaches and intrusions to try and deal with them fast, they also authorize AA.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

PHASE 1 teen - Lucas Cromwell was born in the suburbs where he was raised till he was 19 at that time he wanted to be a lawyer, so he went to college for 4 years after he finished college and got his degree he worked as a lawyer in court for a few months. then one day while he was eating some food at a restaurant two men offered him a job, somewhere in Canada he didn't want to go but the pay he got was too good to pass up. so, he left after saying his goodbyes.

PHASE 2 - Lucas Cromwell began his job as an IA agent where he studied the rules of the site and then dealt with the rule breakers putting them in jail reporting them to his higher-ups and helping other agents. after a month and a half of hard dedicated work for the facility he was offered a higher position of IA ambassador where he taught new recruits and new agents the rules of the facility, where he keeps organized professional and dedicated to his position.

Phase 3 - after a while he wanted something new, he wanted new experience new leaderships skill, and to be able to help more people. then he saw opportunity he saw multiple spots open for site advisor, so he sent in a resume hoping to strive higher.


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
-Good Interactions
-Good c4 Experience

From the office of ████████

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. After careful consideration from the ██ ███████, we have decided that you are fit for the position. Please contact your nearest RAISA Office (staff) for the employment status changes and security clearance (whitelist). Congratulations, Site Advisor Grizzly.
Secure. Contain. Protect.
- ██-7​
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