[USA] "grunger"'s External Affairs Special Agent Application

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Discord Username
CG SCPRP Playtime
301 hours | Since 25/02/2023
Time Zone
Eastern Standard Time (UTC-4)
Character Names
"grunger" [CA-1] (Foundation)
Joe Kuzi (Chaos Insurgency)
Civilian Name
Grun "peabody" Ger
Applicant Server
Combat (27)
D-Class (28)
Research (13)
SCP (25)
Support (27)

Total (120)
Current Whitelisted/MTF/CI Roles

Past Whitelisted/MTF/CI Roles


Senior Agent Experience
5 days since External Affairs Senior Agent assignment, good few months as an Intelligence Agent.

Why I am applying to become a Special Agent
I am applying for a Special Agent position because I believe I can take on a role of leadership and representation within the department, even when nobody else can, or disregards the value of accountability. I would consider myself to be one of the most active agents in the field, and a bit of a jack-of-all-trades on top of handling External Affairs and other sensitive information or relations that pertains to the operations of the SCP Foundation as a whole. With my guidance and experience, I hope to assist the department by ensuring that my fellow agents meet this same standard, and collaborate with fellow Special Agents to strengthen relationships between other departmental leaders and GOIs. Over several months of my dedicated service with the DI and DEA, I have been honoured to have met and served alongside agents of varying backgrounds and histories, and I hope to continue serving and conducting alongside these loyal Foundation operatives, to the same capacity, as a leader and a mentor.
(I also feel it reflects poorly on the department when recruits to the DEA have to wait hours to meet with a Special Agent. Poor guys.)

Why I believe I am suitable to become a Special Agent
A Special Agent are the most common figureheads of the DIA. How a Special Agent behaves is crucial to the representation, reputation, and image of the Department of External Affairs as a whole. With this knowledge, I believe that I have a good number of qualifying traits for this position, but of those are mainly my responsibility, common sense, and leadership experiences.
A good leader with a clear head who owns up to mistakes, by themselves or those under their guidance, commands respect and shines a better light on the collective members of the department. Being a good representative is especially crucial as a Special Agent, because it sets the standard for interactions with other GOI in the future which can be a substantial tool of negotiation and attrition against hostile groups for the SCP Foundation in times of need.

Documents Written & Good Documents
At the time of writing, I have written and submitted 8 total documents for approval, with about 40 total interrogations.
My opinion on a "good document", more so pertaining to the DEA than any other department, is being as thorough as possible. The entire purpose of documents are to document important details, and perhaps some extraneous details that may find their purpose with a different department. I purposefully include anything relevant for operational security and increase the wealth of information we possess. That's our job, to leave no stones unturned, and investigate, or at least inform, about anything that even remotely piques interest. This proves especially useful during investigations, where External Affairs may need to retrospectively review several documents to gain a more complete picture on threats or GOIs.

For additional legibility and long-term information redundancy, I'd recommend agents professionally format and grammatically-correct their reports before submission. We need to continue to act as professionally, both in our words and on paper, and that we uphold information integrity so that the most minute of details can be isolated and investigated in future DEA investigations.

Responsibilities of Special Agents
On top of maintaining informational security, investigating GOIs, and the duties upheld by a regular agent of the Department of External Affairs, Special Agents are additionally tasked with:

Ensuring efficiency of the DEA's day-to-day activities
Briefing and coordinating missions on the ground
Recruiting and training new External Affairs Agents
Being an exemplary mentor by guiding and advising agents to their greatest capacity
Working both in and out of the department to improve departmental reputation
Issuing reprimands for insubordinate behaviour within the DEA
Acting as first mediators for hostage negotiations between the Foundation and GOIs
Leading operations and patrols to ensure civility and informational security within Pinewood
Authorizing GOC infiltration missions

Above all else, Special Agents must should act professionally and with due diligence at all times, in all sectors of work and communications. They should always be considering and respecting the duties and jurisdictions of other departments, and helping agents follow suit.

Special Agent Lore Example
The following is an excerpt of an interview on 17/03/2023, beginning at approximately 6:34 PM CST. Partial corruption and loss of various parts of the recording were attributed to the resulting explosion caused by the subject's consumption of an unknown liquid, assumed anomalous, produced via SCP-294.

Access to this log is restricted to personnel of level 3 clearance and above.

The video feed begins, displaying Special Agent "grunger" and a Representative of the Marshall, Carter & Dark organization in the Light Containment Zone interrogation room. They sit across from each other, the Special Agent just having apprehended the subject for trespassing."

Representative: "Excuse me?"
Special Agent: "The terms outlined within your contract with the Foundation restricts your access to several areas-"
Representative: "[interjecting] I was under escort by appropriate personnel."
Special Agent: "-including the Heavy Containment Zone."
Representative: "He told me he was with (Mobile Task Force) Epsilon Eleven."
Special Agent: "A 'Combat Chef' would not fall under the purviews of that regiment. Or any Mobile Task Force regiment, in particular. Or any Foundation security. He's just a regular chef who happened to be carrying an assault rifle. They have been dealt with accordingly, as for you; just sounds like you're feigning ignorance."
[The Representative remains silent. Shuffling of multiple documents can be heard in the background.]
Special Agent: "...And then you apparently tried to sample one of our SCPs. The blue one with the scales. We presume you were going to sell this sample off for its desirable side effects?"
Representative: "It wasn't blue, nor did it have scales. I mean, no, I wasn't-"
[Subject pauses briefly before slumping back into his chair. He looks up at the agent with a slight grin.]
Special Agent: "Please continue."
Representative: "I was trying to conduct my own research. Why do you think the Foundation is justified in keeping these opportunities stowed away from the public eye?"
Special Agent: "That's not what we're here to discuss, and frankly, I don't really think of 'science' when we were introduced. The matter-"
Representative: [interjecting] "Do you honestly believe that your superiors do it for the sanity of the world? That they are unlike us, and they don't use these gifts for their own selfish gain? Who are you standing up for?"
Special Agent: "Need I remind you the nature of your job as well? In any case, your non-compliance has prompted us to submit a request for a re-evaluation of your fitness as a Representative. Agent, please escort him out."
[The Special Agent exits the interrogation room. The subject retrieves a small styrofoam cup of a brightly-coloured, unidentified liquid from his hoodie pocket.]
Representative: "Just a little bit for the road."
[A sigh, sipping, followed by an audible *gulp*, can be heard. Shortly after, a blinding white light, growing in intensity, is seen emanating from within the subject's throat, before a large explosion rings out across the Light Containment Zone. The video feed is abruptly cut.]

The resulting explosion destroyed the Light Containment Zone interrogation room, along with the accompanying agent and the subject. Containment and medical personnel dispatched could not recover or identify any trace of either amongst the rubble.

Let this serve as an example of getting too friendly with the GOIs. It's not just the loss of men at stake here. Failure to properly establish and operate around the potential threat of a GOI, even ones we are on particularly positive terms with, have and will continue be strictly actionable. Rules are WRITTEN IN BLOOD.
Also, please get somebody from Internal Affairs to deal with those 'Combat Chefs.'


Well-known Member
Jan 26, 2023

Application Accepted

Congratulations, the Directorate of External Affairs has decided to accept you for the position of Special Agent. Please contact either Deputy Director "Chan" or Director "Walnut" in game or Teamspeak to receive training for the position.

Director of External Affairs, "Walnut"

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