[USA] Gure's Director of Medicine Application

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Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
Since February, 1060~ Hours


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character name(s)
Gure Buchan - FOUNDATION
Gure "Gerbal" MacGavin - UNGOC

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
Yes, I do (a good one now)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Medical Consultant - Holding

MTF E-11 PVT - Holding
DEA Sr. Agent - Holding
CI Gamma - Holding
Internal & External Affairs Agent - Holding
Ethics Committee Assistant - Held
CI Gamma - Held
GSD Captain - Held
E-11 SGT - Held
Nu-7 LCPL - Held
Nu-7 PVT - Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
None active

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
I am applying for Director of Medicine as I believe that I am capable of wielding this position, and that I can generate and improve Medical Roleplay, and make it so medical is a more active department, and make it so that it is more enjoyable for everyone. I am also applying due to the fact as my time with numerous different CL4's, I've enjoyed Medical Consultant then most, and I am ready to fill the empty position that has been left behind due to departure.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?
I think that I would be suitable for this position as I am fairly matured (I've matured a fair bit since I've joined the server.), I am active within the server as well as importantly my job as a consultant. I excel in document making, being one of the only consultants to fill up a fair bit of their filing cabinet, and importantly I hold great leadership and teamwork. I know that my skills and qualities would definitely make me suitable for the position, over other people. If I were the department director, I'd do numerous things that currently isn't done within the department, like hosting various different roleplay events, trainings, and so to improve those of whom have interest in the department of medicine.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?
Have the final say/verdict on consultant applications, bring it up with other consultants
Lead the Department of Medicine, apply new policies to the department
Create and develop internal sub regiments within the Medical Department
Have the final say on medical treatments if required to
Train and interview new consultants
Approve of medical tests/audits
Appoint leaders of various medical divisions

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in
Gure ████ Buchan was born in 28/01/████ to parents Fiona █████ Buchan and Duncan ████ Buchan in the Woodend Hospital, located in Western Aberdeen. At a young age, just like any other child, Gure took an unusual interest in make-believe anomalies during his time growing up. In school, Gure was always a top student, acing most of his tests, all the way through his time in high school, and took a rather keen interest in Medicine, which he chose to continue into university. After graduating from high school, Gure ████ Buchan enrolled into the Aberdeen University, to continue his degree in biology and medicine. A few years into his journey into university, Gure ████ Buchan during his break, decided to take a road trip down to Yorkshire, England to attend a biology study, to which when he arrived he was the only one there, which then followed by muffling and a kidnapping. Gure ████ Buchan woke up later in Site-91 located in Yorkshire England, which is a site that specializes in science and medical technologies, which Gure was then swiftly recruited into the Medicinal Department as a Junior Medicinal Chemist.

Gure ████ Buchan excelled in his work and duties within Site-91, which took the eyes of numerous site administrators within Site-91, which he was then promoted to Executive Medicinal Chemist, and pended transfer to Site-65. A few months after the request, he was transmitted to Site-65 as a Sr Doctor. He excelled even further within Site-65, with his various inventions and technology creation, to a point where he had ran tests so many times, that he had no ideas on what to do. Gure ████ Buchan was then pulled beside by Director of Medicine ██████████, who then went over with him his achievements alongside an interview to which Gure was then promoted to Medical Consultant, and continued to excel within the department. After a devastating recent breach within Site-65 where SCP-939-1 and -2 was breached, Gure had his eye gouged out, as well the tips of 3 fingers were bitten off. This had somehow strided his mental into working harder and harder for the Medical Department, to prevent lethal injuries, and such. After numerous months of hard work, Gure Buchan was promoted to Department Director of Medicine, due to the late Department Director. Gure works to this day as a hard worker, and gets along with the majority of the Foundation.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: "Gure"
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings "Gure,"

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Director of Medicine. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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