[USA] Gure's Executive Researcher Application

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Steam ID

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For how long have you played on CG SCP

594 Hours



In what country are you located?


Time zone


Character name(s)

Gure ████ Buchan (FOUNDATION)
Gure "Gerbal" MacGavin (UNGOC)
Gure "Useless" Bob [R-15] (CHAOS INSURGENCY)

What server are you applying for?


Do you have a mic?

Yes, I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held

Ethics Committee Assistant (HOLDING)
GSD Captain (HELD)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have recieved a ban for toxicity over 3 1/2 months ago, and a warn for LTARP

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I am applying for Executive Researcher as recently, i've taken a huge interest in the research department, and I am also very interested in creating better roleplay within the research department, and create a fun centre for the new players getting into the department. I have had many interactions within the Foundation with Researchers etc, and it takes my eye how well the research department can contribute to roleplay, and how various tests can be made super interesting if all players are contributing towards roleplay and make up scenarios, which I currently do, and will continue doing. I have recently also been helping a few researchers with tests, in the hopes that they can also better the roleplay strength within the department of research.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?

I think that I am suitable for Executive Researcher, as I have a key interest for it in many different ways. I currently hold a CL4 position, as well as I also held another CL4, so I know the responsibilities that a CL4 personnel has to have. In my time as a n Ethics Committee Assistant, I have learnt and developed even more at my skills of documentation, and I can write lots of highly detailed documents for various reasons, like departmental reviews, tests etc. It also gave me a key insight to reviewing, grading and signing documents which is a very key part within being an Executive Researcher. I am also suitable as I can generate extensive roleplay for those around me on Sr. Researcher, and I have also helped new researchers with learning the basics and to help them strengthen roleplay within the research department, which I stated in the question above.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have written 5+ excellent graded documents within the research department, and I have an excellent graded document on Chaos Insurgency, bringing my total to 6. For making a document excellent, there are various details and aspects that vary the documents grade. The consist of; Proper grammar/spelling within the document to make it easier to read, good formatting of the document, which makes the document more appealing to look at, and makes the document easier to navigate and read, amount of pages so that more detail can be shown within the document, and gives the reader more to read. And last is use of relevant information within the document, and attention to detail within the document using various pictures and so.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?
Executive Researchers have many different responsibilities within roleplay, such as making sure the research department is running smoothly, to sign documents that they're available to sign. Executives introduce new researchers into how to run tests, and to give them a good grip on what they have to in their early stages. Executive researchers also have to accept credits for Jr. Researchers so that they can gain experience, aswell as the escort and the D-Class. Alongside every other CL4, Executives hold the same responsibility as many other CL4 jobs.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in
Gure ████ Buchan was born in 28/01/████ to parents Fiona █████ Buchan and Duncan ████ Buchan in the Woodend Hospital, located in Western Aberdeen. At a young age, just like any other child, Gure took an unusual interest in make-believe anomalies during his time growing up. In school, Gure was always a top student, acing most of his tests, all the way through his time in high school, and took a rather keen interest in research and sampling, which he chose to continue into university. After graduating from high school, Gure ████ Buchan enrolled into the Aberdeen University, to continue his degree in biology and sampling. A few years into his journey into university, Gure ████ Buchan during his break, decided to take a road trip down to Yorkshire, England to attend a biology study, to which when he arrived he was the only one there, which then followed by muffling and a kidnapping. Gure ████ Buchan woke up later in Site-91 located in Yorkshire England, which is a site that specializes in science and research, which Gure was then swiftly recruited into the Research Department as a Junior Researcher.

Gure ████ Buchan excelled in his work and duties within Site-91, which took the eyes of numerous site administrators within Site-91, which he was then promoted to Sr. Researcher, and pended transfer to Site-65. A few months after the request, he was transmitted to Site-65 as a Sr. Researcher. He excelled even further within Site-65, with his various tests of SCP-096, SCP-008 etc, to a point where he had ran tests so many times, that he had no ideas on what to do. Gure ████ Buchan was then pulled beside by Director of Research ██████████, who then went over with him his achievements alongside an interview to which Gure was then promoted to Executive Researcher, to which he now stands today.​


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: Site-65 (USA) Research Directorate
To: Gure Buchan
Application Verdict


| Application Denied |

Greetings Gure,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been unfortunately denied. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; after much deliberation, the team has decided to deny your application.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may email (Discord message) either myself (Bees#4431/bumblebees_) or Dpt. Director Kyle Ringer (Don't forget Hawaii#8207/dontforgethawaii).

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards,
"Lunaro," Director of Research​
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