[USA] Gure's GENSEC Captain Application

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Steam ID

Discord name
!epid !!#1946

For how long have you played on CG SCP
A little over 2 months, 1,344,360 seconds on achievement (roughly 15 days total playtime.)


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character name(s)
Gure Bob (Foundation), "Useless" (CI Beta)

Civilian name

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
Yes, I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
MTF Nu-7 Private

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have recieved 3 FailRP warnings, (Only 1 active, which goes inactive in 2 days. (13/05/2023) And a ban for toxicity which was over 2 months ago


Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I want to apply for security captain to raise the skills of all GENSEC together. I've often seen GENSEC breaking a lot of legal codex laws as my time as an Internal Affairs agent, and recently I've been playing a lot of GENSEC as an RRT Sergeant, sweeping LCZ for D-Class and troublesome staff. I also want to host plenty of tryouts for Riot Response Team and Heavy Weapons License, to see the activeness and seriousness of GENSEC go up, as I've also seen a lot of GENSEC messing about, not taking their job seriously and do pretty poor with bad communication in numerous D Block sweeps. I'm applying for security captain as I think that I can increase the general skill of all GENSEC, and be able to have D Block up and running throughout the day, without rioting D Class.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
I think I am suitable for security captain as I've been playing on security for over a month now, particularly active in the last week, and I have good leadership skills in various other games. I also have learnt from my mistakes with receiving a strike over a month ago as RRT, which has made me more dedicated and has given me more knowledge on how to use the equipment as an RRT properly, which I can use to tell other GENSEC on how to use it aswell. I have taken in a lot of information on participating in sweeps, which I can use to make GENSEC flawless during dblock sweeps.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
A security captain has many responsibilities to hold within its job. The first being to lead all GENSEC, and command them on what to do to make sure DBlock is all good and maintains in good order, and to prevent riots from happening. The GENSEC captain is to ensure safety across DBlock, those to the medics, security and the researchers. Captains are also in charge for authorising sweeps on D-Block, against aggressive D Class, if appropriate riot is called. The Captain is to gather all GENSEC Personnel and anyone that can partake in the sweep, debrief them onto what theyre going to, and enter dblock through the airlock or catwalk. Captains are also to hold various tryouts for people to attend for them to wield either a Heavy Weapons License or a Riot Control License through quiz and killhouse times. No matter the code, a captain is to stay in dblock to make sure that GENSEC is doing their job correctly, and during a code black, is to ensure non-combative staff in DBlock can safely leave DBlock, and get to the surface.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what story lines they would be involved in
Gure Bob was born to loving but strict parents Susan and George Bob, in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He grew up a natural life, getting high grades in school due to his parents being strict on his schedules, of him not being able to play games, outside of school activities and on the rarity he was able to play outside with his friends. This lifestyle grew up with Gure Bob, so much that after entering his teenage years, Gure got into bad habits within his school, and started drinking to fit in with the popular kids, as he started to refuse to go home, and spent most of his time outside partying as he entered his late teenage-early adulthood. Finding that he had lost all of his money due to partying, Gure enlisted into the Royal Canadian Militray at the age of 21. His military enlistment lasted about 8 years into his life, into which during his post during the Afghanistan war, which he was sent to jail for being found torturing those of the Afghanistan soldiers, as he was then transitted back to Canada, which he went to court for charges of Murder and Torturing, and was found guilty for his charges, and he was sentenced to life in prison. On the bus to prison, the bus was intercepted by Foundation, and the said prisoners were knocked out, and Gure woke up in his DClass cell, reading the note on the desk. He learnt that he would be released after surviving and cooperating with the people for 30 days, and he learnt that he went by the name D-5938. After numerous incidents and almost life threatening injuries, Gure managed to survive his 30 days, and was given the choice of either being released, which he presumed was death due to the things he saw, or be recruited into the foundation staff in either the medical or security department. Gure chose to be recruited into the Security department as a Cadet, in which he slowly over the years was promoted to Sergeant, which he was then noticed by several staff that he had great leadership skills within him, which took the director of security's eye , which he was given a tryout, and shortly after a promotion to security captain, which to this day he stands as.
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