[USA] Hiro's Executive Researcher Application

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May 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67919358

Discord name: Hiroshima#2691

For how long have you played on CG SCP: A couple of months

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: America

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Hiro Naga

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Overseer Assistant, (check my profile for proof)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- There are a couple of reason why I wish to become an Executive Researcher. The first reason is to give my fellow researchers within the research department more variety in testing. As a Senior Researcher, I always see Junior Researchers and Researchers doing the same tests over and over again and I want them to know they have options other than conducting tests on inanimate object class SCPs. Furthermore, I always see Researchers asking for approval when it comes to testing. Throughout my tenure as a Senior Researcher on Site-65, I have constantly seen Researchers asking for permission to conduct more adventurous tests but cannot because they are no personnel on Site when they ask. As a result, it makes Researchers feel they can never do bold and daring tests within the Research Department and then decided to stick with tests that are dull and uninteresting. If I receive an opportunity to become an Executive Researcher, I will fully commit to approving or denying test ideas from my constituents whenever I am on site and I am on Site pretty much all of the time. The second reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is I wish to guide the new researchers on how to properly perform testing. I constantly see Researchers not performing proper etiquette when testing and as a result, can lead to D Class escaping and causing containment breaches. The sad part about this is it isn't their fault as there is virtually no guidance to new researchers who don't know how to perform their duties. Hell, even I had a difficult time understanding what I had to do as a Junior Researcher. Regardless, I want to be a mentor to people who wish to roleplay as Researcher on Site-65 and will hopefully will teach the new generation of Researcher at Site-65. The third and final reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is to gain more access to new anomalous entities to test on. As a CL3 Researcher, I have access to the majority of the anomalous entities within Site-65, but I do not have access to some SCPs. As a researcher, it is my duty and responsibility to test the limits of these anomalous entities and to gain knowledge on how these anomalies came to this world, but I cannot do that if I am not privy to the knowledge of other SCP entities. I believe I am an ambitious Researcher, attempting to test on multitudes of SCPs within my life time, so I wish that some point in my lifetime, I will be able to test on new anomalous entities with new anomalous effects I have never seen before. Of course, if I do get Executive Researcher, I am still bounded by the Code of Ethics, ensuring that all testing I conduct as a Executive Researcher is Ethical.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- There are a couple of things I think I am suitable for Executive Researcher. The first reason is I have plenty of experience conducting myself as Level 4 Personnel. As listed before, I was an Overseer Assistant before in the past (check profile for accepted application). Because of my past experiences as Level 4 personnel, I know all of the intricacies I have to perform with my responsibilities and duties as a CL4 personnel and I know the consequences if I do not meet the high standards of a Level 4 Personnel. The second reason I think I'm suitable for Executive Researcher is my tests are more of quality than quantity. I am not some random Junior Researcher who credits D Class and Security just to get his levels up and do a predictable and boring test like "Read SCP-1025 and see what happens". I am a Researcher who studies the SCPs that I am about to test on, a Researcher who creates thought provoking tests where you don't know what the end result is, and most important, a Researcher who advances the knowledge of the Foundation within tests that contain substance. This directly aligns with the quality traits of an Executive Researcher because they are the smartest scientist the Foundation has to offer and I believe my tests aligns myself with them.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-I have written several excellent-graded documents that it is hard to keep track of all of them, but I will highlight some of them. When it comes to my testing, the majority of my tests involves utilizing SCP-914 and the majority of these tests receive commendation and praise from my collogues. For example, I did a cross test between SCP-049-02 and SCP-914 to see if individuals of SCP-049-02 can revert back to their original form. I placed SCP-049-02 into SCP-914 on setting "Very Fine" and I made a ground breaking discovering that SCP-914 reverted SCP-049-02's instances back into D Class Personnel. That was my first ever breakthrough as a Senior Researcher and the Executive Researcher who was observing the test gave me a commendation on my work. The second category for excellent tests I have conducted was termination tests with SCP-914. It was well documented within SCP-914 that if setting was placed to "Rough", it had the termination capacity to eliminate a humanoid. However, I wanted to know how far the termination capacity SCP-914 possessed and it was well above my expectations. I have tested SCP-035-01, SCP-966, and SCP-939 within SCP-914 and all of them were terminated within SCP-914 on setting "Rough". SCP-914 had an underlying anomalous effect that the Foundation had brushed off and I unearthed it for the whole research department to see.

From these previous tests being excellent-graded, I have made my observations on what makes a excellent-graded document and here is what I came up with. The first thing is you have to follow the standard format for Research Documents. In the spawn room, there is a document that outlines what the format of a Research test should look like. You can deviant off of the format a little bit depending on the test, but overall, it should follow a consistent format. This will make the person grading it seen you as having organizational skills and following procedures instead of being chaotic and doing whatever you want. The second thing that makes a document excellent is having A LOT of detail within your writing. Executive Researchers don't want to see only one sentence for the conclusion or your hypothesis, it displays lack of commitment and lack of effort. If you write more detail within your test, the graders will think that you have went above and beyond on your test and will think your test is higher quality compared to others. The third and final tip in making an excellent graded document is make the test interesting. Graders have gone through thousands of tests of the same caliber with the same test idea so if you pick an unoriginal test idea, graders think you have no creativity and think you are following the normality of the majority. Instead, Researchers should think outside the box, coming up with innovative test ideas so the graders of your tests will become intrigued and pay attention to your test while grading.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP are the following:
- Approving cross tests between Safe-Safe SCPs and/or Safe-Euclid class SCPs
- Become a teacher/mentor to all of the new Researchers in the Research Department
- Assisting the Director of Research in improve the Research Department in Site-65
- If necessary, punish Researchers who do not follow the rules and regulations of Site-65

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Hiro Naga was an average college student that went to an Ivy League school as he was Valedictorian of his high school and had a stunning GPA. His major of study was Quantum Physics as he was a very objective personality and wants to make sense of this world rationally. One day, during his senior year of MIT, he attended a seminar about the unknown natural forces within the galaxy. The lecturer was giving a presentation on the unknowns within the science world, citing study after study about topics that can't be explained by science. Hiro Naga thought this was person was full of bullshit as he thought everything within the world can be explained by science so Hiro decided to challenge the lecturer to his views and ideology. The lecturer was impressed by Hiro as he was countering every argument and point he made with different studies and factoids. After the end of the seminar, the lecturer, Dr. Rinehart pulled Hiro aside to talk to him in private. "You have a talent in the science world" Rinehart stated. "I could use a mind like you within my organization, someone who can rational depict that world around." He then gave Hiro his business card with a weird symbol and an acronym with only 3 letters: S.C.P. What Hiro Naga didn't realize was Dr. Rinehart was a recruiter for the SCP Foundation, giving Mr. Naga an opportunity to become a researcher for the Foundation.

So Hiro took the job offer as the salary was much higher than his previous job as a computer tech at Walmart. He went to Site-65 in order to conduct research as a scientist should. However, when Hiro entered Site-65, he was utterly shocked at what he saw. He saw impossible entities existing, feats that you wouldn't imagine to be possible, and he had a slight hint of fear within him. But he remained rationally and objective to analyze what this facility actually contained and Hiro enjoyed a challenged. Throughout his life, Hiro went through life as easy as it can be intellectually. He got perfect scores of tests, got 4.0 GPAs at every school he went to, believe he was smarter than all of the human population (he was cocky). However, learning about these SCPs was a difficult challenge that he can finally face within his lifetime and decided to become obsessed with it.

He drew towards SCP-914 as it was a machine and every machine has a mechanical aspect and objective part to it. He grinded away at his research and eventually becoming a Senior Researcher within the Foundation at Site-65. He had completed his life's work within SCP-914, knowing every limit and aspect of the anomaly. However, this wasn't enough for Hiro Naga as he craved more of his obsessions on learning the unknown of this world. With that, he wanted to know all of the SCPs and learn all of limits and abilities each one of them can do ( an ambitious goal I know). With that, Hiro Naga is now advocating for himself to be an Executive Researcher at Site-65 to gain a taste of what is really behind the curtain.
Mar 30, 2023
+/- Neutral support

+ Long app
+ No warns

+/- Barebones responsibilities
+/- Lacking originality
+/- Alright lore

- Generic reasons and suitability
- 0 interactions

Overall, i will be giving you neutral support for these reasons as i have played over 10 hours a day for the last month and i have barely seen you on site at all, except for the last few days, and if there is something the executive team needs is activity. Otherwise the application could be better. Ultimately it is not my decision, but this is my opinion.

Kind regards. - Sprucer
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Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: Site-65 (USA) Research Directorate
To: Hiro
Application Verdict


| Application Denied |

Greetings Hiro,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been unfortunately denied. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; after much deliberation and speaking with you personally, the team has decided to deny your application.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may email (Discord message) either myself (Bees#4431) or Dpt. Director Kyle Ringer (Don't forget Hawaii#8207).

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards,
"Lunaro," Director of Research​
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