[USA] Honour "Eldritch" Exec. Application

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Well-known Member
May 11, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:607918347
Discord name: Rasb3rr
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 02/05/2024
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MTZ
Character name(s): Hounor "Eldritch", Aileen "Archangel", RIvers "Eternal", Dormit
Civilian name: Dormit
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- I do not
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 PFC (Held)
- MTF Nu-7 CPL (Held)
- CI-G (Holding)
- GOC PVT (Holding)
- GOC 1SGT (Held)
- Exec. (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Kicks 0 / Bans 0 / Warnings 1 - RDM
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- Id wish to get back into the zone as a junior CL4 and help my fellow research team, usually when I'm on other execs are off or not around to help others, I see them doing their best a lot which is good but you could never not need more help upon the team! I did good once and I know how to do such again and even improve!
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I feel I am suitable for this role in how my skills in writing documents are, with the help of my fellow department director I learned on how to do good documents, with that I also wish to think of myself to be more of a people person helping those in need in which I see in a lot of the other Executives! Again I'd love to help the people in such activities they wish to do! Be creative! Help other learn and even make their own learnings and findings.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I have gotten 3 excellent graded documents upon SCP-009 and SCP-610, and my own custom 7615.
To make a excellent graded document is, one ,proper grammar, two ,creative use of images, three, neat formatting, four, detail, five, beyond and good / brief descriptions.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- Executive researchers carry a range of duties. The primary responsibilities is to adhere to and exemplify the code of conduct and ethics, serving as a role model for junior staff. They are also responsible for approving credit requests from junior researchers, enabling their advancement within the Research Department. Executive researchers provide guidance and oversight to junior staff during their experiments, and they have the authority to approve tests, research, and samples that require level 4 clearance. When documents are submitted to SCiPnet, it is the executive researcher's duty to review and evaluate them, assigning grades from poor to exemplary. Additionally, executive researchers occasionally deliver lectures and presentations to the junior staff.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Tennessee, Crossville, the place on where "Eldritch" was born, she had a quite life amongst the city she lived in. Whilst in the city she made some friends, enemies, the usual of what kids did, but in the many years of living in this town called Crossville she came across a mysterious man in the forest, she was never told a name, just saw a tattoo of a snake on his forearm. When he handed her a small item, she was only six at this time, she didn’t have much interaction in this forest, especially with men and women in suits. They seemed to be looking for an item of their own. Whilst the looked she was allowed to follow the strange group deeper into the forest while this was happening she took a glance at the item that was given to her, a small rock, the small rock seemed to have some writing on it but in a language she could never read. While she was looking at the item the other people found what they were looking for, a strange hole in the side of the hill, the people pointed to it for her, smiling as they did, with this she understood what must be done handing the small rock into the hole. The people were gone when she looked back, the world was black, but she saw a light, a glowing white orb. She didn’t know what else to do then freeze up but soon the orb spoke, telling her what is happening and what will happen. Now, when he is finished, she returns to the normal world, or what seemed to be her own world. When out of this "hole" the men where gone, the woods were changed, and the ground with the air felt off to her, it was slight but noticeable.

The later years in her life she has been gone away from the public as a researcher, the group of which is unknow full even to her, with knowledge of the foundation and what it held it spiked. The Foundation found her name and location in minutes sending a team to assimilate her, with this assimilation they notice her arm was missing, robotic, but also not metal or at least most the time it isn't. The Foundation treated her well to her eyes as she stayed out of trouble, reporting on what she seen and is seeing in the Foundation. In the years that pass with her in the Foundation she has grown a liking to 049 and 7722 speaking to the as if they were friends and collecting more and more information upon them for the Foundation to record. Her methods are different then the standard questions on a sheet, it was from the heart, mind, and soul, of which many can do but choose not. With these searches she continues to strive in the research department making documents upon SCPs she has seen in the past.
Last edited:
Sep 20, 2023
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Dear Honour,

Thank you for your interest in the Executive Researcher position and for submitting your application. After careful review, I regret to inform you that your application has been denied at this time.

You are welcome to reapply in two weeks. During this time, I encourage you to focus on creating excellent studies about on-site SCPs and further re-familiarizing yourself with the department.

Best regards,
Gordon Gudgeon
Director of Research



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