[USA] IA ambassador

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MR clocknock

New Member
Sep 18, 2022
Steam ID: 76561199242684957
Discord name: Diwin#6477
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 123 hours
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Mr Sicknes
Civilian name: Mr sicknes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: RRT, MTF,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not to my knowledge I always try to do my very best to make sure I don't break server rules.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I just want to help the Internal Affairs more and improve the foundation the best way possible. To create a peaceful and ethical place for all workers out there. I would also like to stop all the trouble makers out there in the foundation there's only so many IA. Only some IA actually know how to do there job most don't read the forms because there to easy and I want to make sure that dose not happen on my testing if I get this.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:I have a lot of experience in staffing and try to do my very best. making it a safe place. I am also very active I always try to do the right thing. I usually don't like the punish people depending o what they do I usually give them a verbal and disguise to follow them see if they do it again. I own up to my mistakes always if I have one.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: Not sure I think that the work and effort put in to a document makes it good. Along as they take there time they should have Grammar, Time spent into the document. It should also not just be one page of a document at least 2-3 so I know there actually trying and it makes me want to read it more.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: To make sure that Internal affairs Agents stay on task and are always there very best for the foundation. And to keep the Internal Affairs up and running to make sure none of them are abusing there power as an Agent.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Comes from a long line of Strictness, As a only child taken from my home and always wanted to help people. I originally come from UK and move out of there mainly because we did everything we could we thought. so we moved here looking for a job and this is one I found to help out the government and people in general. To help the foundation be it's best.
Hours: Everyday I am at least on there for 3-4 hours I usually go for 4 hours a day to improve activity. 124 hours.
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Well-known Member
Sep 20, 2022
+ took the advice and changed it fixed his hours and showed his time zone
+ good guy talked to him
-Could see him a bit more on
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Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022

Lack of Effort
Haven't Seen On
Doesn't state hours OR time zone
While he did fix these he then proceeded to advertise his application
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Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022


Good Day, Mr. Sicknes. After a review of your application and input from the Ambassador team, your application for Internal Affairs Ambassador has been denied. You are, of course, welcome to re-apply later on down the line. Thank you for your interest in the position.​

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