[USA] Imsaaeel Muhammed's Captain Application.

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Active member
Nov 12, 2022

Steam ID:

- STEAM_0:1:550644501

Discord name:

- CoolSasha227#3394

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

- 300+ hours (around)


- 16 (In RP 33)

In what country are you located?:

- United Kingdom ( UK )

Time zone:

- GMT ( Greenwich Mean Time )

Character name(s):

- Ismaaeel Muhammed

Civilian name:

- Ismaaeels Twin

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

- SCP-RP USA (applying here even though I live in the UK because I know more people and people know me. I play more on the USA server than on the UK)

Do you have a mic?:

- maybe (means yes)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Riot license (needed for captain)
- MTF E-11 PVT (held)
- Internal Affairs Agent (held)
- Intelligence Agent (held)
- No CI Role ( yet )

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Failrp warn
(As soon as I joined I healed through doors as everyone were doing and they didn't get Failrp warn)
(Not sure if that's the reason)

- RDM [A] warn
(As soon as I joined I didn't know what CI could do so I thought they were CI)

- Failrp warn

(After some time I played I wasn't taking my life very seriously)
(Not sure if that's the reason)

- 3 day ban (Toxicity)
(This time I was really dumb and mad that I got killed so I took it out on a guy in /ooc, I said kill yourself.)
(Never liked bans so this will never happen again)

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

- I want the foundation to be a better place, so I will help the foundation the most I can. I also really like telling new cadets on how to play and what to not do, this very suits me for this job. I really like training and I would like to do it. I have been deeply found interested in Testing and training. Ethics rules were never hard for me.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- Riot Experience: I have been in a lot of sweeps and I know on what to grade it on. I've been in lots of code 5 breaches or code black, half the time SCP's were contained outside of D-block or inside. I have been an RRT Sergeant for a quiet a time, and I know when to act right.

- Experience: I don't have CL4 experience, that's why I want this to be my first CL4 experience and if I do something wrong in this role, than you can always remove it. I have CL3 experience and I have seen other CL4 do their jobs. I have Security Sergeant, Sr Researcher, Intelligence and Internal experience. In my view I have enough experience for this role. I have a RRT license and a heavy weapon license. 300+ hours on the server.

- Passion: I wanna see other people starting to like scp rp and wanna be captain. Also help out new cadets and researchers in doing their job properly as they just joined the game. I quickly moved up to my dreams until i wanted to become something more (captain). I quickly moved up because of my passion.

- Leadership: With my ranks going up, I have been progressing in leading. As a CL3 I have been leading CL2 and under to safety every code 3/4/5 that's a one way to start leadership. (my leadership skills would probably go up if I get this role).

- Ethical: As I joined the foundation as a cadet I wasn't that much ethical, but i have progressed so now im a very ethical man hoping to get the role I always wanted. And I started to get ethical when I got the IA and Intelligence role. But before I got those roles I was ethical enough to not break any rules and that's pretty much it.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

- Making sure that GENSEC are being ethical and treating the protocol right.

- Its a good idea to let your RRT to go check vents (when someone suspects that they are in vents.)

- Doing RRT/HEAVY WEAPONS license so that D-block would be restored in peace faster. (war = GENSEC vs D-bois)

- When you have a lot of intruders breaking into the foundation, you can always send RRT to go patrolling in LCZ and If E11 always, in HCZ too.

- Captains have many responsibilities. A very common mistake in D-block is that all of GENSEC are in the testing area and when the airlock opens, they hear it and they start running for it to see what is happening in airlock. This creates a LOT of traffic. The first person to reach there of course gets shot by D-bois and the D-bois get a extra card.

- If D-bois have too many guns/keycards and your sergeants haven't called code 2 yet, do it yourself and tell them what they did wrong so they call code 2 next time. In some code 2 situations you have to do a sweep (authorised by captain+ and site administration). In a sweep there are 6 things you need to tell in briefing.

RRT are going to sweep vents so they are going through the train place. Also really important to tell them that AFTER vents are sweeped they have to say it in comms/radio. After vents are cleared they should proceed to clear bathrooms.

2. Rest of GENSEC are going through airlock and sergeants should be put in front (preferably) because they are more chunky and have more experience.

3. Once ALL GENSEC are in, then we can proceed to hand everyone on the east wall and weapon check them. If they break out GENSEC are allowed to shoot them.

4. 2 people should block of 2 entrances/exits for D-cells and tell them if someone punches them you are allowed to shoot.

5. After vents are sweeped, everyone was put on the eastern wall and D-block looks stable, the captain would tell them to clear cells after all thats done and once we secured the cells, they would say it on the radio/comms too and the captain would tell them to pull out.

6. You would also like 2/3 people assisting on catwalk. (preferably)

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

- I was born in 1989. In the southern Canada region. Me and my mother have moved to live in pinewood since I was 17 because we had no money to pay the rent of. It was a terrible idea because I've seen a lot of bodies on the snow and they were mainly black and green armour. When I saw the 5th body in a week, I decided to collect their guns and sell them to other people. Well of course I didn't sell them, my mom sold them because it was still not legal for me to sell weapons in 17 years old. We got pretty much a lot of money from that and I got the education I needed because we paid it with the money we got. I wished to become a Ranger in pinewood and that's what I got !!!

- My first mission was to find a killer that was going around the town naked but, it wasn't a man at all....... it was a creature. Me and the other 2 of my best buds were with me too and they really helped me back then in university (friends = girl: Hally | boy: Joshua). We approached the house that we were sure the killer was and there it was a pale - skinny - white figure sitting in the corner crying in tears. A black armoured military man said behind us "don't look at his face or there is gonna be trouble" we turned around and heard a helicopter coming our way. The team then somehow (Bucket over his head) contained it as we were watching "who the hell are you guys" said Hally.

- Me and my team was reqruited to become cadets and at that moment my passion became so that I would be a great leader and would help
the foundation so much that everyone would be happy to serve.


- Me personally it was very hard to progress in code of ethics but I managed somehow. After a sweep the captain decided to give me a promotion because of my passion and skills. Every cadet that knew me, graduated me. I was happy. :)


- This time I thought that I was in trouble because I was brought into the chiefs office. I was breathing very deeply but instead I got promoted to officer.


- Same thing as last time but the same captain that promoted me to cadet promoted me again but to Sergeant. Everything was going fine until a breach happened and..... and I ordered the cadets and the officers to make a firing line on second floor. It was 682, the bullets did no damage, all of GENSEC that lined up in the firing line died except me. (Chief and captains were chilling in therir offices :( )

He thought of a new name.....
Captain Ismaaeel "Klem" Muhammed
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Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I regret to inform you after your application has been Denied. As we do not feel that you are not currently ready for the position, you may re-apply in two weeks. We appreciate the efforts you have taken to improve yourself recently, however we wish to see further improvements due to how you acted in the past.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and Dpt. Chief "Nexus One"
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