[USA] Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Active member
Jun 28, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33328184
Discord name: justin328
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 days 10 hours (in Game vTime)
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Johnson Sins
Civilian name: Johnson Sins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP (USA)
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I've Spent about 90% of my time on the server being IA and I want to continue to improve the department for the better, Mentor new agents to be professional and let them exceed our expectations and make us the most desired Department in the community.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: With the constant Dedication and the Fantastic Supervision on how to better myself I have great knowledge and experience as an IA Agent, between working next to ambassadors assisting in their duties to assist taking the work load off of them, letting them know they have me on the other side without having to worry or wonder if the job is actually getting done. With the time I've dedicated here and working with ambassadors I've been able to improve my knowledge and ability to resolve complex Cases and investigations. When not working cases I am able to coordinate with other agents what locations still need coverage during the proper Codes, and just for normal patrol duties.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I've Written approximately 5-6 documents Ranging from Arrest's, Incidents, and Evaluations, for any of these to be a good document it must have Proper Grammar, have the proper format and posses all the required information to make the document complete.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- Training new Agents
- Assisting/Shadowing New agents to make sure they follow all Codex accordingly
- Reviewing Documents Submitted by Agents/Operatives, informing them on how to improve for the future.
- Make Weekly/Monthly Evaluations of the Agents to assess how they're operating and any issues that may need to be corrected.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Johnson Sins, Born and Raised in New York City, Grew up to be an officer with the NYPD worked on the job for 25 years doing a number of operations with them from desk duty all the way to escorting the presidents over the years and finally retiring as the assistant to the Police chief. Johnson Sins was ready for a change he loved the secrets the government entities held from the public and that's when he knew he wanted in but didn't want a lot of action, so after asking around for months he finally met someone who knew about how to get a job working in a secret location working with Top Secret information and personnel, But he never knew what he would get himself into. After applying he got the interview working as Maintenance Personnel, he loved his job but he wanted more responsibilities so he transferred to GENSEC as a Cadet and kept working his way day to day, then he saw men dressed up in a nice shirt, tie, some in suits, that is when Johnson knew he wanted to work with them, once again he transfers to Internal Affairs as an agent just barely knowing what to do. He met Ambassador Murphy "vad" while waiting to take the test, Murphy gave him everything he needed to know how to do his job properly and after passing the test he took off to be the best agent he could possibly be. You may see Johnson running to Checkpoint Charlie at any point during his day or assisting in shutting down D-Block. But wherever Johnson is he is only a Radio call away and ready to help any Agent in need. Johnson has fallen in love with Internal Affairs as a whole department, he is going to dedicate the rest of his career to it.
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Walter Unrich

Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2023

Department of Internal Affairs

Your interest within the role of Internal Affairs Ambassador has been recognized by the Administrative personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs, Mr Johnson Sins, your Application has been Accepted for this Position, to move to the next stage of your further employment within the SCP Foundation, contact Dpt. Director W. Unrich of Internal Affairs. (Discord - heyola2.0)

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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