[Usa] J.King executive researcher application

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Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022
Steam ID:76561198890551431
Discord name:KrugesScythe
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I currently have 41 hours however almost all of them are as a researcher.(level 22 researcher) it may seem im new and that might impact your choice but trust me i’m very experienced as a researcher and extremely passionate about this
In what country are you located?:U.S.A
Time zone:EDT
Character name(s):”J.King”
Civilian name:”Nope”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-None, this is my first
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I believe that The research department will benefit from me greatly. I will also guide the jr researchers and help others to know they’re way around and get a feel for the game. My entire experience playing the game has been as a researcher and I feel that placing me as an executive researcher will help tests run more smoothly with less mishaps and they will also have better results. I also have some important cross tests in mind that would be very helpful and resourceful knowledge wise for the foundation. I’m frequently conducting tests and learning more to help the foundation and other researchers as well. Also, the executive researcher positions are rarely seen and I find this is a problem. I have only ever seen 1 executive researcher in my time of playing. I have also asked fellow researchers and most said they have seen 0 or 1 executive researchers. I feel the position of executive researcher should be inclusive in the research community. And should be a person that jr,normal, and sr researcher can go to for help with experiments,questions,etc… I also believe that too many researchers are doing experiments just for the credits. If I become an exec researcher I will make sure research also has a meaningful purpose behind it. Some people applying to this position consider it a stepping stone. However I think any position you currently hold is a full time project and you should think of it that way. That is exactly how I view this position.These reason are why i believe i would make a difference as an executive researcher.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I have much experience as a sr/biohazard researcher and believe that i will be able to help the foundation much more as an executive researcher. Everything i’ve done is for the betterment of the foundation and research. I’m always mature, my experiments are thorough and well thought out. I also believe that the exec researcher position is too out of touch with the community. I try to improve my documents before submitting and need them to be thought out well with good intentions. My experiments are always brainstormed beforehand and i conduct them professionally. I will fulfill the role to its fullest. I always provide responses when other researchers ask me to review their documents and critique them. I have many great ideas for expirments. I believe that making me an executive researcher will not only benefit me, but the people around me aswell. I also have studied the map and game in order to help any other researchers if they ever come to me with questions. I have shadowed other executives researchers and seen their expiriments,how they act and behave, and how they interact with others.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-Unfortunately I do not know how to check the grading of my submitted documents. However, I have written 1 excellent document in my opinion. The others I have written, I desire to improve more before submitting. I think what makes a document excellent is the information,purpose, and composition of it. It also must be easy to read. I think that if you can complete all of these and execute them well then that document shall be considered excellent.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-Some responsibilities regarding the executive researcher are overseeing experiments and making sure they are conducted with reason. Also testing all kinds of scps and writing documents on them. Helping other researchers should be a big priority and also answering all their questions while giving critique. However. I think that executive researchers should be actively involved and conduct their own experiments that would help the foundation. As an executive researcher you will now get level 4 clearance. So you must not abuse that power. You must act accordingly. If you abuse your power then it should be revoked from you. Also you must act as a role model for other players.

Please give some lore about your
Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-The date is september 4th 2017. N.Charles is working for the kgb as a scientist. He tests multiple products on lab rats to boost physical and mental performances. After years of failing, he finally succeeds. However,it doesn’t matter,the Kgb decided to go behind N.Charles' back and try to terminate him due to finding a replacement. N. Charles found out and was extremely upset since he has been working for them for years and was their director of research. He felt betrayed and decided to test his perfected products on humans. It was a massive success. However, the kgb found out where he was, Once they did, he was on the run from them, and the entirety of the Russian government. He had to drop his expiriments entirely. He flees to Canada and changes his name to J.King. Although he’s under a different name he still has all the same connections. Through one of his connections he learns about a groundbreaking scientific group. They are called the SCP Foundation. He gets a tryout as a junior researcher and passes. He truly believes he can do good things here, and erase his past life. Although he was a director of research at his previous job, he starts anew here. He builds his name and rank helping others and conducting excellent experiments. He goes from jr researcher to researcher to sr researcher and now he’s on his way to reach his goal and become an Executive researcher. His past mistakes have led him to become a better person and researcher who will do anything to better humanity’s safety. There’s just one small thing he can’t forget, his past research. He has tested on many scp’s and wants to find a way to make humans stronger and smarter using these scp’s. How will he do it? We’ll have to find out.
(this could lead to interesting cross tests and useful expiriments in the future)

(Unfortunately i will be away until monday this week but i hope this won’t change your desicion, I am very passionate about this and only want to be this position, i am fully committed) thank you!
Last edited:
Jul 28, 2022

-I am very good friends with J.king. With everything he's told me, and with everything I have seen him do, he is one of the best researchers on this server. He is very passionate about this position, and from what I cant tell, will do anything to get it. As a researcher, his tests are something else. Everything he does has purpose. Every test he partakes in always has new discoveries, and are very fun, yet controlled. Almost every hour he has on this server is as a researcher. He is very active, and loves this server very much. I know that he will be a great addition to the research team, and should be seriously considered for this position.
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Well-known Member
Aug 16, 2022
+Rep : Met in game, chill dude
+Rep : Mature
+Rep : Shows effort in application
+Rep : Age
+Rep : Never warned

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Active member
Jul 19, 2022

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Executive Researcher. Following your contributions and efforts in the Department of Research, we believe that you are highly capable of this position. Your behavior, your dedication to the Department and the way you uphold the expectations we have instated for the Department has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations, Dr. king.

Contact me Director Bonez for more details.

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