[USA] Jack "Cornelious" Edwards' Chief Application

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Jack Edwards (Spoon)

Active member
Jun 2, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:97993636

Discord name: spoon5522

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 8 Months

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jack 'Cornelious' Edwards

Civilian name: Jack Edwards

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Security Sergeant (Holding) Security Captain (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One previous RDM warn due to a misunderstanding. One mixing warn for chatting with my buddies about out of character issues in game.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

- With the recent resignation of Chief Hanz and encouragement from others, I've become interest in the role of Chief. Being a chief would allow me to better implement reforms needed to improve security, both in game and in desirability.

I've noticed more and more security has entered a state where no one wants to be security. They'd all rather be Mobile Task Force or a GOI rather then a member of security. My desires as chief are to give General Security new life by working to make security more then just D-Block guards, and make the department truly a General security force.

I've also noticed the poor state of training in security, as cadets are often left clueless in how to properly preform their duties, resulting in frustration for both security, other departments, and the D-Class. Cadets rarely ask their superiors questions when left confused, resulting in them struggling with the same mistakes while being scolded by others and insulted by D-Class. I want to remedy this by encouraging cadets to ask their superiors, and encouraging sergeants and captains to start checking in on cadets to ensure they understand their duties. I also desire to introduce more in depth training programs, such as training sessions for new cadets and guards, combat drills, and improved ways to teaching the Code of Conduct and Ethics to produce ethical, trained, and efficient soldiers for GSD, MTF, and other factions or departments the cadet may be interested in.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

- I have a fierce passion for the General Security Department. I've only ever been security and have no interest in joining any other regiment or faction. This passion drives me to have a desire to put security's needs first, as any chief should. My experience as a captain and sergeant have taught me how to better work with people who play security and better handle them and lead them.

I have been leading security since when I was an officer, back when sergeants and captains were rarely seen. Taking the initiative in coordinating operations in D-Block, leading patrols across the facility, and even my first sweep when I was an officer. I know the expectations set forth by the Foundation, and I aim to ensure security can meet and excel at those expectations.

With this improvements, I'd also like to improve the experience of being a part of security. Currently security is mostly trapped in D-Block due to one primary issue. Security rarely has the numbers to adequately staff D-Block and allow patrols. This results in GSD getting stuck either sitting in D-Block listening to D-Class insult them, or escorting a sampling test where nothing happens. I aim to work with both players and Game Masters to provide a better experience for security by encouraging security to rotate out of D-Block to allow them to experience other parts of the facility, and cooperating with Game Masters to create unique and entertaining events for security to handle.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

- Chiefs of Security, as heads of the Security Department, are expected to lead the whole of the department in its goals of defending the site against any threats. This goal requires dedication to numerous smaller tasks in order to ensure that security is doing it as efficiently as possible in both time and resources.

This involves firstly ensuring good cooperation between present departments on site and the on site Mobile Task Forces by encouraging respectful interaction between members of security and other groups, assisting security resolve any issues with other groups, and carrying out disciplinary measures when needed.

Secondly, security must be educated on departmental standards thoroughly and taught the basics of being security and a combative force on site. The current cadet test is extremely basic, scratching only the surface on the situations and procedures cadets must know. This needs to be solved via aforementioned trainings and events to better prepare cadets for the happening of the facility.

Chiefs must also adequately staff the training teams with competent and active members to always have training documents be up to date and contain all the information needed to hold licenses and whitelists. Preforming routine check ins on managers to receive updates and make sure the managers and doing their best to keep these documents correct.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Originating from the East Coast United States, Captain Jack "Cornelious" Edwards is a nutjob. While he isn't watching D-Class, fighting the anomalous, or managing security, he's having fun. Be it joking around with security, messing with other members of Foundation staff, or even poking some fun at the on site D-Class, Jack seeks to make every day of his life in the Foundation a fun mess.

Jack was born to a lower middle class family in the rural East Coast. Coming from a patriotic family, Jack grew up a patriot for his country, devoting true loyalty only to the nation he saw as the greatest and most free nation on Earth. This patriotism has driven those that are not like minded to find him obnoxious when he begins talking about America.

Graduating from high school Jack sought out to join his state's Army National Guard, being recognized for his meritorious service responding to a hurricane that struck neighboring states. After his service in the National Guard Jack signed up for security training, serving as security for a bank before being fired for one of his more annoying jokes.

After six months of job hunting Jack stumbled upon a small Foundation site during a drive to a neighboring city. His curiosity and amazement at the structure before him drove him to enter the external gate, shortly after being captured by the on site security. Upon being told they were security forces, Jack eagerly asked to be recruited. Where he was referred to a recruiter hundreds of miles away in Saskatchewan. Though it hurt him to leave his home the pay was high allowing him to retire early and take care of his family back home.

After being accepted and introduced to Site-65 it was only then the full realization of what he was getting into hit Jack. He was suddenly thrown into the world of the anomalous, and he fully understood the threat just one of these monsters posed to his home. From that day forth Jack has served the Foundation with a fire to keep these entities contained, and away from his country at all costs.
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Active member
Jun 6, 2024
+Support Extremely professional great guy to interact with and is always involving his lower CL
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Active member
Jun 26, 2024
+Support My favorite gensec captain always been helpfull and always doing his job would great for COS
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