[USA] James 'Recron's 2nd Security Captain Application

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Apr 30, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Started in 2022, returned in December.
In what country are you located?:
United States of America
Time zone:
Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Character name(s):
James 'Recron'
Civilian name:
Jonathan Von Tavius
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
I do not, but I have held out just fine without one.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Security Sergeant
- MTF E-11 Sergeant
- CI Beta
- DEA Senior Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1 Warning for LTARP - Left while ISD was arresting me.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?:

I'm going to restate this as said in my first captain application, I first set my eyes on this position because one of my friends who played civil networks was a former security captain, which encouraged me to go for the position when I returned. Throughout my time in security, obviously being the first branch, I joined, it got me familiar with the server and I've grown to like GENSEC and the people in it, contrary to most people on the server. It didn't take me too long to achieve the position of sergeant, where I got closer with the upper positions of security. I thought I got enough experience when I applied for my first one, but after the advice given to me, I've tried my best to improve my standing within security and get noticed by some of our captains. I still sought after the position of captain, which I believe I have collected enough experience since it has been exactly a month since I was whitelisted to sergeant. Many of the other reasons also apply stated in my other application, I would love to help out newer cadets and such find their ground within the server and go on to be something on the server. Overall, I still am driven to go for this position due to the people in GENSEC, me wanting to help other newer players out as sergeants and captains once helped me out, and the enjoyment I have actually had in security.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

I still believe I am suitable for this position with many of the reasons stated in my previous application, however I believe through the additional experience I have gained, I am even more capable and ready for holding this position. I have been a sergeant for quite some time, and I've learned from my peers and superiors what is considered to be a good leader on the server. Someone newer people can come up to, someone capable of handling delicate situations, and someone trustworthy to not power trip. After a month of being a sergeant, I believe I've learned most of these traits, maybe a little trouble on the delicate situations part due to my lack of mic, but that isn't something that stops me. I would like to bring up my previous CL4/Commissioned officer experiences across other servers, which first shaped me into easily obtaining these traits in the first place. Examples include MTF Commissioned officer and REGCOM, Chaos Insurgency Commissioned Officer, Medical Department supervisor (=Consultant on CN), and a few others. Overall, while this may be a video game, I do take this seriously because it is the closest thing and best thing, I'll get to actually RPing as the topic I love and I believe my experiences both on and off the server prove me capable of this position.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Security Captains are trusted with several responsibilities to uphold in RP, examples include:

- Be a proper role model for security lower personnel.
- Demonstrate good leadership and be able to organize their subordinates.
- Maintain a serious and professional attitude and persona.
- Supervise Security & D-Block operations.
- Ensure fellow security and following procedure and doing the right thing.
- Discipline any disrupting security personnel.
- Organizing sweeps and staying on top of riots.
- Host licensing's for riot & heavy weapons.
- Recruit new sergeants via hosting tryouts.

As previously vowed, I understand these duties and I will uphold them if chosen.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I've decided to take a different approach today, enjoy!
{ Code-2 Report }

Date: 1/20/2025
Incident Type: Code-2 Riot
Status: Successfully Combatted

> Captain James 'Recron's Head Camera Footage would be attached
> You would click on the footage.
The footage would display James in the captain's office using the computer. He would seem bored, disappointed with the task he was given. Suddenly, alarms would blare "Code-2, Riot in Progress, MTF teams respond". James would look down at his radio, realizing he had never turned it on. He would quickly turn it on. "What's the situation down there???"
Realizing he was the only captain on site, James would radio in:
James would sprint to D-Block entering with 3 other operatives to the sound of gunshots, medics treating some downed guards, security personnel firing in airlock, and multiple men up on catwalk engaged. "Alright you, support airlock, you two up on catwalk with me."
James would meet up with the sergeant who was in watch tower. "We are here sergeant, how did this happen???"
[Sergeant]: "No idea sir. They might have a supplier."
[James]: "Alright." He would lift his radio: "ALL SECURITY PERSONNEL, PULL OUT, SEAL THE AIRLOCK. WE ARE SWEEPING D-BLOCK." "Requesting any MTF support for this sweep." E-11 frontrunners would respond to aid the captain. "Ok boys, line up."
James would point to 3 men, including an E-11, and response unit. "You three, clear vents." He would point to 2 other response units and 2 other E-11. "You 4, with me. We are clearing the bathrooms." "The rest of you, follow the sergeant and detain the D-Class, weapon check and tie them on the East wall. You two response units, block the cells." "Alright boys, MOVE OUT!"
The foundation operatives would pile through watchtower, and repel down to the main floor. Vent team would move to the vents. The D-Class would begin to exchange fire with the security, although the organized security would start to gain the upper hand. The 5 operatives would breach the bathrooms, shields in hand and take out the "sentinel". They would take out 2 more Class-D before clearing it. "Bathrooms clear". In bathrooms, there would be an empty weapons crate. "They were supplied". "Vent team here, 2 MC&Ds spotted. One detained, one killed. We got them."
The main floor squad would soon wrap up the weapon checks. D-Block would be secured."Alright boys, good work. PULL OUT!" The response team would pull out, leaving no weapons behind. They would line up on 2nd floor, and receive commemoration and credit by Captain James. They would all be dismissed. "Emergency Concluded. Resume Operations."
Jun 2, 2024
New Message for: Sergeant "Recron"
Message From: Chief of Security Jack Edwards
Subject: GSD Captain Application

Hello Sergeant Recron, after some review, we have come to a decision. Your application has been Accepted. Welcome aboard Captain! I've seen you around time to time, combined with some support from amongst the security department. I believe you will be a great addition! Please contact me at @Spoon5522 or any member of the Captain Training Team to begin your training
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