[USA] Jay Corvid's ECA Application.

Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77430527
Discord name: Mexiimex
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Currently between 6-7 months.
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST or GMT +11
Character name(s): Jay 'Corvid'
Civilian name: Michio 'The Innkeeper'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I am holding
Overseer Assistant
Executive Researcher
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Nope. not a one.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I have extremely good work ethic and my goal here is to learn and gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the ethics department and to help progress the site. I feel there is an innate side taking within site-65 between ethics and site inspection and my goal is to help become a bridge between the two departments.
My main goal is to become the ideal assistant in both groups, this would improve my knowledge, Skill and overall create storylines that I'm not sure how deep they'll go. That is to say, I believe that i am confident and very capable of curating large documentation, coherent and well thought out questionairs. RP enhanced interviews and experiences using my abilities as a GM. I am extremely polite and respectful to all those around me and believe that RP should be celebrated and enjoyed.
Being an Overseer assistant has given me plenty of confidence at upholding the CoC, CoE and the FLC, and that I can deal with a wide variety of responsibilities, Following orders and ensuring that I remain an upstanding member of the foundation.
I won't be discouraged at splitting duties between either side. I actually feel like more orders and larger expectations should let me carry on a smoother experience then sitting in an office. When one side isn't active onsite, i can always interact with the other.
My Ideals have not changed. I still keep myself out of trouble and make sure every action or job I take is thought out and proven in clear mind. Keeping myself professional and receptive to feedback.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

Conducting reviews of Departments under orders.
Enforcing and Reporting any breaks of the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct and FLC
Authorizing AA and KOS past airlock when applicable
Authorizing D-block sweeps wh en applicable
Signing Documentation when required by an Ethics Committee Assistant.
Complete orders given by Ethics Members.
Complete orders alongside Omega-1.
Giving out Work Permits to D-class Trustee's.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"From humble beginnings, Jay 'Corvid' was always the inquisitive child. Wanting to explore the unknown and had very little fear for that which he did not know. This path lead him down roads paved with confustion and inquiry. Not fully understanding what he's been experiencing. Skipping his teens and early adulthood which were nothing but a blur at this point. He was found unconsious by the foundation at age 19 after an incident in New york known as Project Palisade. Designation: 1K0-M55-W17. Genetically engineered biofilms introduced into population of New York City. Biofilms induced hypnagogic state in roughly 10% of infected individuals. Notes on Jay 'Corvid's body include: Rate of reality decay is increasing, but total collapse has not yet occurred, a rare and unusual case. After being taken back to Site-██ Corvid was eventually woken to the bright lights of a medical bay, one unlike he has ever seen before. Walls lined in white and blue paint, an extremely sterile environment. Confused but curious at his current situation, he remained calm. As he was speaking to the doctors about his missing memories. A man in a grey suit approached Jay. Introducing himself as a member of the foundation and an Ethics Community Assistant. They were interested in the medical records and results of such an obscure and low percentage of survival rate. Only few others have experienced reality decay without instant termination or acute insanity. Fast forward to his full recovery. Jay was offered a position of junior researcher on a site across the border north. Canada. Site-65. Not one to turn down such an oppotunity he accepted and was shipped off within the week. Days and days of spending his time in what was essentially what seemed like hell on earth to most. Was some of the most exciting times of Jay's life, experiencing anomolous activity he always suspecting of existing but never had the proof. Writing documentation was a cakewalk when every piece of information was more interesting than the last. Rising easily through the ranks he eventually plateu'd at Executive, his goals were to further this. Studying day in and out of the codes he was required to follow and uphold lead him to applying for the position of Site Inspection Assistant. Seeing a new career path down a road not yet traveled made him extremely interested at what the future will hold."

Where we last left off Corvid ^
New entry.
Personal Diary
Date: 10/2/20██
Today, Jay 'Corvid' found himself at a little bit of a crossroads.
Feeling that he's been excelling at his work, completing interview after interview. Running out of members of DEA to interview. He turned to thinking about his career path.
Being an Overseer Assistant is all Corvid wished to aspire too. His current goal completed. He's more than happy to run errands, complete paperwork, sit at a desk for hours and maticulate over information, he enjoys it thoroughly.
I require more.
Following his desire to increase productivity on site, and increase his workload, but in his line of work, that would be inconveniencing those of higher rank. thus, he finds another source.
The Ethics department. Corvid always followed the Codes required at Site-65. Never one to overlook anything, making sure everyone got their dues. What harm would it be to apply for a position as one of their assistants. doubling his work.
Theres been tension within the site, specifically between Mobile TaskForces Omega-1 and Alpha-1. He knows this.
He feels tensions do not threaten his workflow, and believes that keeping to his job, and working alongside both units will cause no struggle as long as every piece plays their part.
Today Diary. I have applied for the Position of Ethics Committee Assistant.
No matter what side of site command I follow on any given day.
No matter who's orders I am given.
Each side will stay as confidential as the other.
Will this get me fired from either one side of the command chain? Maybe.
Corvid will continue to find ways to interact with as many people, departments, objectives and scenarios as he can.
Learning as much as he can.
Under whatever orders he has been given.
He wields what power he holds elegantly and with restraint.

End Entry.

(Here is a footnote for OOC)
If the Ethics committee recommends making a new name for my character to swap too whenever im on ECA/OSA due to growing gaps between the two chains of site command, i am more than happy to oblige and neither character will have knowledge of the others. I will simply write up new lore for this 2nd character and remake an application/request I re-write the lore if accepted.

Again. Thank you all for reading this, and I appreciate any + or - Supports with feedback on requests, Things I may have missed writing this, and all other relevent information. Its an honor and as always.
Glory to the foundation.