[USA] Jay's Ethics Assistant Application

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Mar 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7140299
Discord name: Polo™#5445
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1w 0d 29m 32s
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): 'Reaper' Coleman and "The Terrorist"
Civilian name: Jay TruthExposer
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: No

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Previously: CI DELCOM, O-1 CPT, A-1 LCPL, E-11 LCPL. Current: CI Delta and O-1 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I've received some warns for some minor things but I've received 2 bans one for minor exploiting and one for LTAP. I also had a ban for MRDM but that was when I was brand new to the server and had no clue of the rules.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
What makes me the best candidate for the ethics committee is my experience with the CoE and the CoC I've also been in O-1 3-4 times showing I've experienced basically everything about ethics and what they do and such. My activity is on point I'm on at least 5-6 hours a day sometimes more. My maturity is really good at the moment and I think I can show off my skills as an ethics assistant in the foundation. I'm also very familiar with ethics duties and what they do around the site. I think just based off of my experiences and activity/maturity alone I'd be the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Assist Ethics
-Make sure the personnel in the facility are following the CoE
-Lead and order Omega-1 when no Ethics are on
Overall just make sure all foundation personnel are following the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and the Legal Codex.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what story lines they would be involved in:

Coming straight out of college towards the marines I thought would be an amazing choice later did I realize it would be a lot more than I thought it would be. While in boot camp most of the drill instructors saw my potential and thought I was something from out of this world. I graduated top of my class and was put into a platoon and sent off to Afghanistan to help fight the war. During my tour my right arm was blown off when me and my platoon were holding out in a building in the middle of a firefight a grenade was thrown through a hole that was in the wall. Knowing me a dumb and crazy 22 year old I quickly sprinted towards the grenade and chucked it under handed as fast as possibly the grenade got 1-2 feet before exploding sending the upper half of my arm flying off. The shock that was sent through my body immediately made me faint, Later after I was discharged from the military and sent to the Moncrief Army Health Clinic. While I was in the hospital bed two men in suits came up to me and offered me a job as a security guard in some sort of facility and to give me a cybernetic arm, Considering it was that closet thing to the army I'd get I accepted the offer not knowing what would be ahead of me. First day on the job I realized it was like one big correctional facility holding some weird creatures of some sort, I never decided to question it but after a while the Mobile Task Force, Epsilon-11 or known as "Nine Tailed Fox" caught my eye considering they directly dealt with these creatures I attended a tryout that was hosted by the E-11 Commander Ryan "Flames" Helldiver and passed with flying colors. On the first day I realized the dangers of this job while I was dealing with my first containment breach but thought of the fun that was apart of the job. After my great work in Epsilon-11 a Task Force named Omega-1 or commonly known as "Laws Left Hand" caught the eye of me and took me in for a tryout I also aced that tryout and was a Operative for Omega-1, I was one of the best operatives for a bit while in the lower ranks, I quickly rose the ranks and made it all the way up to the rank of Captain in Omega-1 while having some memorable moments and being known and respected by most Omega-1, After I lost interest in Omega-1 I transferred over to Alpha-1 or known as "Red Right Hand" in an attempt to have some more fun. My duties as protecting and O5 and doing things that aren't so ethical amused me a lot and I had a lot of fun during the job and rose up to the rank of LCPL while doing my job at some of the best levels, After a bit I decided to come back to the thing I first did and was excited by, Containing SCPs. I rejoined E-11 as a PVT and performed by job amazingly and was one of the best and most capable E-11 members, I became and E-11 LCPL after a while then decided to resign to pursue other careers in the foundation. After a while of ordering GENSEC and doing intel duties I was taken by Omega-1 LTCOM Bryann "Yobi" and inducted into Omega-1, At the moment this is the regiment I reside in.​


Well-known Member
Apr 24, 2022
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Jay's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, this application is ON HOLD.
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